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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 201. Polymathics and Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory [Journals] [Kronos]
... exists a virtual conspiracy of silence conceming the shakiness of regnant chronologies. The only occasion on which the unreliability of a long respected chronology is readily admitted is one that occurs when that chronology is finally abandoned in favor of another which is regarded as more "up to date". Such an abandonment occurred in the 1960's, when dendrochronology replaced radiocarbon dating among archeologists, especially those specializing in European prehistory. More precisely, archeologists who had previously accepted carbon-14 dates without reservation, encountered evidence that the amount of radiocarbon in the atmosphere varied from one millennium to the next, whereupon they insisted that all carbon dates be "calibrated" - that is, revised - so as to agree ...
202. The Burning of Troy [Books] [de Grazia books]
... theory. Sample tests are generally inexpensive and well structured; they require only small amounts of material, often only a gram. But of course, the sampling technique is critical and a manual of instructions for sampling calcination with a mind to covering all hypotheses raised by this paper is a task for the future. The idea that thermo-luminescence, radiocarbon, potassium-argon, and fission-tract dating techniques can be applied to combustion studies with good effect is natural but perhaps overly optimistic. Of course, calcinology is interested in dating inasmuch as one of its aims is the establishment of concurrences in destruction; if two spatially separated combustion processes point to the same or related causes, then their dating will ...
203. Cataclysmic Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... radioactivity is likewise claimed as a motive force by the author of the modern version of the theory of drifting continents (Du Toit). It appears to me that if such radioactivity really occurred its mutation effect could not have failed to take place too. Cosmic rays or charges, hitting nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, transform this element into radiocarbon. These charges, arriving from outside the earth, are very strong per particle, averaging several billions of electron volts and sometimes carrying a potential of a hundred billion electron volts. As comparatively few such rays or charges hit our atmosphere, their general effect is not spectacular. But it is conceivable that, where a cosmic ray or ...
204. C&C Workshop 1992, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , Rohl) 24 II: Egyptian Monumental Evidence (Lasken, Rees) 29 Egyptian Monumental Evidence, Addendum 1 (A . H. Rees) 32 MONITOR 33 REVIEWS: Environment of Violence - reviewed by David Slade 36 Apollo Objects, Atlantis & The Deluge - reviewed by Dick Atkinson 37 The Pyramid Age - reviewed by Phillip Clapham 38 Radiocarbon Dating: an Archaeological Perspective - reviewed by Jesse Lasken 40 The Scars of Evolution - reviewed by Roger Wescott 41 Getting It Together - reviewed by David Roth 43 LETTERS R. M. Porter, M. A. Cook, W. J. Douglas, H. Mongold, D. Salkeld, B. Liesching, D. ...
205. Apophoreta 2 [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... a column is published in which provocative hypotheses are presented. They may serve to stimulate thought and research - and the correspondence for the Comments' column of this journal, In their investigation of core samples from the Gulf of Mexico, Emiliani et al (Science 1975, 189:1083-88) discovered a section nearly two meters in thickness thatyielded radiocarbon ages of about 25,000 years B.P . The section is overlain by 3.5 metres of sediment deposited in the subsequent period until the present. The section of interest contains samples with increased 0-18 concentration in foraminiferal shells, which according to Emiliani et al "may represent an excess of evaporation in the Gulf of Mexico ...
206. SIS Conference 2002: AGES STILL IN CHAOS C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... into progress made in the revision of ancient history since 1952 and possible ways forward 13th- 15th September 2002 at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way, London Marking the Go1den Jubilee of the publication in 1952 of Ages in Chaos' by Dr Immanuel Velikovsky and acknowledging the Golden Jubilee in the same year of Professor W F Libby's work on radiocarbon dating, the conference will bring together both academics and laymen who have contributed to, or have an interest in, the controversy resulting from Velikovsky's claim that the chronology of the ancient world is hundreds of years shorter than hitherto thought. Also attending will be those who, while agreeing that a shortening of chronology is necessary, consider that ...
207. Velikovsky: astronomical evidence/Martian [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... in a November or December issue of the > 1985 Scientific American that presents evidence of a huge > shift of the entire crust of the planet. A Hapgood-like > explanation was invoked to account for this [1 ], [2 ]: > [1 ] Charles Hapgood did a highly detailed reconstruction > based on sea floor evidence and radiocarbon evidence that > explained the most recent periods of glaciation by 3 shifts > in the Earth's Crust....which conflicts with ice-core data, sea-floor sediment data, microfossil data... > [2 ] The Wandering Poles of Mars, I believe the Sci. Am. > article's title was. The shifts were explained ...
208. S.I.S Review Vol. III No. 4 Spring 1979: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Review Home S.I .S . Review Journal of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. III No. 4 Spring 1979 Contents In Passing: Metallurgy and Chronology 81 Forum: Letters 84 Bookshelf 63 NANCY K. OWEN: The Dresden Codex and Velikovsky's Catastrophes 88 CARL OLOF JONSSON: Nebuchadrezzar and Neriglissar 93 DR EUAN W. MacKIE: Radiocarbon Dates and Cultural Change 98 PETER WARLOW: Extra- Geomagnetic Reversals? 100 Editor: R. M. Lowery 11, Adcott Road Acklam Middlesbrough Cleveland TS5 7ER Associate Editor: Brian Moore Geoffrey Gammon Martin Sieff Assistant Editors: Peter James 37 Gosberton Road, Balham, London S.W .12 (Ancient History/Mythology) Andrew ...
209. Update on Nabta Stone Circle [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Methodist University, reported in the science journal, Nature, about the oldest known astronomical stone circle on earth. The stone circle is associated with a series of flat, carved stone structures, six lines of standing and toppled megaliths and two buried megalithic sculptures in southern Egypt's Nabta Playa 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Abu Simbel. Radiocarbon dating indicated the structures were in 4,500 B. C. sedimentary layers, at least a thousand years older than Stonehenge in England. Nabta Playa is rich in prehistoric remains of the early Holocene age when there was rain and a lake, but no skeletal human remains have ever been found. Nabta circle schematic © Thomas G ...
210. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... further criticism of the items mentioned. COOK, MELVYN A.: Prehistory and Earth Models (Max Parrish, 1966) Cook argues that if the earth is millions of years old, all but the past few thousand years of scientifically readable prehistory have been erased, perhaps by world-shaping catastrophes. In substantiation, Cook discusses the observed imbalance of radiocarbon, the abundance and influx of uranium in the oceans and helium in the atmosphere, and the instability of palaeomagnetism in the rocks, and reinterprets the systematic discrepancies in radioactive clocks'. Continental drift is described as a recent catastrophic rupture of "Pangaea" and the sudden shift of its fragments (continents) under the tremendous forces of ...
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