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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 271. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... our Sun. Kronos vol.V no.3 devoted pp. 55-70 to a highly readable reprint from chapter 8 of John Gribbin's book The Death of the Sun (N .Y . 1980). This features the work of an American investigator, Dr. Eddy, into the history of sunspot cycles as evidenced by variations in the radiocarbon clock. It would appear that there have been major variations in solar output throughout history and that climatic changes have resulted. Corroborative evidence has been put forward by Dr. David Clark of the Royal Greenwich Observatory from analysis of old Chinese records, and also from the work of contemporary Chinese investigators. "Has the Sun Switched Itself Off ...
272. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... on the subject. Now that the debate is flourishing it would seem a good time to attempt to interpret the latest finds in the fields of archaeology and radiometric dating as they reflect on chronology, and we should like some more Publications Correspondents to monitor historical and archaeological publications. In particular, if anyone would care to report on publications like RADIOCARBON or ANTIQUITY this would be especially welcome. Some of the scientific publications, notably SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, also require new Publications Correspondents. Any volunteers? \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\vol0601\03focus.htm ...
273. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... members must normally be resident in the United Kingdom ." The above amendments were approved on a motion proposed by Peter James and seconded by Val Pearce. The Annual General Meeting was followed by a slide presentation by Nick Thorpe, showing the megalithic sites which will be visited next summer by participants in the tour. This preceded his talk on radiocarbon dating. We had hoped to reproduce this talk in this issue, but at the time of going to press we are still awaiting the author's corrections. SIS Book Service SIS Binders for REVIEW & WORKSHOP Stock of both binders is now very low. If you haven't already ordered and wish to keep your Society Journals in tip-top' condition ...
274. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... back-dating of eclipses, on the assumption - contradicted by early writings - that the ancient sky was identical with our own; and employment of Sothic' dating, based on the dubious assumption that the celestial body which the Egyptians called Sopdet and the Greeks Hellenised as Sothis was in fact the star Sirius. Physio-chemical retrocalculation takes the primary form of radiocarbon dating, based on the assumption that the electro-chemical characteristics of Earth's atmosphere and biosphere have been relatively constant for at least 40,000 years. But, if this constancy assumption is erroneous, radio-chronological dating will yield false, and generally inflated, readings. 6. Consensualism, or the belief that scholarship can function reliably only if a ...
275. "And The Terror Of God Was Upon The Cities" [Books]
... in Nature, Vol. clxxxiii, 1959, p. 1664. H. Petterson, in Nature, Vol. cxci, 1961, p. 482. R. L. C. Gallant, in Nature, Vol. cxciii, 1962, pp. 1273-4. 3, H. E. Suess and H. Wanke, `Radiocarbon Content and the seismic Terrestrial Age of Twelve Stony Meteorites and One Iron Meteorite , in Acts-Geochim-cosmochim, Vol. xxvi, 1962, pp., 475-80. 4. F. G. Watson, Between the Planets, 1956, p. 28. 5. ibid., pp. 11-39. 6. ibid., p. ...
276. Saturn and the Flood: The Ice-Core Evidence [Journals] [Aeon]
... ," KRONOS V:1 (Fall 1979), p. 7. [2 ] Ibid., p. 9. [3 ] Ibid., pp. 7-8. [4 ] Ibid., p. 9. [5 ] Ibid., p. 4. [6 ] Idem, "The Pitfalls of Radiocarbon Dating," Pensée IVR IV (Spring-Summer, 1973), p. 13. [7 ] M. M. Herron & C. C. Langway, Jr., "Chloride, Nitrate, and Sulfate in the Dye 3 and Camp Century, Greenland Ice Cores," in Langway & Oeschger (Eds.), ...
277. Skara Brae: A Time Capsule of Catastrophism? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... dated the site to the Iron Age and attributed it to the Picts. However, clues from the pottery types at Skara Brae unavailable to Childe show that the site was in fact Neolithic, dating to roughly 2000 BC. The excavations carried out in the 1970s by D. V. Clarke and Anna Ritchie [3 ] supplied material for radiocarbon dating which confirms the Neolithic date. Results from the earliest level of the midden (all on bone) indicate that the site began around 2450 bc in 14C years (3150 BC calibrated) [4 ]. The dates from the upper part of the midden, are as follows: 14C years: Calibrated date: 1880 110 bc ...
... . Greenberg, Lynn E. Rose, William Mullen, George Grinnell) or pro-Velikovskian commentators such as sociologist Sidney Willhelm. (6 ) A celebration of recent successes and future possibilities, the session was perhaps marred by Burgstahler's (7 ) and MacKie's (8 ) questioning of part of Velikovsky's chronology, based on ancient documentary evidence and recent radiocarbon findings. Although many of Velikovsky's supporters, including Hess, Federn, Atwater, and O'Neill, had questioned his conclusions or methods, the Lewis and Clark symposium was the first public occasion on which a committed Velikovskian expressed substantive doubts about the absolute veracity of the master. Through skillful management, Velikovsky was usually able to contain such dissent ...
279. Ballochroy, Kintraw, and Mackie (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , the theme of which was "Astronomy in the Ancient World".(1 ) The evidence indicates fairly clearly that there was a warmer and drier spell of climate in NW Europe in the 3rd and the early 2nd millennia B. C., the period of the standing stone sites. Moreover there are now available a number of radiocarbon dates for geological features formed at the time of the final retreat of the ice sheets in N Europe and these all fall in or very close to the last half of the 9th millennium B. C. (in radiocarbon years) and not around 3500 years ago. I can only repeat the conclusions I came to several years ago ...
280. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 13th issue of New Scientist, titled "Dating a prehistoric Pompeii". What it is talking about is a new ice-core dating for the catastrophic eruption of Thera, and this now puts the date at c.1650 BC, rather than the 1500 BC which has so far been generally accepted. Both dates would fit rather well with the radiocarbon dating of 1525-1675 BC (but then we all have our doubts about radiocarbon dating, anyway). I find one possible set of implications rather exciting. It is quite widely accepted that the Exodus may have taken place in the confusion resulting from the Thera eruption. In fact, a tsunami resulting from the eruption could possibly explain the ...
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