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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 91. Velikovsky's Legacy [Articles]
... terminology, as we documented, was not only common to most ancient cultures, but surprisingly prominent in the earliest religious and mythical traditions; thereby attesting, it would appear, to the prominence accorded comets in ancient thought. This ... In 1983, Dave Talbott and myself began a series of collaborative researches on Venus' role in ancient myth and religion. This research spawned a trilogy of articles for Kronos and continues today. Talbott and I began by investigating the ... leading scholars have routinely held that it signifies Venus set within the horns of the crescent Moon. Scholars of Moslem religion-where the star and crescent forms the leading symbol-have offered a similar opinion. But such a relationship between Venus and Moon ...
92. The Bedrock of Myth [Articles]
... to the reconstruction or recreative variety characteristic of recent history. The latter bias is evident in the many forms of religious ritual which recreate mythical conditions whith symbolic acts and objects. What is most significant is that the attributes of the ... , as A.B . Cook makes abundantly clear in his massive three-volume compilation ZEUS: A Study in Ancient Religion. CLE] Rotational polar space is magnetically empty. In it, there is no magnetospheric physical basis for the ... crucial clue is that in the myth of the Shatapatha Brahmana, the Maruts lived in an Ashvattha tree, Ficus religiosa, the leaves of which are shown in the design. Another Sanskrit name for the tree is pippala. The ...
93. Guidelines To The Saturn Myth [Journals] [Kronos]
... wheel. The Saturnian ritual was, self-evidently, a commemoration of former events. But even more fundamental to ancient religious practices and to civilization's birth was the "teaching" embodied in the events themselves: nothing was deemed more essential ... general theory" about the origins of myth and symbolism, the history of the solar system, the beginnings of religion and civilization and the nature of mythmaking consciousness. But this general theory is itself the outgrowth of highly unusual findings ... d'Archeologie Orientale, Vol. 7 (1909). 2. Franz Boll, "Kronos-Helios," Archiv fur Religions-wissenschaft, XIX (1916-19). 3. The following are the major works cited in the order in which they ...
94. Group Mind in Development (Hegel and Freud) [Journals] [Kronos]
... spiritualization" of the preceding stages.(32) Since our concern here is specifically socio-political rather than anthropological or religious, let us now look at Freud's analysis of the group mind. We shall find, in Freud's investigations of ... the state proper. For it is through the dialectical transformation of social consciousness described above, that both ethics and religion (the two pillars of the state) and the state itself (as the fullest expression of collective self-realization) ... their father.(8 ) Freud in fact speculates that democracy has its psychological source in homosexuality and that its religio-political bias is therefore essentially matriarchal.(9 ) But, in any case, the question now arose of the ...
95. Notes (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... , the material communicated was only intelligible to the initiated (42); secondly, the initiation ceremony was a religious one and included intoxication (through alcohol?) (38-40); thirdly, the material communicated was entrusted to ... (third myth). The catastrophe ended only when the `beasts' were also destroyed. The ancient Semitic religions made much of this mythological report in their symbolism. Among the most important furniture of great temples there always figures ... the restless devil. Note 23. For that is what the new phenomenon actually is, mythologically speaking. The religious-symbological, soteriological, aspects of the `lamb' are not original. Note 24. The `angel' mentioned ...
96. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... as a talisman, a representative of the great god (of war). Here in this double function, religious and warlike, we have the whole genesis of the inviolability of insignia of authority: the standard, le drapeau ... of the work of universal creation. Such ought to have been the hidden meaning of the mysterious phallos in the religions of Samothrace."12 The Universe-axis is also the connector of heaven and earth. M. de Beaumont pointed ... statues of the gods to this day. (Ab origine rerum, pro this immortalibus veteres hastas coluere; cujus religionis ob memoriam adhuc deorum simulacris hastae adduntur.) The horse-god Aswatthaman, son of Drona the son of Bharadwaja, ...
97. Catechism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . Before the word achieved popularity in its Latinized Greek form, it may have come from the combined words "tying down", connoting a binding divine covenant. Less religiously, it recalls a metaphorical American usage of the same words, as when we "tie down" a matter so as to put it is form for easy handling ... CHAPTER THIRTEEN Catechism A catechism can summarize the fundamental facts and doctrines of religion from our perspective. The word "catechism", which now broadly means an elementary instruction manual in a given field, has for seventeen hundred years meant, more precisely, exercises for instructing Christian neophytes. Before the word achieved popularity in its Latinized Greek form ...
98. Religious Elements in Science [Books] [de Grazia books]
... CHAPTER ELEVEN Religious Elements in Science Out of religion came politics and then science, each reacting upon the others while going its own way. Science is a set of interests that is religiously, socio- politically, and autonomously determined. Science struggles to conform to a scientific method in whatever it does. The struggle lends it its distinction, ... it with its social character. Without the method, it is useless to speak of science. The method is applied to whatsoever extension of the senses is of interest and controls such extension; both operations sometimes fail but also often succeed in our day. A scientific procedure typically puts forth a hypothesis about what is measurably expected to occur under ...
99. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... or Common signs, which are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, on the angles, there is less action than with the cardinal signs, impulses are more religious, there is a greater intellectualism, with many teachers ready to help in a spiritual awakening that arises, and conditions are dualistic. There is always more thought and ... cold shell of astronomy the vivifying elements of its Soul and Spirit, Astrology."2 When we penetrate the mists of the past, we find Astrology as a Wisdom Religion, the teachers of which were believed to have descended from the planet Venus, under the direction of those who were known in this ancient religion as Lords of the ...
100. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... because of her coming direct from God, and being the Medium through which Life was given to the World- The Great Bear- The Thigh of the North- The Mother Typhon- Early religious Worship- Sut, Son of Typhon- Fall of Sut-Typhon- Introduction of the Fatherhood- Kush and Zaba-"The Beginningless Lights" --Birth of Cycles- Bi-Une Gods- The Mystical Seven- Eve- The ... primal energising. The relation between the heavens and earth has been the same fundamentally in all ages. Out of knowledge of this ancient bond has been born the only true religion or "binding back" to causation. Heavenly forces play upon earth and visibly impress their operative laws. The sun governs earth's motion. The moon sways earth's tides ...
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