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445 results found.
45 pages of results. 171. Additional Examples of Correct Prognosis [Books] [de Grazia books]
... reversal of the earth's magnetic field in the Central Mediterranean area in the 8th century before the present era, recorded in the magnetic dip of the Etruscan and Attic vases; their position in the kiln is learned from the flow of glaze. This find is in harmony with the events described on pp. 207-359 of W. in C. Radiocarbon analysis, besides disclosing that some petroleum is of recent origin and deposit, verified also the claim (W . in C., The Ice Age and the Antiquity of Man') that the last glacial period ended less than 10,000 years ago. One of the first and most important results of the new method was the ...
172. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... other end of the scale Russian scientists have suggested that using yet more corrections to the C14 dating methods used to date the Turin shroud place it back to the first century AD instead of the 1300 AD date reached by several laboratories in 1989. Michael Reade says that the moral seems to be that there is no need to worry particularly if radiocarbon dates are 1000 or more years different from what you would like them to be. He suggests it is time someone got round to a proper review of all the calibration factors which are applied, seemingly willy-nilly in order to get the answers the experts' want. Antarctic defrost New Scientist 9.3 .96, p. 6 ...
173. The Aubrey Holes Of Stonehenge [Journals] [Kronos]
... to the building of the monument, that is approximately 2000 B.C . Formerly, such a date had only been arbitrarily fixed but in 1966-67 a new criterion was offered for determining the age of the monument. Some antlers were discovered under one of the stones and in the fill of some of the holes. These were offered for radiocarbon dating. But as the Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University as well as the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania attested, antlers are generally unreliable for radiocarbon dating, being easily contaminated and made to yield invalid dates. In disregard of these facts, MacKie has recently applied the just as controversial tree-ring calibration to these radiocarbon dates and ...
174. Minerals, Metals, Glazing and Man, by John Dayton, Reviewed by Geoffrey Gammon [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... millennium B.C ., and shows conclusively how knowledge of metalworking spread from central and eastern Europe, via Anatolia, to the Near East (poor in metal ores) early in the second millennium. This was the exact reverse of what Gordon Childe and earlier diffusionists had argued 50 or more years earlier.4 A series of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates5 indicates a logical progression in the spread of copper and bronze technology. The Copper Ages of Spain, Bohemia, and the Balkans all appear to have begun c. 2300 B.C .; Bronze Age I (with arsenic, antimony, and some tin bronzes but no glass or faience) in Spain and Bohemia c. ...
175. Chapter 5 Pottery Dating, Faience, and Tin [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . Then who could have been the invaders who carried a new culture into Palestine in the early days of the Hyksos Empire . . . ?" 12 There is much more, but the reader now has an understanding not only of the way scarabs are employed by archaeologists and historians, never to test their chronology, but just as with radiocarbon dating to force everything to fit it. So when it comes to pottery dating, the same armory of double standards of inference comes into play. A whole host of pretexts exists by which the conventional chronology is maintained. It is a fixed game: heads, the established chronology wins, tails, the established chronology wins. But ...
176. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... tool kit suddenly began to differentiate wildly from century to century and from region to region. DATING Nazca lines Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.6 No.4 , p. 302 Dating by lichen growth on rocks has confirmed less direct dating methods which indicated that the Nazca lines were made between 190 BC and 600 AD. Too refined radiocarbon dating?New Scientist 27.2 .93, pp. 34-37 and 5.12.92, p. 12 The radiocarbon daters have perfected their techniques to be able to deal with minute amounts of material. They now feel they can produce the definitive datings for cave art. Results? Three similar bison paintings in the Altimira ...
... was found to be in the Greek language. This... startled the scholarly world, as the texts had been erroneously referred to a time before the twelfth century. . ." [z ~~ 1:278fl4]. On another point of his system of revised dates, Velikovsky also found justification: [Using] the radiocarbon method of dating . . . Wood from under the foundation of the "Hittite" fortress of' Alisar . turned out to be seven to eight hundred years younger than conventional chronology would allow, thus giving full support to my dating.... The age of pieces of wood from the. . . Old and Middle Kingdoms ...
178. A Conversation with Barry Fell [Journals] [Horus]
... I can't remember who - and nobody's ever changed that date! It's stayed the same ever since. It's highly improbable that the European historian in the 1700's would hit on the right date. Well that impressed me, of course. And, another thing also impressed me as a biologist. It's during my lifetime that the whole theory of radiocarbon dating has been developed - and I followed it very closely with great excitement when it first came out. We saw all the amazing coincidences - correspondences I should say - of cloth taken from this or that tomb giving such and such a date - and that was the date Egyptologists had given. We were struck dumb by that and ...
179. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the Pelusiac branch of the river Nile. Another recent discovery is that of pumice and Mediterranean sea shells - thought to have been deposited by tsunamis following the eruption of Thera - in an early 18th Dynasty stratum. According to Bietak's fairly orthodox chronology, this dates the eruption to c.1500 BC, considerably later than the date suggested by radiocarbon and tree-ring dating (c .1630). According to Rohl's chronology, the eruption occurred c.1160, several centuries later still. However, the radiocarbon calibration curve is based on tree-ring chronologies, and there is evidence that the tree-ring chronology between c.750 and c.400 derives from a specimen that is contaminated, since ...
180. Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... North Sea, would be post-Saturnian. Its depth is mostly less than 100 meters, practically all less than 200. It may have originated from an ice melt in the Venus encounters of the second millennium B.C ., with an axial tilt of the Earth southwards, a heating of the atmosphere, and earth movements. Then pollen radiocarbon datings of this period might be explained. The pine forests would be drowned and give up fossil resin for amber, as recounted above, pages 72-3.[30] Southeast Europe and Near Asia were probably devastated at the same time as the Baltic Basin was flooded. At from 20 to 70 centimeters depth, large areas of the ...
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