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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 231. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... in ancient history was acquired mostly as a private scholar. For twenty-five years she carried on a scholarly correspondence with Dr. Velikovsky, and translated some of his books into German. In 1963 Mrs. Fuhr was instrumental in obtaining, from Dr. Zaki Iskander of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, wood samples from the tomb of Tutankhamun for radiocarbon analysis - the story is told in the ASH correspondence in Penseé VI. In 1967 her book Ein Altorientalisches Symbol was published by Otto Harrassowitz Verlag in Wiesbaden. In 1977 she was among the contributors to the report of the excavations at Isin, published in the Abhandlungen of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil-hist. Kl., Heft ...
232. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... on mass extinctions mentions that a meteorite approximately 500 metres in diameter fell into the Pacific Ocean about 2.3 million years ago, shooting billions of tonnes of water into the stratosphere and probably triggering glaciation in the northern hemisphere. Rapid Climate Change source: Daily Telegraph 8.9 .89 Dr Doug Harkness of the Natural Environment Research Council's radiocarbon dating laboratory in E. Kilbride tells of a dramatic climatic change some 13,000 years ago - at the end of the last glaciation. Within a period of only 100-200 years the climate of Scotland changed from Arctic-like to one similar to the present day, or, as Dr Harkness puts it, remarkably rapidly'. Should we ...
233. Pensée Volume 3, Number 1. Winter, 1973: Contents [Journals] [Pensee]
... The Papyrus Ipuwer . Confirmation of Velikovsky's claims. 37 Symposia 37 Courses on Velikovsky 38 Censorship . Natural History refuses ad as too "controversial." 38 Scientific Refereeing . An adversary process. 39 Velikovsky at Princeton 40 Teotihuacan- The City of the Gods . A drama. 44 Miscellaneous . Cometary Venus; BBC documentary; planetarium programs; radiocarbon dating. FORUM 45 The Synthesis of Manna Wong Kee Kuong 46 Giordano Bruno's View on The Earth without a Moon A. M. Paterson 47 Letters ...
234. C&C Workshop 1989, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... earthquakes * Cretaceous Catastrophe? * warmer Antarctica? * dinosaurs leave their mark * life from comets? * unusual auroras * unpredictable climate models * Himalayan `Piltdown' * Thera theories * Iraqi finds * Exodus redating debate * new Bronze Age civilisation * New Kingdom discovery at Saqqara * Rameses found? * Hebron tradition * very ancient Peru * radiocarbon errors * capital find? * `catastrophism gone wild' * more giant leaves * future Mars catastrophe 21 REVIEWS: Catastrophism and the Old Testament - the Mars-Earth Conflicts 27 Brad Aaronson's Jerusalem Chronology of the Israelite Monarchies' 28 Josephus 29 LETTERS from A. Beal, B. Aaronson, D. Rohl, D. Vorhees, R ...
235. Failure of a Concept? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... groups of experts of identical disciplines, but of horizontally organised teams able to produce less assailable, perhaps even watertight portrayals of a chosen theme. PETER JAMES: Walk, don't run I fail to see how Mr Marx can deny that a discussion of the revised chronology involving historical methodology, Biblical studies, Anatolian archaeology, Egyptology, Astronomy and Radiocarbon Dating is interdisdplinary! (And this, not counting the debate on celestial mechanics held the following day.) I am also curious to know what Marx means by "quasi-disciplined", particularly in view of his bizarre statement that the "Velikovsky Affair" has demonstrated that "the so-called scientific method is unreliable". If we abandon ...
236. In Memoriam: René Gallant, a Pioneer of Modern Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the research which subsequently led to the publication of Bombarded Earth (John Baker, London, 1964 - see the retrospective review in SISR VI:4 ). The work drew him into correspondence with the eminent French archaeologist, Claude Schaeffer, then with Immanuel Velikovsky, and he was responsible for introducing these two scholars. Velikovsky's attempts to obtain radiocarbon dates on Egyptian objects involved both Schaeffer and Gallant (see Pensée IVR VI, pp. 5-19 for accounts of this remarkable episode). Research on Bombarded Earth also brought him to England, in 1962, and to a turning point in his life - he discovered not only the books and scientific journals he had come to find but ...
237. The Pyramid Age, by Emmet J Sweeney (Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Greece's Heroic or Mycenaean epoch commenced at the same point in time'. Here he identifies the Pharaoh contemporary with Joshua, and shows how Greek warriors, fresh from the sack of Troy helped dislodge the Assyrians from the land of the Nile'. Chapter 8 provides a good discussion of dating methods and their weaknesses. The anomalous results from radiocarbon dating are discussed and he quotes those from the tomb of Tutankhamun: 899BC for a kernel and 844BC for a reed mat. Whilst Sweeney notes these are over 400 years too recent for the conventional chronology, he does not add that they are also over 200 years too early for his own revision. Of the traditional divisions of the ...
238. Perilous Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages by Trevor Palmer. [Journals] [SIS Review]
... remarkably quickly. All three new theories weakened the dominance of the gradualist geologists and similar changes happened in evolution with the contributions of Eldridge and Gould, which led to the theory of Punctuated Equilibria, in which long periods of gradual development are interrupted by short periods of sudden change. In section C, Palmer briefly describes radiometric dating methods, radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology, illustrating how these have influenced our concept of age. The need to accommodate the concept of gene maps and the rate of mutation has also forced evolution to evolve. Similarly, the need to accommodate the results of space exploration and super-computer calculations is forcing changes in our model of the solar system. Though, of ...
239. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... this time in Peru. A lively question session followed, in which it was pointed out that if the dating of New Grange is correct, it presents a real problem for the catastrophist view because of its orientation towards the mid- winter solstice. The suggestion was made that the revised chronology for Egypt might be used for comparison with the radiocarbon dates. Dr. Bimson has identified Joseph as a vizier of Sesostris III, and dates his reign to c.1868-30 B.C . If other pharaohs could be dated as conclusively with the revised chronology, Egypt could provide a yardstick for gauging the degree of error of carbon dates. PUBLICATION CORRESPONDENTS We are pleased to announce a ...
240. Radio-Carbon Dating [Books]
... of radioactive carbon. `There has been a general decrease in the overall strength of the dipole field [of the Earth] ', writes M. J. Aitken, and `since cosmic-rays are deflected away from the Earth by its magnetic field, it follows that such a large change ought to be reflected as a systematic error in radiocarbon dates, 41 adds the same author. W. Elsasser, E. P. Ney, and J. R. Winckler have pointed out that the decrease of the Earth's geomagnetic field in the last 2,000 years woald result in errors of about 240 years (in excess) for the dated objects. The same authors show ...
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