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67 pages of results. 41. The Background to 'Ramses II and His Time' [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop No. 1 (Mar 1978) Home | Issue Contents The Background to Ramses II and His Time'Geoffrey Gammon As the third volume of Immanuel Velikovsky's revision of the ancient history of the Near East is to be published in Spring1978, SIS members may find it useful to have a brief outline of the generally ... . The pharaohs generally assigned to Dynasty XIX are placed in the following order; the highest regnal date gleaned from the monuments is also given in brackets: - A. RAMESSES I (Menpehtire Ra'messe) (2 ) B. SETHOS I (Menma're' Sety-Merenptah) (11) C. RAMESSES II (Usima're-Setpenre' Ra'messe-Miamun) (67 ...
42. Introduction - Ages in Chaos? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by 500 years. He planned to do this in detail in a series of four books. The first, Peoples of the Sea appeared in 1977 and the next, Ramses II and His Time in 1978. The remaining ones, The Dark Age of Greece and The Assyrian Conquest, were written but never published, although their contents are ... refers to the city of Raamses, so it is believed that if Moses actually existed and led the Israelites out of Egypt, it must have been after the time of Ramesses I, founder of the 19th Dynasty, and possibly around 1250BC during the reign of Ramesses II, who is known to have built a city called Pi-Ramesse in the ...
43. Amenophis, Osarsiph and Arzu. More on the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... could be a Hebrew loan-word meaning "judge", or, more accurately, warleader or chieftain. There remains to be identified the Sethos son of Amenophis "also called Ramesses", and the Sethos priest of "Vulcan" mentioned by Herodotus. Sethos called Ramesses can only be Seti II, son of Merenptah (Amenophis). According ... 19th Dynasty. In his Contra Apionem (I . fr. 54 231-232) Josephus gives us the following: Sethos drove out Hermaeus and reigned for 59 years; then Rampses, the elder of his sons, for 66 years. Thus, after admitting that so many years had elapsed since our forefathers left Egypt, Manetho now interpolates this ...
44. An Answer to the Critics of Ramses II and His Time [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1991 No 1 (July 1991) Home | Issue Contents ARTICLES An Answer to the Critics of Ramses II and His Time by Emmet Sweeney During and after the Glasgow Conference of 1977 an enormous body of evidence was presented against the latter part of Velikovsky's Egyptian chronology, as encapsulated in Ramses II and ... that to date only four royal titles of Tirhaka are known. This is extraordinary because the kings of the 18th and 19th Dynasties regularly possessed two or three dozen names. Ramesses II, for example, had 33 Horus names alone. Now, it may be that Tirhaka, the only pharaoh ever to defeat an Assyrian army, was so ...
45. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ) can possibly be dealt with in a way that complements Velikovsky's work in Ages in Chaos, but that Velikovsky's proposals for the later reconstruction of Egyptian history (given in Ramses II and His Time, Peoples of the Sea, and to be completed in Assyrian Conquest) do not satisfy the requirements of (C ). This has already ... by Professor William Stiebing Jr in Pensée (3 ); but at the same time the stratigraphic evidence clearly rules out dates as late as the 6th and 4th centuries for Ramesses II and III (4 ). With category (B ), any revised chronology faces the task of accommodating the synchronisms between kings of the Hittite Empire and kings ...
46. Arsu the Syrian [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... :1 (Jan 1986) Home | Issue Contents Arsu the Syrian Michael S. Sanders From the time of Merneptah's death until the accession of Sethnakhte, the father of Ramesses III, there is uncertainty in the chronology and order of Egypt'srulers(Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. II, 238). The famous Harris Papyrus, now in ... men were sent to support Osarseph and his 80,000 diseased followers, and King Amenophis was forced to flee. He sent his five-year-old son, Sethos (also called Rampses after his grandfather Rampes) to a friend for safe keeping. The Solymites pillaged the land and were evidently even worse than the Hyksos rulers of an earlier time. ...
47. The Timna Test [Journals] [Aeon]
... chromium in the chromite ore would make it very desirable in the manufacture of weapons and also of tools for the working of stone... "It appears probable that Ramses III referred to chromite and also to pyrite, ores abundant in Greece, when he wrote of the metal ore brought on galleys from Atika to Egypt in preparation for ... From: Aeon V:5 (Jan 2000) Home | Issue Contents The "Timna" Test Dale F. Murphie Prologue: An Insoluble Problem Ramesses III. Could he have been the same as the Nectanebos of Diodorus Siculus? They knew! Nelson Glueck and William Foxwell Albright knew with every fibre of their being that Beno Rothenberg ...
48. Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective [Journals] [SIS Review]
... :3 (1977/78). In 1977 and 1978, Velikovsky's last two published volumes in the AIC series appeared: Peoples of the Sea [11] and Ramses II and His Time [12]. These contained many important examples of archaeological anachronisms, still unexplained today. Peoples of the Sea included much persuasive evidence that Ramesses ... looked at Egyptian and Palestinian history over the period from the Exodus to the early Divided Monarchy and found none of the expected synchronisms within the conventional chronology. In this, Ramesses II was the Pharaoh of the Exodus but none of the other Old Testament (OT) historical events slid into their expected places. Focussing on the Exodus events, ...
49. An Eighth-Century Date for Merenptah [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the dating of the Exodus. He is continuing his research into the stratigraphy and chronology of Palestine, on which he has contributed earlier articles in the Review. Introduction In Ramses II and his Time Velikovsky dates the accession of Merenptah to c. 569 BC (table, p. 254). He interprets the mention of Israel on Merenptah's ... one may question whether the event would be celebrated by Merenptah at this late date. Further, there are many difficulties of a much more fundamental nature facing Velikovsky's placement of Ramesses II and Merenptah, some of which are set out in the present issue of this Review [1 ]. Geoffrey Gammon's discussion of the problems surrounding Horemheb concludes with ...
50. On the Placement of Haremhab: A Critique of Gammon [Journals] [Kronos]
... i .e ., the tenth and ninth centuries B.C .) , they believe "that a less drastic' [sic] course than that offered in Ramses II and in Peoples of the Sea should be steered for the completion of Ages in Chaos".(2 ) James offers as a rationale for this position the ... could just as easily say that Haremhab was following Fourth Dynasty tradition (Kheper-Ra-djedef), Twelfth Dynasty tradition (Kheperkare Senwosre and Khakheperre Senwosre), Twentieth Dynasty tradition (Kheperma-re-setpenre Ramesse), Twenty-first Dynasty tradition (Hedjkheperre-setpenre [Smendes], Akheperre-setpenamun [Psusennes], Nutekheperre-setpenamun [Siamun]), as well as following the traditions of the Twenty-second ...
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