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67 pages of results. 421. "Let Them Throw The Brick". File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... never-before-challenged order of events. On the other hand, to my request that he point out some intrinsic difficulty or inconsistency in my reconstruction, he answered in a letter that he knew of none; to my request that he explain certain enigmatic matters in conventionally written history, like the use of Greek letters of the fourth century by the pharaoh Ramses III of the twelfth century before the present era, he conceded that he knew of no valid explanation. Altogether he reserved his opinion of the ultimate correctness of my work until after the debate, with all its pros and cons, which he expected to follow the publication of the entire work, the two volumes of Ages in Chaos ...
422. The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs [Journals] [Kronos]
... by the Phoenicians(13)), and the similarity of one Olmec work of art to representations of the Phoenician god Melquart,(14) identifiable as the Baal of Tyre.(15) Jairazbhoy's arguments include Mexican Indian legends to the effect that their ancestors came from a land to the east,(16) the claim of Rameses III to have sent his (largely Phoenician) navy to the "ends of the world',(17) the similarity of helmets depicted on Olmecs and ancient Egyptians,(18) a posited sharing of a custom of penis truncation or mutilation,(19) a disputed sharing of the use of cylinder seals,(20) ...
423. Philistines, Persians, and "Peoples of the Sea": A Problem of Ethnic Identity [Journals] [Kronos]
... Anthropology and Linguistics Drew University, Madison, N. J. In Peoples of the Sea,(1 ) Immanuel Velikovsky continues to stimulate his readers and to invite reconsideration of conventional historical assumptions. Among the most provocative of his reformulations of antiquity is his assertion that the PRST(2 ) who led the sea-borne assault on the Egypt of Ramses III were Persians rather than, as has generally been supposed, Philistines. In purely linguistic terms, there is little question that the equation of PRST with Philistines (or Palestinians) causes fewer difficulties than with Persians (or Farsis), since in the former case the t is part of the base, while in the latter it ...
424. Exodus: The True Story Behind the Biblical Account (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... relatively new synthesis, seeking a better placement in ancient history for the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the subsequent conquest of Canaan. Wilson draws primarily from the recent work of three scholars: (1 ) Excavations done by Manfred Bietak on the east side of the Nile Delta, revealing a new possibility for the identification of the biblical site of Ramesses, one of the two store cities built by the Israelites during the period of their enslavement in Egypt. (2 ) The theory of Hans Goedicke that explosion of the volcanic island of Thera around 1450 B.C . brought on the effects of the ten plagues recorded in the book of Exodus and also the parting of the Red ...
425. Mycenaean Culture: The Shift in Recent Historiography from its Destruction by Invasion to Destruction by Natural Agents [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... " destroyed Mycenaean Greece:" After 1200 B.C . came collapse and wide-spread destruction, which may be attributed most reasonably to those Greek tribes known later as the Dorians" (p . 160). He sees this action as part of the huge invasions of the Near East, "checked only at the gates of Egypt when Ramses III hurled back the Peoples of the Sea" (p . 155). Palmer admits, however, the lack of "positive clues to the identity of the aggressor," who- as Blegen put it- "has left a broad gash, like a fire-scar in a mountain forest" (ibid.). Even in ...
426. Tutankhamun radiocarbon dates [Journals] [SIS Review]
... -899 and the former of -846. The results were not, apparently, published but I have not read in any journal or publication that the dates were refuted or denied as being other than accurate. It has always puzzled me that no steps have been taken to run a double-blind dating project on artefacts from the days of Tutankhamun and of Ramesses II under the oversight of the British Museum, or any other such august body. After all, it worked for the Turin Shroud and would help to guide all of us in sorting out Manetho's very dubious list once and for all. Perhaps the SIS would consider initiating such a project? Major A J James, Barry, S ...
427. Catastrophism and Ancient History. Volume XI, Part I. January 1989 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History Vol 0201 Texts Home | C&AH Home Catastrophism and Ancient History A Journal of Interdisciplinary Study Volume XI, Part I January 1989 CONTENTS The Birth and Odyssey of Halley's Comet : .. 5 From 2484 B.C . to the Present Time Donald Wesley Patten and Samuel Ronald Windsor Palestinian Archaeology and a Ramesses VI-Shishak Identification .. 25 Jeremy Goldberg The Location of Punt/Ophir, Part I .. 51 Nel Kluitman Departments Editorial .. 3 Marvin Arnold Luckerman Interaction .. 69 Ahab and the Battles of Karkar and Ramoth-Gilead , Lester J. Mitcham Shiloh a Central Cultic Israel Site , Brad Aaronson Book Review .. 71 Assyria and Hanigalbat ...
428. Is the Tribe of Dan Homer's Danaanians? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Asher. This must have meant the tribe of Dan had decreased. It is my belief that the Danites migrated by sea to other parts of the Mediterranean. We know that these people were sailors, as Deborah berates the tribe for not helping her and fleeing in their ships. Michael Sanders makes a good case for the theory that when Ramses III is fighting the Sea Peoples he is actually at war with the Philistines, the tribe of Dan, and the tribe of Asher (Tjekker- the seat of Acre). Yet, the tribe of Dan which remained in the Holy Land had great warriors: I remind you of Samson. The name "Samson" means " ...
429. Ice Cores and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the first king of Crete who had a great empire and navy, as the writer believes, M.i .n then the first king of Egypt would be soon after 2000BC, bringing Egyptian chronology down by a thousand years, which the writer (with Velikovsky [6 ]) , would not argue over but I would not bring Ramesses III down as low as 450BC. It is logical that the peoples of the advanced civilisation that built the palaces of Crete, and their close relations the early Mycenaeans of the Shaft Graves with their enormous supplies of bronze weapons and large ships that we see in the Thera frescoes, should have set out - as nations always have - ...
430. Evidence that the Earth has Suffered Catastrophes of Cosmic Origin in Historical Times: the Conclusions of the 2nd SIS Conference [Journals] [SIS Review]
... much of the material presented supported Velikovsky's general thesis (that there is something amiss with most accepted chronologies for the ancient Near East), the Glasgow Conference sounded the death knell for major sections of his specific chronological reconstruction. Many of those who attended were shocked to hear strong evidence against two of his books, Peoples of the Sea and Ramses II and His Time; and in particular that Egypt's 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties were consecutive and could not be split from one another as Velikovsky had essayed. Nevertheless, as a direct result of the 1978 Conference, the Glasgow Chronology' was born. It adhered to most of Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos Part One thesis (Exodus ...
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