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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 301. Fire and Ash [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Zend-Avesta, "The sea boiled, all the shores of the ocean boiled, all the middle of it boiled," when heated by the star Tistrya (Venus) [22]. Carl Sagan claimed a total boil-off if the Earth abruptly stopped rotating [23], but a slowdown would bring limited surficial boiling. Perhaps the oldest radiocarbon dates of a burnt city come from Dilmun (modern Dahrein) at the North end of the Persian Gulf [24]. There the lowest level is calcinated. It is located below a thick wall. The burning occurs over the whole area of settlement. The debris contains burnt bitumen and "black masses," producing radiocarbon dates ...
302. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Neolithic times people were making wine - dregs were found in a 5000BC jar in Iran, 2000 years earlier than previously thought. Earliest American mummy Discovery Sept. 96, p. 26 A mummy found years ago in Nevada was dated as 2,000 years old, based on the appearance of the mats it was wrapped in. Now radiocarbon dating dates it as 9,400 years old, making it the oldest mummy in the New World. Earliest Australian, earliest art New Scientist 7.12.96, pp. 28-31, The Observer 22.9 .96 Jinmium, in Australia's Northern Territory, is an ancient site where enormous sandstone boulders have been covered in ...
303. A Challenge to the Integrity of Science? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... issue dated 4th April 1974, Dr MacKie noted: The example I selected in "A Challenge to the Integrity of Science?" to show that some of Velikovsky's claims have been disproved has turned out since to be not suitable for that purpose. The subject was the time of the final extinction of the mammoths and I noted then that radiocarbon dates for mammoth remains had all turned out to be many thousand of years earlier than the 15th century BC, one of two eras selected by Velikovsky as a possible time for their extinction (the other being the 8th century BC). However in the journal Radiocarbon (vol 15, p 114, 1973) there are published three ...
304. Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... carbon dating (see already C&CR 2002:1 , pp.15-16). Large sets of carbon dates have been obtained by Mazar at Tel Rehov, and by Gilboa and Sharon at Tel Dor. The results are coming out in favour of Finkelstein and more tests are to be published. As far as I can see the radiocarbon calibration curve actually works in favour of lower dates in the Iron IB (OC dates c.1150-1000 BC) and IIA period (OC c.1000-900 BC, thus traditionally assumed to include David and Solomon). I think this is partly because the calibration curve bends towards younger dates in this period and partly because the archaeological dating ...
305. Planet in Crisis: the Earth's Last 12,000 Years [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the still extant but widely sundered patches of savannah actually demand a former continuous contact between them [109, 110]. This conclusion parallels that of ornithologists investigating Amazonian bird speciation [111], herpetologists investigating lizard evolution [112] and archaeo-ethnological studies across the region [113]. This environmental change appears to have proceeded in stages. Radiocarbon dates of masses of fallen subfossil timber underlying today's rain forest, examined at several widely separated localities, show that generally speaking three main episodes of sudden change have occurred, involving destructive violent flooding quite unlike the region's present seasonal flooding [114, 115]. These arose around 8,000BC, 5,200BC and 3,600BC ...
306. Comments: on the First Issue [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... materials falling from the sky. Velikovsky was the first to consider problems in geology and mythology together to develop valid models. He concluded from the human record that some of the Earth's petroleum deposits are of recent date and are extraterrestrial in origin. This claim of a late date for the formation of some petroleum deposits has been verified by the radiocarbon tests of oil from the Gulf of Mexico, which show it must have been deposited within the last 9,200 years (2 ). Moreover, A.T .Wilson, in 1966, suggested an extraterrestrial origin for all oil deposits (3 ). (This is one of several claims concerning geology made by Velikovsky which ...
307. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... this century. This is usually stated to be due to the increase in the use of water from the River Jordan for irrigation. The proposal to industrially exploit the newly uncovered salt flats has been widely discussed and even referred to the United Nations. The elevation of the surface of the Dead Sea below mean sea level for the past 7000 radiocarbon years was investigated in Frumkin et al [1 ]. They made radiocarbon measurements on wood found in the outlet channels in salt caves in Mount Sodom: the outlet channels were at the Dead Sea level at the time they are formed. Their results indicated a very high peak at (300 metres below standard sea level) in 4400BP ...
308. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... was wide spread before 3000 BC. The oldest wreck is dated at 2500 BC from its pottery but is otherwise unexcavated apart from a stone anchor, which is, very similar to one found in Lebanon dated to 1900-1200 BC. The Canaanite wreck found at Ulu Burun (see Workshop 1988:2 , p.12) is dated by radiocarbon and by stylistic analysis of pottery to the 13th century BC' but a cylinder seal is cut with a Mesopotamian design from 1750 BC and an Assyrian design, supposedly added 400 years later. Balance pan weights resemble those found on Byzantine ships almost 2000 years later. There are no wrecks recorded for the Greek Dark Age', but ...
309. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... contained at least one who was unconvinced. Tony Rees objected that Bob's scheme depends upon one Exodus whereas he thought there was sufficient evidence for multiple exodi, so members will not be short of future chronological controversies. After a quick break for a cup of tea we welcomed our Editor, Bernard Newgrosh, who gave us his latest thoughts on radiocarbon dating. Bernard pointed out that the problems which radiocarbon dating have caused to chronologers, especially to those who wish to shorten or lengthen accepted schemes, cannot simply be ignored. On the surface one cannot argue with tree rings. However, there are some elements of doubt. One paper published tree ring chronologies from bristlecone pines from 4 ...
310. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... figures etched into the desert are not just a feature of South America. Hundreds of human and animal figures imperceptible at ground level and almost 200 feet long can be seen clearly from the air above the desert in California. They were created by prehistoric Indians and earlier studies dated them as only one to three hundred years old. Recent advanced radiocarbon techniques now date them at about AD 890. They are thought to depict creation myths. Well I never New Scientist 7.9 .91, pp. 39-43 and 5.10.91, p. 59 The American Dust Bowl period of the 30s was a trivial climatic event which lasted less than a decade and scarcely registered ...
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