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71 pages of results. 171. Science-Fiction and Collective Amnesia: "Dragon's Egg" [Journals] [Kronos]
... We like to call such a resolution - note the catastrophic term - the "climax ". Good fiction is, by its very nature, catastrophic. Uneventful lives drifting on wide, placid streams into forgetful oblivion - bore readers. Instead, we want to see those lives shattered by unusual events, sudden failures of character, or long-hidden psychological quirks which some deus ex machina dredges to the surface with cataclysmic results. Catastrophism inheres even in definitions of comedy. In The Taming of the Shrew, for instance, Lucentio - at the end of the play sums up the comic action he has just experienced in purely catastrophic terms: At last, though long, our jarring notes ...
172. Science and Novelty [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a great extent with certain scientists, who reduce science to scientism. It is wrong of these scientists to keep up the foolish caricature of science as a banal repository of beautiful truths and discoveries to be committed to memory and arrogantly professed; this is a one-sided and impoverished view of the situation of science which ignores or disdains any philosophical, psychological or, indeed, any extra-scientific aspect. The sufferer is not philosophy but science, which becomes discredited and obstructed at every step in its development. Open-mindedness and Fossilisation To remedy this deplorable situation, the best solution would seem to be to overturn it: to persuade people to abandon their narrow attitudes and recognise the wrongs they have committed ...
173. Velikovsky at Harvard [Journals] [Pensee]
... --the length of the day, month, and year, and the positions of the moon and planets are all "wrong." Velikovsky reviewed the anomalies which, from one discipline to another, lend support to his belief that global paroxysms convulsed the Earth in historical times. In cosmology, celestial mechanics, geology, evolutionary theory, and psychology he questioned assumptions-"of Victorian vintage" --which have remained unchanged despite the accumulation of evidence against them. Finally, of the students of religion he inquired: "Why was Jupiter- not as bright as the sun and not as important for our sustenance as the sun- why was it the supreme deity for a long period? How many ...
174. Aster and Disaster: The Golden Age - II [Journals] [Kronos]
... experience, in which people feel their minds to be hovering over their unconscious bodies, suggest that the brain is at most a tuning device for consciousness, and a dispensable one at that.(64) Other phenomena, such as multiple personality, are equally suggestive. What they imply is that, if a physically single body can exhibit psychologically plural consciousness, the converse may also obtain: physically plural bodies can exhibit psychologically single consciousness. In the urbanized world, the crowd psychology whereby "mass hysteria" makes a group of individuals appear to behave like a single "many-headed monster" is a manifestation of merged consciousness.(65) Another is the "mystical participation" ...
175. The Tao [Journals] [Kronos]
... what mutiny, What raging, of the sea, shaking of earth, Commotion in the winds, frights, changes, horrors, Divert and crack, rend and deracinate The unity and married calm of states Quite from their fixture!" In contrast to the ancients, "modern" science holds a much different attitude towards the Cosmos. Psychologically, a violent universe can be clearly recognized and tolerated, providing our relative position in it is safely distant- which it is tacitly assumed to be. The fundamental "difference, of course, between the [catastrophic] speculations of most of today's scientists and Velikovsky's specific theory of celestial catastrophism" may be summarized in two words - " ...
176. The Contributors [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... child learned the Hebrew Bible from Samuel Noah Kramer. He obtained the degrees of B.A . and M.A . at the University of New Mexico in English and History, and then his Ph.D . at Pennsylvania with scholarships and fellowships. Dr. Feldman taught ancient history at Community College, Philadelphia, meanwhile mastering analytic psychology under Theodore Reik. A friend of Immanuel Velikovsky, he enjoyed pursuing the revisionist approach in ancient history until his death in 1982. MARVIN ARNOLD LUCKERMAN was a docent at the Skirball Museum of Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles, and is Executive Editor of Catastrophism and Ancient History. Born in the United States, he received his B ...
... in the laboratories, one hopes, not in a nuclear holocaust with attendant degeneration. The house of knowledge, stable and everlasting only two decades ago, is now all torn by fissures, with walls bulging or caving in, foundations removed from under the structure, roof collapsing. Ancient history, anthropology, social sciences, philosophy, and psychology, all of them experienced tremors and shocks and collapses, though the caretakers of these domains too often pretend that the old values are inviolable. In front of these structures the guardians pretend that all is perfect inside; where a disagreement exists, there is an apparent agreed partition of the territory among the competing proponents. In psychology, ...
178. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... oaths and a growing national paranoia. But the scientific community acted overwhelmingly in similar fashion as it did in the Velikovsky affair. In this case, in complete contradiction to Storer, without all these assaults on science, "[ t ]he norms of science and the norms of common courtesy were violated." And I add that Storer's psychological rationalization of the scientific community's behavior in the Velikovsky affair is a "classic case study used to flay Velikovsky for science's own hypocrisy and its self-serving censorship of ideas that threaten established scientific dogma!" It is only rationalization that Storer has employed; blind, psychological rationalization to explain the Velikovsky affair, and the enduring grudge with which the ...
179. Summing up [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... in it enabling the brain to "tune into" external signals. Rupert suggested that this external signal was perhaps something he calls Morphic Fields, and gave examples of several experiments which seem to show that there is something out there. As an aside, another person who attended the conference was Gary Schartz, a Professor in the Departments of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona, and who runs the Human Energy Systems Laboratory. They do research into what I would call the paranormal, but what they describe as "research, education, and clinical applications that embrace these evolving shifts in science, society, and spirituality .. [ ...
180. Getting it Together [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... thought was relevant. The idea is that there was once a Garden of Eden or Golden Age when we all shared everything. This having been lost, we are now separate from one another and all else except for an occasional glimpse or tuning-in. Professor Wescott explores this thesis thoroughly and is able thereby to explain many aspects of our current psychology. Chapter 5 is an extremely interesting and elaborate description of language. Roger Wescott believes that languages, like genes, have a single origin or ancestor. He discusses how human language differs from animal communication. This prompts a section on symbiosis where he reminds us how dependent we are on the rest of the biosphere. The last chapter ...
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