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... and September) featuring articles on archaeoastronomy, myths, rituals, symbols, and other subjects related to ancient conceptions of natural and human history. Contents HORUS Introduces the ISCBM Board of Directors Can Psychoanalysis Be A Science? An Introduction to Velikovsky .. David Griffard An Interview for Television with Immanuel Velikovsky .. Don Riggs Historical Paradise and Collective Psychology .. Richard Heinberg Investigating the Mound Builders' Astronomy .. F. Glenn Graham HORUScope .. .more Myths, Monuments, and Mnemonics; A Solstice Visit to Machu Picchu .. David Griffard Horustic II Charles Raspil Assistant Editor: William Douglas Subscription: $15.00 a year (N .A ) $10. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  01 Sep 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/horus/v0103/index.htm
162. Omnibus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of Interdisciplinary Synthesis". This first number runs to 82 small-format pages: future issues are expected to be 45 to 65 pages in length. The Journal denies any connection with the dormant Pensée , a statement which appears reasonable in view of the content of the contribution; the subject matter seems to be veering strongly towards the humanities and the psychological aspects of investigation in this field. The Editorial Board of the newcomer is headed by Lewis M. Greenberg (Associated Professor of Art History and Chairman of the Department of Art History and Social Sciences, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia), Warner B. Sizemore (Assistant Professor of Religion, Glassboro State College, N.J ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/newslet2/16news.htm
... : David Griffard Horus is a tri-annual magazine (published in January, May and September) featuring articles on archaeoastronomy, myths, rituals, symbols, and other subjects related to ancient conceptions of natural and human history. Contents A Conversation with Barry (recorded April 1985) Collective Behaviorism and Ancient Astronomy .. David Griffard Four Faces of Collective Psychology .. Jerry Kroth Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record .. Charles Raspil On Number as Artifact (Part I) .. Fred Fisher Solution to Horustic II Charles Raspil Cover quote: "I sent forth my messengers to the country of Atika..., to the great copper mines which are in this place... ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  01 Sep 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/horus/v0201/index.htm
164. The Case of the Turkish Turn Coat [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XI No. 1 (Fall 1985) Home | Issue Contents The Case of the Turkish Turn Coat Duane Vorhees The twentieth century was born, psychologically speaking, with the 1900 publication of The Interpretation of Dreams. Conceived by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis quickly matured into a bold, contentious philosophy, ready and able to challenge the basic tenets of many other disciplines. But its precepts and even its mood were so radically different from those of its rivals that its ultimate antecedents remain a mystery despite various attempts to trace its genealogy. Some four decades after The Interpretation of Dreams appeared, Immanuel Velikovsky, one of Freud's professional colleagues, published a comprehensive reinterpretation ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol1101/080case.htm
... the ancient ruins of the Holy Land. Nor does it portray the young intellectual who with burning zeal co-published a series of volumes of the works of outstanding Jewish scholars, assisted by Albert Einstein, who edited the scientific section, and encouraged by Chaim Weizmann, later to become the first President of Israel. Nor the early papers on Freudian psychology written by the over-burdened practicing physician in Palestine. Nor does my sketchy biography depict properly the excitement and stimulation of the discovery of the Ipuwer Papyrus, the key that unlocked the Egyptian record of catastrophe. Nor the eleven years of persistent painstaking search for worldwide evidence of cataclysm; first into the library in the morning, last to leave ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/milton/159about.htm
166. The Aristotelian Cosmos [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and not a search for objective truth because that truth is too unbearable. That truth suggests to this author that although we are willing to accept our own personal death and even that of our species, we cannot confront the possibility that our world can be obliterated and the evidence of our world's existence die with that obliteration. As in Freudian psychology, that truth is so unwelcome, Velikovsky understood, that it will be fought against with every mechanism of defense available to mankind. As Irving Wolfe pointed out, the entire history of science has been to create scientific ideologies, divorced from catastrophe and to make the world safe and sound.1 "Velikovsky is the most recent instance ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 28  -  27 May 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/velikov/vol0501/01aristotelian.pdf
... a sense of the underlying coherence of the thesis." (p . 2.) He also provides an overview of the theories of other comparative mythologists who have been aware of the amazing global similarities in myth and symbol. Scholars have traditionally postulated various ad hoc theories to explain these congruencies- conjectures about seasonal fertility rites, basic human psychology of the primal family. But others have noticed two startling facts: the former gods were stars, which were planets, and "[ w ]henever ancient astronomies preserved detailed images of the planet Saturn, it seems that Saturn was declared to have formerly occupied the celestial pole." (p . 43.) According to Talbott ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 27  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0502/91symb.htm
168. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... out by a supernova is freely debated, and surmises that epidemic disease originates from outer space are discussed by reputable experts. Velikovsky was a psychoanalyst by profession, and his contributions to the field were highly regarded by Freud and Bleuler. Until 1939 he practised in Haifa. In Mankind in Amnesia, published posthumously, he examines the implications for psychology of the repression of these catastrophes in the memory of mankind. He suggests that the existence of many deep-seated fears in the human mind, recognized by the founders of psychology as not rooted in individual experience, is due to the repression of this memory, transmitted from generation to generation as part of man's collective unconscious. It is repressed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 27  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/vol0404/26revie.htm
169. Conclusion [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Yahweh, Vriezen has stated correctly: "If this God has to be typified in one word, that word must be: Power; or, still better, perhaps: Force. Everything about and around Yahweh feels the effect of this. He as it were electrifies his environment."[2 ] His electrifying force is more than psychological and metaphorical; "The Great I Am" is electrical in fact. The ideology of mosaism, a set of formulas for tying the aims of Moses to the purposes of Yahweh, proved to be adaptable from one restricted area and culture, the Judaic, to several grand civilizations - Byzantine, West European, Islamic, and American ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 27  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/degrazia/godsfire/ch9.htm
... of all ancient religions. The problem that occupied the minds of the Classicists, Mesoamerican scholars, Orientalists, and students of social anthropology and mythology, was not solved in any one of these disciplines separately. Like the early memory of a single man, so the early memory of the human race belongs into the domain of the student of psychology. Only a philosophically and historically, but also analytically trained mind can see in the mythological subjects their true content- a mind that learned in long years of exercise to understand the dreams and phantasies of his fellow man. Thus I entered a field that should be at the basis of the natural sciences, not only of the human soul ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 27  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0302/005views.htm
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