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71 pages of results. 51. Julian Jaynes Society [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... out of an earlier hallucinatory mentality by cataclysm and catastrophe only 3000 years ago and still developing. The implications of this new scientific paradigm extend into virtually every aspect of our psychology, our history and culture, our religion- and indeed, our future. In the words of one reviewer, it is "a humbling text, the kind ... it remains as controversial today as when it was first published. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976, 1990), by Princeton University psychologist Julian Jaynes. At the heart of this book is the revolutionary idea that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but is a learned process brought into ...
52. Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... . Though it overlaps to some degree the domains of physics and religion, parapsychology, as its name suggests, has its center of intellectual gravity in the disciplinary vicinity of psychology among the social sciences. Noetics, the study of consciousness, while clearly related to both psychology and parapsychology, leans in the direction of ontology, epistemology, and ... , what seems tome to be particularly commendable about anomalistics is the fact that it strongly counteracts the besetting sin of contemporary academia -fragmentation. We live in an age in which psychologists, for example, find it difficult to talk not only with non-psychologists but even with one another: psychoanalysts and experimentalists, for example, share almost nothing with one ...
53. Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Though it overlaps to some degree the domains of physics and religion, parapsychology, as its name suggests, has its center of intellectual gravity in the disciplinary vicinity of psychology among the social sciences. Noetics, the study of consciousness, while clearly related to both psychology and parapsychology, leans in the direction of ontology, epistemology, and ... seems to me to be particularly commendable about anomalistics is the fact that it strongly counteracts the besetting sin of contemporary academia- fragmentation. We live in an age in which psychologists, for example, find it difficult to talk not only with non-psychologists but even with one another: psychoanalysts and experimentalists, for example, share almost nothing with one ...
54. Cosmic Heretics [Journals] [Aeon]
... famous heroes of antiquity. Nor are they of the so numerous type of military heroes. They are the active substances of the raging intellect, flourishing amongst squirmy snakes of psychology and religion. Should the temporal sequence be right, then the book would be valid, that Moses preceded Akhnaton and Akhnaton came before Oedipus. The legendary, historical ... him, he would have replied that he had never heard of him. This may appear strange, considering that Deg was to be numbered, by whatever scales a social psychologist might invent to distinguish the "informed and involved" from the "ignorant and apathetic," as a high-scorer on information and involvement. He had enough children in ...
55. Zetetic Scholar Nos. 3 & 4 April 1979 [Articles]
... one step further. It appears that the most terrifying events of history have been deliberately repressed. The global catastrophes of the past decimated the world's population and produced a severe psychological shock in the survivors. It is well known that victims of a trauma sometimes develop amnesia concerning the content of the trauma. In the case of the ancients, ... interest in cycles research. [1 ] MARTIN GARDNER the author of many science books and a regular contributor to Scientific American. [1 ] MICHEL GAUQUELIN is a professional psychologist and the Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Relations between Cosmic Rhythms and Psychophysics (Paris, France). [3 /4 ] DONALD GOLDSMITH is an ...
56. The Outlook of Scientists [Books] [de Grazia books]
... scientific development, but not bureaucratic Soviet Russia today. Elements of democraticness (in the Old Liberal sense) and aristocracy played a role in the German situation; a totalitarian psychology dominates Russian public policy today. In any event, the problem is most complex, depending for formulation and solution upon a careful desloganized sub-classification of political systems, but ... science as a communication system founded upon conventional agreements, we shall have a formula both for new scientific discovery and for organizing the discovering activities of scientists. Jean Piaget, psychologist of the origins of thought in children, once said "logic is the morality of thought, morality the logic of action." By the same token, scientific ...
... of philology-queen of humane sciences though she is, she was singularly unfitted to the task and contributed little more than an etymological survey of the ground or with the aid of psychology equally out of place as a real key instead of with the aid of astrophysics. Neither was it possible to relate the myths to a cosmological system, for there ... Luna became the companion of our Earth. We must rather ask the biologist about man's extremely delicate and complicated body, full of atavisms and bud-organs; we must ask the psychologist about the strange working of his mind, his dreams, his fears, his hopes; and we must go to the mythologist, the quiet collector of cosmic fiction ...
58. Folklore, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... . Being received at its source, it is supposed to shed light not only on the mentality of these primitive peo ples, but also on many problems of sociology and psychology in general. The sociological method explores mythology for evidence of social usages. Folklorists like James Frazer expended their efforts on this aspect. Freud, the psychologist, centred ... attention on the motif of father-murder (patricide), presenting it as tho ugh it had been a regular institution in ancient times. He makes it appear a general practice in the past and a subconscious urge in present-day man. However, regular institutions and practices in the life of the family would not give rise to myths. A writer ...
... once summarized two different approaches toward understanding the mutual interaction between self and society: The European focuses on the structural determinants of thought; the American, on the social and psychological consequences of the diffusion of opinion. The one centers on the source, the other on the result. The European asks, how does it come to be that ... of the zeros from Plato's date for the destruction of Atlantis, serious investigators have been allowed to encroach upon grounds perennially reserved for the occultists. At the same time, psychologists have examined ancient texts to devise theories about the origin of human consciousness. All of these discoveries and hypotheses were pioneered by Velikovsky. Since 1950, much has occurred ...
60. The Perception of Continuity and Discontinuity [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 1 (June 1977) Home | Issue Contents The Perception of Continuity and Discontinuity Peter Chadwick Department of Psychology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K . Abstract When the products of rock deformation and development of rock structures are considered within spatial and temporal contexts, both are found to ... as well as our thinking, has been lucidly attacked by Whyte (1960) and Toulmin (1972). In contrast to physicists, for example, both geologists and psychologists are continually challenged by the timeirreversibility of the processes with which we deal. Sand grains simply do not pop up from ocean beds, move up-river like salmon and land ...
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