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67 pages of results. 381. The Role Of The Nile In Egyptian Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to dismiss as a simple misprint of no concern'. I grow tired of errors' and accidents' that just happen to put conventional theories in a good light and unconventional theories in a bad light. On p. 136, Janssen tells us of several Gebel Silsila steles that may pertain to the Nile, one of which is from Ramesses II: year 1, III smw 10'. For him, however, such dates cannot'. . . be related to either the beginning of the rise of the Nile or the day on which the dams were opened. So they must refer to the date on which the stela was erected, or rather, when the ...
382. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... new findings. A recent example of such ever changing thinking occurred only a few weeks ago when, in conversation with Dr Kenneth Kitchen (perhaps currently the leading academic involved in Egyptian chronology), I was informed that there is a new piece of evidence which proves that the nickname Sessi' or more correctly Shyshu' was also used by Ramesses III. This new development opens up the possibility of a second candidate for Shishak in the Ramesside period, one who also has his attractions, in spite of the strengths of the argument for identifying the conqueror of Jerusalem with Ramesses II. Debates on the Talmudic traditions about Shishak aside, we know that Merenptah had sacked Gezer a few ...
383. Hatshepsut and the Queen of Sheba: A Critique of Velikovsky's Identification and an Alternative View [Journals] [SIS Review]
... assuming that "God's Land" was the name given to a large area which included both Punt and Retenu. Indeed, sometimes Punt is even referred to as distinct from "God's Land", showing that the two terms were not simple synonyms, though they did overlap. Thus A. Nibbi cites a tribute list from the reign of Ramesses III which mentions "gum of Punt" in addition to "gum of God's Land", and comments: "Although the countries of Punt seem to have been situated somewhere in the broader region of t3 ntr [Tanetjer], a distinction is made between the products of the two.... Punt was a part of ...
384. S.I.S. Workshop Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: S.I .S . Workshop Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Workshop Members' newletter Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982 FOCUS: The Evolutionist-Creationist Battle: A Threat to Catastrophist Evolution 1 A DATE CORRECTION FOR RAMSES II by Lester J. Mitcham 3 THOUGHTS ON THE CAVE OF KAMARES by Jill Abery 4 THE EXODUS IN THE PYRAMID TEXTS? By Walter Warshawsky 5 MORE ON APOLLO by K.A . LeFlem 7 MONITOR : More Evolutionary Problems * Problems of Chronology * The Hittites in Israel * Yet Another Catastrophe Theory * Great American Interchange * Volcanic Origin of Maize? * "Super Lightning ...
385. Mercury and the Tower of Babel [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... different work I intend to bring out that what is known as the catastrophe of the Tower of Babel (Babylon) was caused by a close passage of Mercury, Nebo of the Babylonians (heard in the names of Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar), or Thoth of the Egyptians (heard in the name Thutmose). (I . Velikovsky, Ramses II and His Time, p. 102) In Genesis, chapter 11, we read how God destroyed the Tower of Babel, associated with the city of Babylon. as its name indicates. Velikovsky believed that Mercury caused this disaster so I have attempted to reconstruct this event although the difficulty in mustering compelling evidence has resulted in a ...
386. "A Ghastly Sight of Shame". Part 2 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... royal tombs, which he usually found had been emptied by earlier unlicensed diggers and tomb robbers in ancient times. But it was he who had opened the tomb of Yuya and Tuya, Queen Tiy's parents, undisturbed and intact. The area he faced now was covered with limestone chips, possibly the dumpings of the surrounding tombs of Seti and Ramses I, II, III, and IX. "It seemed to be a hopeless excavation, resulting in a waste of time and money. Nevertheless, it had to be cleared whatever the result." In the course of several days Davis and his co-workers found nothing but chipped stone. "But down we went some thirty feet ...
387. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Schaffer had found Ammenemhet after the Hyksos, making Dynasties XII and XVIII contemporary; in Ur, Woolley had found Chalcolithic pre-flood pottery similar to Syrian Early Bronze II. Gunnar said that underneath the Greek stratum is to be found: in Persepolis, Persian; in Mari, Hammurabi; in Athens, early Greek; in Tel el Daba, Ramesses III. The glass of Ramesses III had identical chemical composition to that of the Persian in Persepolis. Also mentioned was a paper by John Strange in the American Journal of Archaeology 1993:3 , pp. 484-485 re. Tel el Fukhar in Jordan: We have to reconsider chronology' because Iron Age pottery (normally -800) was ...
388. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol III No 3 (Winter 1978/79) Home | Issue Contents Forum Top Marks Sir, This is just to congratulate Peter James, Dr Bimson and Geoffrey Gammon on the way they started their critique of "Ramses II and His Time". This is exactly the kind of critique to be asked for - sine ira et studio, an example to be followed. Vivant sequentes! I am speaking about the essays in Vol. III, No. 2 of SISR, a number which excels in other ways, too. Will you, please, send me a second copy and advertising supplement, and two more to the addresses below . ...
389. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 1 (Aug 1993) Home | Issue Contents Society News Editor's Notes Four articles in this edition of Workshop are notable, for various reasons. The first, Jesse Lasken's Labyrinth Part II, will excite some readers and horrify others, with its extreme chronology and claims that, for example, the famous Ramesses II was only an alter ego of Ptolemy II; whether Lasken is right or wrong, it is of interest as an attempt to pursue to a conclusion the question which has driven many dissident historians, such as Heinsohn and Sweeney: what if Herodotus was right? '. In assessing the merits (or otherwise) of Lasken's proposal ...
390. The Identification of the Biblical "Queen of Sheba" with Hatshepsut, "Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia" (Part III) [Journals] [Kronos]
... first temple as the effects of the destruction went right down to bedrock. . ." 129 "It seems that the first temple was built by Sethos I, (1318-1304) B.C .) , destroyed or abandoned during the reign of Sethos II (1216-1210 B.C .) , and the second temple was reconstructed by Ramses III (1198-1166 B.C .) . However, it should be remembered that there is no definite archaeological evidence for this, although it does appear to be a logical solution which fits the historical picture of the period and the meagre stratigraphical evidence."130 In other words: the decisive material for dating the temple were the ...
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