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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 191. Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ]. Thus the Lion Gate and the reliefs were logically assigned by their excavator Delaporte to the 8th century BC. Such a date was supported by the reading of the name, on several of the sculptures, of Sulumeli, an 8th-century king of Malatya known from Assyrian records [98]. Later, the date was confirmed by a radiocarbon test of burnt material covering an earlier gateway directly beneath the Lion Gate, which gave a result for the 9th century BC. There can be no doubt that if the sculptures were treated in isolation from the similar examples known from the Empire period their date would remain firmly and squarely in the 8th century BC. However, their appearance ...
192. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... F . Hoyle), in Australian Physicist, Dec. 1990, p. 279 (C . Keay), and in Astronomy Now, April 1991, p. 14 (M . Beech). C. Leroy Ellenberger, St. Louis, USA. Further Thoughts on Dendrochronology Dear Sir, The controversy over the calibration' of radiocarbon dates by dendrochronology (tree-ring dating) looks set to run for some time to come (see recent articles and correspondence in C. & C. Review and Workshop). The Irish chronology developed by Professor Mike Baillie in Belfast is based on trunks of old oak trees recovered from bogs in Ireland and is one of the key chronologies ...
193. Solomon, The Exodus and Abraham Related to Egyptian Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... calibration, tends to make the Old Kingdom approximately 370 years older than the conventional chronology [36]. Carbon dating without the tree ring calibration gives a shorter chronology than the conventional, but certainly not as short as proposed here. It might be shortened further by following the reasoning of Tyler [37] who proposes that the level of radiocarbon in the atmosphere has been continually tending to increase since the time of Noah's flood. A possible answer to tree ring calibration would be to argue for more than one growth ring per year at some stage in the past. This is certainly known to be possible [38] but for it to have had a major effect on dating ...
194. A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . The "climates" vary remarkably but may be erratic seasons; the flora and fauna change, but so they will change even now from year to year. The correlations among all four - technique, climate, flora and fauna are quite poor. There is a considerable mixing of artifacts as well. The dates are based upon five radiocarbon tests done on unscorched deer bone. Over a thousand years (half the whole time) seems to have slipped away between the earliest two strata of the Azilian levels: erosion? abandonment? never existed? The absolute dates are probably far too old, to my way of thinking, which views radiocarbon as having little knowable association with ...
195. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Such maxima were found at 50 30 BC, 210 30, 260 30, 1120 50, 1390 50, 2960 80, 3150 90 etc., BC. They related the maximum of 50 30 BC to the accounts by Virgil and Pliny of the dimness of the Sun in the year Caesar died; that of 1120 50 to radiocarbon dating of lava from Hekla in Iceland (950 50); and the 1390 50 BC to the eruption of Thera. I. N. Green, reporting this item, notes that Dansgaard et al. are guilty of inconsistency in their scientific method with respect to the Thera eruption. Radiocarbon dating for the Thera lava gives a value ...
196. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by plate tectonics, '. This puts their divergence back to 40-50 Myrs. ago, which is supposed to be the date at which butterflies only started to evolve! Sooner than consider that this chain of uniformitarian assumptions might be wrong, the researchers prefer to push back the date of the first butterflies to the time of the dinosaurs! Radiocarbon Extension (Scientific American, March 2004, p. 17) As the radiocarbon clock is accepted to be inaccurate, it is calibrated by tree-ring dating and other absolute age measures. ' Now there is a new one which carries dating back to 50,000 years, the maximum at which radiocarbon can be usefully detected. It seems ...
197. Clockwork [Books] [de Grazia books]
... much, he could conclude that carbonating would be both invalid and unreliable before 3000 years ago, which ushered in the Venusian Age (in his terminology). Deg was further impressed by the studies of John Lynde Anderson and George Spangler, which he read in 1974, not long after their publication, that challenged the very constancy of the radiocarbon component of the atmosphere. Thenceforth he paid small heed to earlier radiocarbon readings, whether they seemed to support or oppose his theories. On the other hand, V. who had expected salvation in Cl4, could not readily denounce the system afterwards, and played on occasion the game of using Cl4 dates when convenient to do so, ...
198. The Gaseous Complex [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of this is possible, and dealt with in Chaos and Creation and Solaria Binaria. Scientific opinion has slowly liberalized in respect to new models. By 1972 a scientist might write offhandedly in Nature magazine that "major reorganizations of the solar system are no longer regarded as ridiculous."[13] Recently, dendrochronologists, historians, meteorologists, radiocarbon dating specialists, and astronomers combined in a most unusual enterprise. They delivered a blow to the theory of the constant Sun. John A. Eddy of the National Center for Atmospheric Research conveyed the message: "We've shattered the Principle of Uniformitarianism for the Sun."[14] He presented evidence mentioned earlier, showing that for ...
199. The Causal Source for the Geological Transients at 2300BC [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Extensive direct earthquake dating has been accomplished, based on both carbon-14 measurements and cultural assessment. Significant earthquake activity around 2500-2000BC shows up in the time charts at major faults and is remarked upon by Guoyu. In most cases, reports show that this level of large-scale earthquake activity occurred intermittently, separated by thousands of years [37]. Many radiocarbon dates indicate great earthquakes resulting in a sudden uplift in Japan about 2400BC [38]. In the El Asnam region, northern Algeria, analysis of trench exposures shows clusters of large seismic events' around 2000BC [39]. Volcanic Eruptions In view of the widespread earthquake activity, my first reaction was to try to accumulate similar voluminous ...
200. Homer in the Baltic [Journals] [Aeon]
... , which also explains why any reliable information regarding the author, or authors, of the poems had been lost before classical times, showing that they in fact belonged to a "barbaric" European civilization, very far from the Aegean, as had been noticed by authoritative scholars, such as Stuart Piggott in his Ancient Europe. Moreover, radiocarbon dating, corrected through dendrochronology, has recently questioned the dogma of the eastern origin of European civilization. Colin Renfrew describes the consequences for traditional chronology: "These changes bring with them a whole series of alarming reversals in chronological relationships. The megalithic tombs of western Europe now become older than the pyramids or the round tombs of Crete, ...
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