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71 pages of results. 241. High Energy from Space [Books] [de Grazia books]
... [19] Jupiter was the planet of "Thunder", Saturn was called the "Thunderer" too; Mars was called the "god of Noise." The full consequences are reserved for treatment in a subsequent volume, but I would mention here the knowledge that we newly possess- that sights and sounds can have not only far-reaching psychological effects; they can compete with radio-activity in the production of biological, hence ecological effects [20]. The meteorological, geological and astrophysical sciences are as yet scarcely positioned methodologically to attend to or even discern such effects. Comets, and to a lesser extent meteoroids, can take many shapes. Several illustrations are given on the adjoining ...
242. Before the Day Breaks(1) -- A Perspective [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... his chain, being stronger than all of them together; and that an old commentary (by Eustatius, a Byzantine scholar) statetd] that this mean[t ] that the planet Jupiter is stronger in its pull than all the other planets, the Earth included.(15) Einstein found this ancient knowledge quite strange. A deeper psychological connection had apparently been made between the two men, because Einstein then related to Velikovsky a dream he recalled, which had occurred years before. In it, Einstein called from his unconscious the memory of an old colleague whom he had not liked, expecting Velikovsky, a psychoanalyst, to comment. Rather than analyse the dream, Velikovsky ...
243. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials - and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology: universal gravitation of masses is not the only force governing celestial motions-electromagnetic force must also play important roles; enigmatic breaks in the geological record denote, not interminable ages of languorous erosion and deposition gently terminated by cyclic submergence and emergence of land masses, but sudden, violent derangements of the earth's surface; the remarkably rapid annihilation ...
... author proposes is to suggest probabilities and point the way for further investigation. He may theorize and speculate, but recognizes what many persons seem not able to do that speculation and theory are not to be substituted for cold facts. He may do no more than propound questions from which other men, by study, experience, philosophy, or psychology, may possibly evolve some general principle, or a theory pointing to a general principle, concerning the mode of extension and spread of culture among separate and independent peoples. When the facts shall have been gathered, marshaled, arranged side by side, and each aggregation of facts sball have been weighed, pro and con, and its ...
245. The Hermes Connection [Journals] [Aeon]
... its imprimatur on their creative art forms and literature. To be sure, these impressions are augmented and rivalled by the circular form of the Celestial Sea, symbolized by the mandala, but a discussion of the mandala as such is beyond the general purview of this essay. The influence of the Polar Column was so subliminal that it affected the psychological, and hence the sociological, progress of these ancient civilizations. It was the Axis Mundi- the central core- about which the universe (as much as was known to these ancients) revolved. By the 9th century and no later than the 7th century BC, the collective memory was already beginning a process of transmutation into grand ...
246. Velikovsky, Fundamentalism and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Aeon]
... legend survived. We may also speculate that if the disaster was severe enough, some tribes ceased to exist as social units. Why do some groups survive a catastrophe while others perish? Luck plays a role, of course. There's nothing like being at the right place at the right time. But those who survive physically must also survive psychologically. Under conditions of chaos, hopelessness and despair are the greatest threats to psychological survival. The Snohomish tribe fought against despair by shouting at the sky. Other tribes and nations tried (and still try) their own kinds of communication with the heavens. Sometimes a prayer or a chanting was used, sometimes human sacrifice. Rules and ...
247. Problems of Electricity in Astronomy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... rarefied as a good vacuum by laboratory standards, in which the mean free path of electrons is so great that an electric charge will leak away as fast as you can feed it in? This is obvious to astronomers, but is it correct? To answer this, we must first take a long look at the next problem. The Psychological Problem IT IS DIFFICULT to persuade astronomers to comment on electrical characteristics. Look up the index in almost any book on astronomy, however recent, and you will rarely find the word "electricity" mentioned. In "Evolution of the Galaxies" by Vincent C Reddish (1967) "magnetic fields" are given 11 references, " ...
248. In Memoriam: Zvi Rix [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 3 (Spring 1981) Home | Issue Contents In Memoriam: Zvi Rix 1909- 1981 We regret to announce the passing of our colleague, Dr. Zvi Rix, earlier this year. He was a pioneer student of the psychological aspects of Immanuel Velikovsky's work. Dr. Rix leaves behind many manuscripts that may someday see the light of publication. At such time, his brilliance and incisiveness will become more apparent. \cdrom\pubs\journals\kronos\vol0603\095memor.htm ...
249. Catastrophist Geology [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... , relate geological features to the cumulative effects of now active small-scale agents such as the raindrop and the sandgrain. Without this method of research geology cannot exist. But to state that it is the only one we are allowed to use without becoming "unscientific" is clearly reductionism, a nineteenth-century spook haunting geology just as it haunts history or psychology. Uniformitarian thinking has led to the assumption that discontinuities always require "a few million years' of gradual change between two more stable states. This assumption overlooks two facts. First, since we are using a time-scale a million times greater than Bishop Usher's, a catastrophe might last a million years. Second, weak and uniform causes can ...
250. A Response to Forrest [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that is, indulging the outside possibility that there may be some value in it. As far as collective amnesia is concerned, we have found an especially well-developed mental block against this important component in Velikovsky's interlocking construction, not to mention the widely accepted tenets of psychoanalysis that went into it - and, indeed, against the whole field of psychology in general. All of this has made the author of this book a difficult person with whom to engage in discussion. Against this it must be said that, if we have been unable to shake Forrest's profound opposition to a consideration of Velikovskian catastrophism, we have removed some of his more damaging misunderstandings and caused him to soften his ...
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