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67 pages of results. 321. Untitled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... . In the years to come we will hopefully settle many imponderable details of these two study areas. We will continue to debate these questions vigorously. In our first article of this issue Donald Patten and Samuel Windsor treat us to a very important and fascinating discussion of Halley's Comet. The second piece is by Jeremy Goldberg. He theorizes that Ramses VI is the pharaoh Shishak, a very mysterious figure. The last article, by Nel Kluitman, tries to support Immanuel Velikovsky's supposition that Thutmoses III was pharaoh Shishak. Her resources come from a very unusual place for this argument, South Africa. As you can see, we still do not know- or agree- who Shishak ...
322. Heinsohn, Velikovsky and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Aeon]
... , I felt certain the march was nearly over. So did Velikovsky. He was putting the finishing touches on a new lecture room at the rear of his house in Princeton. "Soon they will be coming," he told me, meaning an expected pilgrimage of scholars seeking guidance from the man who'd rewritten history. However, when Ramses II and His Time appeared a year later, the march showed no signs of ending and many of the pilgrims heading in other directions were not to be found. Worse, most of the British contingent totally rejected Velikovsky's identification of Nebuchadnezzar = Hattusilis. The limitations of publishing a complex theory piecemeal were now becoming obvious. Velikovsky wrote that ...
323. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... Harpocrates 23 Horus and Crocodiles, Ptah and Crocodiles 153 Ra, Min-Ra,; Amen-Ra 24 Ground Plan of Edfū 157 Sebak-Ra, Chnemu-Ra 25 Ground Plan of the Temple of Hathor at Denderah; Plan of the Temple of Seti at Abydos 158 Anubis, or Set, Anubis-Osiris, Osiris (as a Mummy) 26 Plan of the Temple of Rameses II. in the Memnonia at Thebes 159 Osiris seated 27 Plan of Temples at Medīnet-Habū 164 Various Forms of Bes- as Warrior, Musician, and Buffoon 28 The Bent Axis of the Temple of Luxor 165 Khons-Lunus, Thoth-Lunus, the Goddess Sesheta 29 The Laying of the Foundation Stone Ceremonial 174 The Weighing of the Soul by Horus and ...
324. The Antiquity of the Egyptian Decans [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... .) and not wholly on their order of rising, otherwise there could never have been any doubt that Sirius was always to be found on the side of Orion which was marked by his "upper shoulder" (which would be his left shoulder in one presentation but his right shoulder in the other). Both the Senmut and the Rameses II ceilings place Sirius on the "upper shoulder" side of Orion (from their decanal lists, rather than from their depictions), which we find to be correct; the decan list on the Seti ceiling presents the opposite and "unnatural" alignment (i .e . Sirius on the "lower shoulder" side of Orion ...
325. Thera and the Exodus: the Cause and the Effect [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... metres situated at Katib el-Qals (ancient Mons Cassius), providing a refuge from the surging waters. Here the sand-spit runs in a general NE-SW direction parallel to any tsunami crest arriving from Thera. If the wave height was sufficiently high this could be the place for Dr Goedicke's scenario, but unfortunately the distance in excess of 100 km from Rameses is too far for men and cattle to walk in the three days' march described in the Bible. The ancient position of the echrima of Dr Galanopoulos's theory much have been somewhere in the region of Katib el-Qals. The distance from Rameses counts against it. Also, the Lake Bardawil sand-spit (the Via Maris) was only usable ...
326. Clarification Requested (Letter) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... time-line on the facing page, and also to allow for an 1137 BC eclipse in the thirty-fifth year of Wen Wang'. 2. James, Centuries of Darkness, p. 236ff. In describing the Apis Bull burials at Sakkara, The first burial [H ] there [in the Lesser Vault] was made in year 30 of Ramesses II', but Fig 10:4 (on the facing page) shows a chamber G' dated to Ramesses II year 16'. 3. C&CR 2001:1 , missing text on pp. 10 and 11. The beginning of the author profile is missing on p. 11, as are the Notes and ...
327. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... name for one of the Suhis dynasty (eg. Katuwas on the above scheme). This avoids the embarrassing situation on the conventional chronology of having a major ruler like Sangara with no sculpture. Or, if Sangara really was a separate ruler, he could just be fitted in after Katuwas. Relating this scheme to the wider world, Ramesses II was contemporary with Hattusilis III and, on the New Chronology, Ramesses III was contemporary with Shalmaneser III. Tudhaliya IV corresponded with a Tukulti-Ninurta, normally assumed to be the first but here taken to be the second (Otten in E. Weidner Die Inschriften Tukulti-Ninurtas.., 1959, p. 65 [KUB III 74] ...
328. A Conversation with Barry Fell [Journals] [Horus]
... the Sea Peoples. I began to look at the matter more closely after perceiving that he [Totten] wasn't convinced and I zeroed in on what - the only epigraphy that he has in all his works as far as I know - that was what I looked at. [Velikovsky] said that the tiles built in the palace for Rameses III carried on the backs of them Greek letters, which he illustrated, and that therefore they could not be older than, whatever it was- 800 or something or other and not 1200 B. C. as had been claimed. 0. K. I looked at them and as soon as I saw these diagrams I said ...
329. Dating the Amarna Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Workshop 1989:1 , referring to the identification of the Amarna city read as Gubla' with Byblos, We do not know of an accredited scholar who thinks otherwise. ' Well frankly, I don't know too many respectable ancient historians' or accredited scholars' who would do much more than laugh at the idea that either Thutmose III, Ramesses II or Ramesses III should be seen as the biblical Shishak. If that is to be our criterion, what are we doing here? Are ideas to be given more credence based on their similarity to the conventional chronology? If so, why settle for similar? We may as well just accept the conventional chronology, with all its ...
330. The habiru as the 'ibrim of I Samuel and the implications for the 'new chronology' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as far as the well known Assyrian-Hittite synchronisms (conventionally dated to the 13th century BC) are concerned, it can be shown that the NC scheme offers a new set of parallels between Assyria and Hatti (and indirectly with Egypt) without having to alter any known data of the Assyrian Kinglist. For if we use the new dates of Ramesses II, i.e . c.932-867 BC [19], as a starting point, we arrive at the conclusion that the names of the Assyrian Great Kings' mentioned in the International Correspondence with the Hittites can all be identified with neo-Assyrian kings whose names are found in the Assyrian eponym lists. After having listed a whole ...
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