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670 results found.
67 pages of results. 371. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , to Hy, a high Egyptian official. The letter concerned the delivery of wheat to the city of Joppa, consisted of 41 lines of Akkadian, and was the first of its kind to be found in Israel. Because the Egyptian, Ugaritic and Hittite sources tell that both the sender and the recipient were active during the reign of Ramses II this letter is invaluable in dating the "Canaanite" city. Also found in the same stratum was the first Hittite seal to be found in Israel, confirming the sphere of influence of the Hittites in the time of Ramses II (see, for instance, "The Hittites in Israel" by Martin Sieff, Workshop 4: ...
372. Hittites, Phrygians, and Others [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the united monarchy, whereas the geography of the biblical land of Canaan from Bashan in the east to Lebanon above Byblos in the west, and to Lebo-Hamath in the north (Labana of the EA tablets, located south of Kadesh in the Biqa Valley), agrees remarkably well with the boundaries of Egyptian Asia as established in the reign of Ramses II.(4 ) Likewise, the biblical names given to Cyprus, Elisha, and Kittim preserve the memory firstly of Alasiya (as it appears in the EA tablets) and secondly that of the Hittite presence; in Cyprusof the late imperial period, i.e . Kittim = Kheta (Egypt) = Khatti or Hatti. ...
... person and a king, there are at least six possibilities from Manetho's list of kings who have names which sound similar to, but are not quite the same as, Menophres. Some of these have no substantial evidence to prove their existence other than that they appear on the padded list of Manetho. One possibility was Merneptah, who succeeded Ramses II. The name was similar, and some historians were willing to place his dynasty in the time period of -1321. However, he was rejected because the historians did not want to place Ramses II before about -1300. Thus, the man ultimately selected, supposedly because of a name similar to Menophres, was assumed to be Ramses ...
... enthusiastic over recent developments on the radiocarbon front. On January 21, 1963, he wrote his German translator Else Fuhr that an Arabic professor at Princeton University had informed the Cairo Museum's chief chemist, Sack Iskander Hanna, of Fuhr's forthcoming visit to Egypt; on the strength of this introduction, would she agree to make the necessary arrangements for Ramses III's mummy to be dated? "It would be a great achievement should I be able to include in my forthcoming Peoples of the Sea a section on radiocarbon (performed) test." In February, Velikovsky went to Philadelphia to visit Ralph, who told him that she was prepared to test the Ramses mummy for free. Fuhr ...
375. Egyptian Influence Upon Early Israelite Literature [Journals] [Aeon]
... Thebes named Qenamen (c . 1402 – 1364 B.C .E .) depicts Asiatic traders interacting with merchants from Egypt. This strongly suggests a pattern of trade between the peoples of Egypt and the peoples of Syria-Palestine. Another literary source is "The Journey of Wen-Amon to Phoenicia", a papyrus document dating to the reign of Ramses XI (c . 1110 – 1069 B.C .E .) , now residing in the Moscow Museum. [44] This document details the journey of an Egyptian temple official to the coastal city of Byblos in order to purchase lumber for a ceremonial barge for the god Amon-Re. During this period, Egyptian influence over its ...
376. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , which had been omitted by necessity. The alliance with the Phoenicians may have a similar explanation. Several other Libyan pharaohs claim to have sent their armies into Palestine. These claims have sometimes been rejected as bombastic hyperbole; traditional and stylised claims of glory in emulation of the great pharaohs of the past. Similar things were once said about Ramesses III's claims to have campaigned in Syria. They are now known to be probably true, in some respects at least. The same, perhaps, is correct as regards, i) Ramesses-Psusennes I, the obvious choice for identification as Shishak'; ii) Osorkon I, the pharaoh neutralised by Shalmaneser III at Karkar; and iii ...
377. C&C Workshop 1991, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: C&C Workshop 1991, Number 1 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies CHRONOLOGY & CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 1991, Number 1 Society News 1 ARTICLES An Answer to the Critics of Ramses II and His Time by Emmet Sweeney 6 The Past Comes Down by Heribert Illig 10 Stories of Radioactivity and Mutations by George R. Harvey 13 Site Stratification - is it a Sound Methodology? by Jesse E. Lasken 15 FORUM: Some questions on the New Chronology from Emmet Sweeney, with responses from Steven Robinson, Bernard Newgrosh and Bob Porter REVIEWS: Easter Island - the Mystery Solved 23 The Rebirth of Nature 24 Wonderful Life 25 MONITOR : * 40 varied items ...
378. Kronos Vol. III, No. 3 Spring 1978: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III, No. 3 Spring 1978 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. III, No. 3 Spring 1978 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 From the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Time of Ramses II Immanuel Velikovsky 34 "Let There be Light" Dwardu Cardona 56 Jerusalem- City of Venus Lewis M. Greenberg & Warner B. Sizemore 91 Forum Immanuel Velikovsky 95 Notices 96 Notes about the Contributors EDITORS Editor-in-Chief Lewis M. Greenberg Executive Editor Warner B. Sizemore Senior Editors Robert W. Bass, David Griffard, Robert H. Hewsen, Ralph E Juergens, C J. Ransom, Lynn E. Rose Roger ...
379. Notices [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 3 (Spring 1978) Home | Issue Contents Notices Coming this spring from Doubleday . . . Immanuel Velikovsky's RAMSES II AND HIS TIME. This book is the next to the last volume in the Ages in Chaos Series. Ask for it in your local bookstore or library. The latest issue of the S.I .S . Review (Vol. II, No. 2) has just been published. See inside back cover for listing of issues available and forthcoming. For subscription information write to R. M. Amelan (Hon. Secretary, S.I .S .) 6 Jersey House, Cotton Lane, ...
380. Possible repercussions of 'The Bible Unearthed' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... has been merrily bubbling away behind the scenes for years. Strangely, it has rarely overflowed into the consciousness of ordinary people and revisionists have generally dismissed it. They do not question the authenticity of the Bible during the Monarchy: it is considered a reliable historical anchor for their chronologies. SIS was in the forefront of rejecting Velikovsky's relocations of Ramesses II and III, most notably with the Glasgow Chronology and, later, the New Chronology of David Rohl. Together with the Peter James et al version in Centuries of Darkness, these revisions and many other hybrids have followed in Velikovsky's footsteps and accepted the actuality of the United Monarchy in the time of Solomon. Likewise, Finkelstein and ...
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