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67 pages of results. 201. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ! Another journal has been publishing my ideas, and to make matters worse, they were published before I had even thought of them! I refer to my 1990 article Solomon, the Exodus and Abraham Related to Egyptian Chronology' [1 ] wherein I outlined a sort of Grand Unified Theory incorporating the New Chronology's placement of Solomon contemporary with Ramesses II, Courville's Exodus and Conquest positions at the end of the Old Kingdom and end of the Early Bronze Age respectively [2 ], and an early placement of Abraham at or just before the beginning of Egyptian dynastic history. The disgraceful plagiarism in advance' wherein a very similar scheme was proposed, was committed by Dr A. ...
202. A Time of Pestilence and a Shaking of the Earth [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Clapham The Assyrian and Babylonian king-lists, together with numerous building and dedicatory inscriptions, the annals of kings, and the chronicles, neutralize the revision of history as required by Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos or the Glasgow Conference. Lately, in the SIS Workshop [I ] a new scheme has been suggested in which the biblical Shishak is identified with Ramses II. Even so short a revision remains problematical in relation to the king-lists and chronicles, and interconnections between the Hittites, Kassites, and Egyptians (court correspondence, treaties, campaign information, etc.). The end of the Late Bronze (LB) period is marked by a series of site destructions in the Near East and ...
203. Megiddo [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... I of Egypt. In his account Sheshonk attacked the north of Palestine including Beth-Shean, Taanak, and Megiddo.[2 ] But if Sheshonk I wasn't Shishak, who was he? The archaeology of Megiddo confirms the revised chronology. Yigael Yadin states, regarding Megiddo: [3 ] The date of Stratum VIIA was determined by cartouches of Ramesses III and Ramesses VI. The cartouche of the former was found on one of the carved ivories discovered in the "treasury" and of the latter on a bronze pedestal of a statue from locus 1832 in area CC. Although the pedestal was discovered beneath a wall belonging to stratum VIIB, the excavators suggest that it was deliberately buried ...
204. A Solution for the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and that this must raise grave doubts concerning the identification of Sethos with Psammetich.(2 ) The Sethos of Herodotus was a priest of Vulcan who was associated in some way with the debacle of Sennacherib in 687 BC.(3 ) Velikovsky, in his treatment of the Psammetich-Seti equation (that also involves his identification of Necho II with Ramses II) unfortunately amalgamates the Sethos of Herodotus with a Sethosis of Manetho in an account preserved by Josephus.(4 ) The Manetho story concerns two brothers, Sethosis and Armais. Sethosis was king in Egypt and possessed a great army and a powerful fleet. He departed on a campaign to Cyprus and Phoenicia, and against the Assyrians ...
205. The Problem of Adjusting the Date Limits of the Archaeological Ages to Meet Velikovsky's Revision [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... The principle involved was iterated at the 1978 Glasgow Conference in an article by John Bimson.[2 ] While some few participants at the conference evidently continued to defend Velikovsky's position relative to revising the chronology of the late dynasties of Egypt, it was the concensus of opinion that an alternate method must be found for accomplishing this which would leave Rameses II and his dynasty in the 8th century. A proposal was offered as a substitute which meets this demand and which would place dynasty XXII following the fall of Egypt to the Persians in 525B.C . This latter concept, known as the Glasgow chronology, was rejected immediately by the writer, and has apparently been abandoned subsequently by ...
206. Epilogue to Ramessides, Medes and Persians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... ; and one at least, Peoples of the Sea, is completely right – both with regard to dates and character identifications. Ages in Chaos is also completely right in terms of character identifications and synchronisms: only the overall timescale, as we have said, is at fault. Even the most "wrong" of his historical books, Ramses II and His Time, is basically correct with regard to dates, for Ramses II really did reign in the first half of the 7th century, and only the attempted synchronisations with the Jewish and Babylonian histories were mistaken. Thus for a pioneering effort Velikovsky's historical work was astonishingly accurate, and all of us, who over the years ...
207. The Ramesside Star Tables [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 1; Month 12, Day 16/15. The 13 stars in a table are each allocated to an hour of the night, starting with "Hour 0" [1 ] - apparently sunset - and ending with "Hour 12" - apparently sunrise. Four sets of such tables have been found - two in the tomb of Ramesses VI, one in the tomb of Ramesses VII and one in the tomb of Ramesses IX (NEUGEBAUER & PARKER, 1964). In each case, the tables appear as a sort of "appendix" to a larger and more pictorial design which bears a family likeness to the astronomical (or "astro-theological") ceilings in the ...
208. Jeremy Goldberg - Still Looking for David [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the middle of his reign, which was (following JACF 6, p. 60) c. 50 years after the end of the Amarna period) is that Aziru was followed on the throne by strong descendants, down to (at least) the fourth generation, ruling (before and after a Hittite-nominated interloper around the early reign of Ramesses II) well into the later reign of Ramesses II - i.e . at the very least c. 80 years after the end of the Amarna period [14]. Although my reference to the rise of a new dynasty at Damascus may have been misleading, other biblical evidence concerning the situation in Syria during this period also ...
209. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... throws serious doubt on the conventional chronology, and students of his work will find their long wait for the book well recompensed. Chapter One, "Twelfth or Fourth Century?", introduces us to the evidence that a distortion of some eight hundred years may lie behind the conventional scheme of Egyptian history when it refers to the time of Ramesses III and the XXth Dynasty, which is usually dated to the 12th century BC. It begins with a detailed description of the tiles of Ramesses III from Tell el-Yahudiya, which bear Greek letters incised on the reverse during the process of manufacture. Photographs and full descriptions of these tiles allow the reader to judge for himself the veracity of ...
210. Aftermath of the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , the Teucri, who went to Cyprus and, according to the well known story of Wenamun's voyage, had occupied Dor, near Mount Carmel. If my date for the Trojan War is right, we should not find any Tjekker during the reigns of pharaohs before that conflict. In de Telder's new chronology[11] the dates of Ramses II are 841-777, of Merneptah 777-769, and of Ramses III 751-713. Ramses II does not mention any Greeks among the Sea Peoples he had to face. That is not strange, for in a time so long before the Trojan War it is unlikely the Greeks would be capable of such pirate raids. Merneptah only mentions the Achaioi ...
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