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67 pages of results. 171. S.I.S. Spring Meeting, 1983 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... S.I .S . Book Service.] The "Sea Peoples" The afternoon session began with a talk by Peter James on "The Sea Peoples and Philistines", the subject of a postgraduate thesis he is currently researching at London University. The attempted invasion of Egypt by the so-called "Sea Peoples" in the time of Ramesses III is recorded on the walls of that Pharaoh's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu in some detail, yet remains one of the most enigmatic and poorly understood episodes in the history of the ancient world. The Peleset are the only members of the invading confederacy whose identity (as the Philistines) is generally agreed upon, a point stressed by ...
172. Palestinian Archaeology and a Ramesses VI-Shishak Identification; Further Observations [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XI:2 (July 1989) Home | Issue Contents INTERACTION "Palestinian Archaeology and a Ramesses VI-Shishak Identification"; Further Observations Jeremy Goldberg My article (C &AH, XI/1 ) was originally written as a discussion paper, and there was no opportunity to revise or proofread the text prior to publication. An important point omitted from the published article is that Merneptah's reference to "Israel" not only seems to support a considerably earlier dating (e .g . end of the MBA) for the original Israelite settlement (in strength) of Palestine (cf. Bimson, JACF, 2, 1989, 32f.), ...
173. Experiments with Time. I: 'Catastrophes and Chronologies' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ) for key countries of the Ancient World. Compared with the Conventional Chronology, the proposed Absolute Chronology dates show a progressive reduction. Back to about 664AC the two are very similar but then, as a result of the redating of the Third Intermediate Period' the gap widens, increasing to 200 years at 977AC, the 8th year of Ramesses III. From then on, due to various minor adjustments, the difference varies between 200 and 250 years, reaching c. 230 years at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty (1345AC) and c. 250 years at the beginning of Ugarit Moyen III in 1500AC. Assyrian and Babylonian dates and those of the Kassite succession are included ...
174. Ishtar, Isis, Baal and the Aten [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Assurbanipal's claim (Centuries of Darkness, p. 233 and ANET pp. 294-297) that there were up to 20 independent kings' in Egypt in 666 BC. Note that 663 BC marks a convenient anchor point' for chronological analysis purposes; it is 332 years before the invasion of Egypt by Alexander. The interval between the accession of Ramesses II and 663 BC is conventionally 1290-663 = 627 years. When Ramesses II is aligned (roughly) with Joash of Judah, however, this interval reduces to c. 132 years. Such a degree of compression is only possible if there was major overlapping of Dyns. XIX and XX, which the astronomical evidence (` repetition of ...
175. A Question of Logic [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ). I take for granted that all of Velikovsky's dates for events occurring in a given year, say the fifth, or twelfth, refer to a king's sole or primary rule, rather than to a term as co-regent. This should insure complete harmony among the theses themselves. From Peoples of the Sea16I note: "After Seti reigned Ramses II (Necho II), his son, who for a lengthy period has been Seti's co-ruler. He carried on a prolonged war with Nebuchadnezzar, the Chaldaean. Ramses' heir Merneptah (Hophra of Jeremiah and Apries of Herodotus) lost the throne to a rebel, General Amasis; the latter reigned in peace for over forty years ...
176. Chapter 16 Hittites ? Lydians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... CONTENTS Charles Ginenthal, Pillars of the Past 489 CHAPTER 16 HITTITES — LYDIANS As the reader may recall, at the very beginning of this book we referred to Ramses II's epic encounter with the Hittites at Kadesh, an event of which we possess both a Hittite and an Egyptian record. On the basis of this unimpeachable connection, the Hittites were joined to the trunk of Egyptian history and placed in the latter to middle part of the second millennium B.C . However, in the previous chapter we looked at several forms of evidence that would instead place Ramses II and his time in the first millennium. The evidence of iron production and metallurgy in general is incompatible with ...
177. Sirius. Supplement: Astronomy And Chronology Ch.2 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... of the era of Augustus was the year+ 283 to + 284. Reducing this by 1,605 years, one arrives at -1321, the same year when a Sothic period started, according to Censorinus. In order to create a chronological table, the first step was to identify Menophres. It is usually maintained that Theon's Menophres was Ramses I, the founder of the Nineteenth Dynasty.[8 ] Thus the year -1321 is fixed as the year that Ramses I mounted the throne, and as only one year is allotted to his reign, the year -1321 must have been the year of his reign. It would have been an easy task to construct the chronology with ...
178. Exodus and Shishak Unraveled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... was an exercise in wishful thinking. (Taanach remains a problem for the EBIII Exodus/EBIV conquest solution.) The problem of Shishak then falls into place when one looks for an Egyptian king who invades Palestine- but not too far nor too long, which is the real situation described in the Bible. The selection finally falls to Ramesses III for the following reasons: The profile of Ramesses' invasion fits the details; those of Ramesses II and Thutmose III do not. Ramesses III was noted as being the most generous king in his donations to the Temples. The Danu of the Sea Peoples can be identified with the tribe of Dan, who prevented Jeroboam from warring ...
179. Hittites and Phrygians [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... to the point of emanation (the absorption of Kizzuwatna, Hurrianized Cilicia, a favored source, and Hurrianized Mitanni another). O. R. Gurney suggests the imperial Hittite kings were perhaps a Hurrian dynasty, so strong is the apparent evidence of influence. Where then does this leave Velikovsky? Hieroglyphic Hittite (Velikovsky's secret Chaldean script of Ramses II) is,according to Gurney, a Luwian dialect (as Peter James has noted),12 Indo-European and related closely to "Nesian," the language of the Hittite ruling class in Hattusas (Boghazkoy). The Chaldeans spoke a Semitic tongue closely akin to Aramaean and having distinct similarities to the chronologically earlier Amorite speech, ...
180. Evidence For Shortening Egyptian History [Journals] [SIS Review]
... this conference is partly remembering previous chronologies, I will quote from the Rohl-James chronology which was briefly outlined in Workshop in 1983 (SISW 5:2 [1982/83], p. 17). Some parts of their scheme are still very relevant. They made an almost complete break with Velikovsky, transferring Shishak from Thutmose III to Ramesses II, a compression of over 300 years (compared with Velikovsky's 550). Subsequently, Rohl and James split and James transferred Shishak to Ramesses III, a compression of just 250 years. Anyone who still fancies Thutmose III as Shishak will have difficulty squeezing the TIP any more than the NC is trying to do and there isn't anywhere ...
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