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71 pages of results. 231. Surprised! [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Count in AltaVista Total count+ "surprised" % surprised out of total % represented graphically archeologists 9,764 1,642 17% ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # reporters 235,826 28,671 12% ## ## ## ## ## ## psychologists 124,217 14,304 12% ## ## ## ## ## ## astronomers 64,377 6,870 11% ## ## ## ## ## # mythologists 568 54 10% ## ## ## ## ## historians 162,920 14,702 9 ...
232. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 4 No 4 (Mar 1982) Home | Issue Contents BOOKSHELF MANKIND IN AMNESIA* by Immanuel Velikovsky (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1982). Long awaited volume dealing with the psychological aspects of catastrophe (see "Terrors Repressed" in Reviews this issue). THE REVERSING EARTH by Peter Warlow (Dent, 1982). Mr Warlow's tippe-top theory for Earth inversions is well known to Velikovskians (SISR III:4 , p.100 ff.; IV: 1, p.8 ff.;IV:2 , p.62ff.). CHAOS AND CREATION* by Prof. Alfred de Grazia (Metron Publications, Box 1213, ...
233. The "Herculean Labor" Of Cecilia Gaposchkin. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... Of Cecilia Gaposchkin HALF A YEAR AFTER its annual meeting the American Philosophical Society published in its Proceedings the papers "Some Unorthodoxies of Modern Science." This time, instead of three professors from Harvard University, there were four of them who dealt with Worlds in Collision and its author: a historian of science, two astronomers, and a psychologist- Professor Donald Menzel joining his three colleagues whose papers had actually been read at the meeting. When Bernard Cohen spoke at the meeting, he reckoned- according to the abstract distributed at that time and reproduced on pages 247-248 (1 )-with the possibility that my ideas might win out in the end. His repeated references to my theory ...
234. Moderating the Middle Ages [Journals] [SIS Review]
... retired. Recall the amount of evidence listed by Velikovsky and others to the effect that significant geological changes have happened recently enough for man to remember, and how orthodox science still balks at much of this? Contrast it with their readiness to receive Alvarez's theory of mass-extinction via extra-terrestrial impact on much less and far from proven evidence. It is psychological: OK, catastrophes occurred - but not so close to us in time. Similarly, many contributors to this journal are happy to accept short chronologies of the distant past but seem averse to having the Middle Ages shortened - but was the distant past not so far distant as we have been accustomed to thinking? Various continental writers have ...
235. Puzzles of Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... acknowledge the equal, if differently manifested, cruelty of civilized life. Among the more widespread cruelties of preliterate life are: adolescent initiation, ritual mutilation and head hunting. The professed purpose of initiations is to separate youngsters from childhood and from maternal dependence. The means of accomplishing this goal, however, are social isolation, physical abuse and psychological intimidation. Ritual mutilation, though it may begin in infancy and affect any part of the body from head to foot, tends to peak at initiation time and focus on the genital organs. My interpretation of initiatory mutilations and ordeals is that they recapitulate the catastrophic events which repeatedly mutilated so many of our ancestors during the Pleistocene Epoch and ...
236. The Third World of Science [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Cosmos and Chronos." V. referred often to these ghost legions. Sometimes they sprang to life to extend invitations to V. to speak at various places, or they were used as a letterhead denomination when rebuking critics. It was, for example, on Cosmos and Chronos' stationery that the Philadelphia disciple and high school teacher of psychology, Robert Stephanos, addressed the Franklin Society in seeking to arrange a lecture invitation to Velikovsky. When the Society reconsidered and hastily closed its gates to V., it brought a certain public disgrace upon itself. Inspired though he was by his association with new and competent men, V. himself could not be organized by them; ...
237. The Succession of Gods [Books] [de Grazia books]
... real ones, he insists, and gives them their names. (He anthropomorphizes the vault of Heaven, Kosmos.) Their names, he suggests, should be coordinated with Syrian and Egyptian observations, which are much older and "tested by vast periods of time." To us it occurs that bringing the gods down to Olympus was psychologically an effort on the part of Greek myth-makers to control the gods; they became human and tied to human fortunes directly. Now Plato, feeling no threat of planetary disorders, wants to send them back to their former homes, which are once again safe. De otiosi, the removed gods, will be doubly safe, safe for ...
... with heavenly motions independently from biology, and it leads directly to Plato's idea of timeless as "the moving image of eternity." It would be helpful if historians of archaic thought would first present straight data, without pressing and squeezing their material into a shape that reflects their preconceived conclusion that biological images must come first in "primitive" psychology, like all that is concerned with generation. If one wants psychology, one can go back to Socrates in a very different phase of his life, where he is really talking psychology in the Theaetetus (152E): "When Homer sings the wonder of Ocean whence sprang the Gods and Mother Tethys, ' does he not mean ...
239. Velikovsky: A Personal Chronological Perspective of His Final Years [Journals] [Aeon]
... March 1972, a few weeks after the much touted launch of Pioneer 10 to Jupiter, that Richard Haines of NASA Ames Research Center and I got together for lunch, and he was given a copy of my most recent column in Industrial Research (now Research & Development) wherein I had mentioned Velikovsky. Haines, whose background is in psychology with emphasis on eye-brain interaction phenomena, was coincidentally at the time reading Worlds in Collision. He was sufficiently impressed with the scholarship of the book so that our conversation turned to the speculation as to whether NASA Ames would consider inviting Velikovsky to the West Coast for a consultation and lecture. I enthusiastically encouraged Haines to explore this avenue, ...
240. The Scenario of Exodus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , the two being insulated from each other, an opposing charge is accumulated at the poles and, when sufficiently charged, the poles exchange a spark, a light, a divine fire. Unlike the pyramid, or mountain, the Ark can be moved to where its sources of strength are greatest and its effects can be most effective for psychological or other purposes. The Ark is not weak. Set up properly, and given the electrical conditions of today, a sparking machine, a large Leyden jar, can accumulate and discharge tens of thousands of volts. It was something, both in actuality and potentiality, that would indeed interest the rulers of an empire. We may ...
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