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69 pages of results. 241. On the Nature of Cometary Symbolism [Journals] [Kronos]
... "soul" or "form" as well as several other concepts, all of them related to the celebrated attributes of the sun god. In fact, as strange as it may seem, no other symbol was more frequently employed by the Egyptians, or combined more often with other key glyphs. And though the distinguished translator of the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, R. O. Faulkner, recognizes the curl as "a potent object in its own right",(3 ) it is fair to say that the present consensus sees in the symbolic curl literally nothing. But if the thesis we shall present in this series is correct, the curl can be understood ...
242. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... the course of which the king underwent a second coronation. The purpose of this ceremony may have been to rejuvenate the king. As part of the ceremony the king had to run, probably through a field, carrying a flail. The flail may represent forked lightning. He was accompanied by the souls of Nekhem. Edwards, in The Pyramids of Egypt, Penguin 1947, observes that the souls of Nekhem were the prehistoric kings of Upper Egypt whose capital was at Nekhem (Hierakonpolis}. The Greek hierax is a hawk or falcon which, like most birds of prey in the ancient world, was seen as a lightning symbol. Probably the intention was that the lightning, ...
243. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... indicates that settled village life led rapidly to the development of complex religious and social organisations. Within 1300 years the people had moved from simple men's huts' to the first temples. In Peru it has been determined that the earliest complex societies began around 3000 BC i.e . at the same time as civilisations elsewhere around the world; pyramids, temples and houses at one of the world's largest early cities at Caral were contemporary with the accepted date of the pyramids of Egypt. An object resembling the quipu of the Incas (a knotted string accounting system) was also found buried in one of the pyramids. It is more than 3000 years older than the oldest previously known ...
244. Venus Before Exodus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the cow-goddess Hathor; at Sais she was the joyous Neit; at Bubastis, in the form of a cat, she appeared as Bast; while at Memphis her genial aspects disappeared and she became a lioness, the goddess of storm and terror" [45]. In particular, Hathor, Neit and Isis figure quite prominently in the Pyramid Texts, a fact that led Mullen to write: "Since Hathor is quite active in the Pyramid Texts, this is clear proof that Venus was visible and even menacing to mankind from a period not long after the deluge" [46]. From the 12th Dynasty we have references to Sekhmet, the lioness form of Hathor, ...
245. Pot Pourri [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , India, in May 2001, which is almost 9,500 years old': discovered there were masonry, pottery, beads, sculpture, human bones and teeth. The next-oldest ancient city discovered in this period is the 6,000 year old, 8 sq. mile site in the Guancabibes Peninsula off Cuba, where huge granite pyramids' were found 2,200ft below sea level in Dec. 2001. The other two sites listed are the 2,500-year old ruins of Herakleion off the coast of Egypt in June 1999 and the 1,000-1,500 year old temple found beneath Lake Titicaca in August 2000. Asian Enigma', on Discovery Civilization on 22 ...
246. Metallurgy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... come into general use, cutting down considerably the use of copper and bronze? The precedence of iron was postulated, not only because of the simpler technological process involved in manufacturing the metal, as compared with bronze, and the widespread presence of iron ore, but also because of the evidence provided by the work executed. The stones for pyramids were cut in square blocks during the Old Kingdom-copper or bronze tools would not have cut the limestone rock. Sarcophagi of granite with carved sharp corners of perfect angles and knife-like edges and plumb-straight lines, sculptures with finely cut lines of eyelids and lips dating from the Fourth Dynasty, and the sharp lines of hieroglyphics cut into granite and basalt ...
247. The Father of the Gods? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a near contact with Jupiter. This was the basis for Velikovsky's successful advance prediction that Saturn, having undergone nova, would now be found to be emitting low-energy radiations (4 ). Velikovsky believes that before its initial contact with Jupiter, Saturn was of far greater mass (5 ), and was disrupted. The mythological material in the Pyramid Texts supports this interpretation. Osiris (identified by Velikovsky as Saturn) in its earlier period, corresponding to the "Golden Age", was Atum, ". .. alone in the primeval watery abyss" (6 ). The etymology of the Egyptian Atum suggests an indivisible unity (7 ), and it would appear to ...
248. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... "More recently, Lahontan and its residual lakes were explored anew by J. Claude Jones, and the results of his work were published as Geological History of Lake Lahontan', by [I . Russell ofl the Carnegie Institution of Washington. [Monograph 11 (1886)] He investigated the saline content of [residual lakes], Pyramid and Winnemucca .. .and of the Truckee River that feeds them. He found that the river could have supplied the entire content of chlorine of these two lakes in 3,881 years. A similar calculation, using sodium instead of chlorine gave 2,447 years necessary.63 However, I. Russell "found bones of ...
249. Senmut and Phaeton [Journals] [SIS Review]
... from which the priestly observations were made. (The higher the observing point and the lower the horizon, the more easily would the "handle" have been seen.) It is of course also of importance whether particular observations were made from Thebes or from some other observatory in a different latitude; Heliopolis, Memphis or even the Great Pyramid at Giza actually seem more probable as the source of the original observations. It may also be noted that Ursa major is variously known to moderns as the plough, the great bear and the dipper; to the ancient Egyptians of the Middle Kingdom and subsequently, however, it was always "the foreleg of the bull" - Meskheti ...
250. Aeon Volume III, Number 5: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Page Ev Cochrane The Great Comet Venus David Talbott explores the origins of Venus worship in early Mesoamerica. Page 5 The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg Dwardu Cardona investigates ancient traditions of cosmic egg. PAGE 52 The Beginning of Time Dwardu Cardona discusses the curious relation between the planet Saturn and time. PAGE 71 Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts Ev Cochrane offers a reassessment of astral worship in ancient Egypt. PAGE 77 Dark Matter..., by Tom Van Flandern. Reviewed by Frederic B. Jueneman. PAGE 95 The Origin of Comets, by A. Bailey, V. Clube, & B. Napier. Reviewed by Joel Canepa. PAGE 99 Aeon Announcements ...
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