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701 results found.
71 pages of results. 141. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... is the co-author of An Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture and has been an Associate Editor of the journal Pensee to which he contributed several articles. He has also published in Chiron, Science, Biblical Archaeology Review, Astronomy, and SIS Review. David Griffard (Ph.D ., Univ. of Pittsburgh); Associate Professor of Psychology at Community College of Allegheny County Pittsburgh. Dr. Griffard has contributed to Science, the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, and Inquiry. His work has also been reviewed in the Annual Review of Psychology. Prof. Griffard is presently the Director of the Institute for Collective Behavior and Memory. James M. McCanney (M . ...
142. Velikovsky And Cultural Amnesia [Journals] [Pensee]
... the intellectual forces on display were highly centrifugal. The participants represented the disciplines of art history, ancient history, and history of science; clinical psychiatry, political science, and anthropology; Shakespearean studies, Egyptology, and classics. And the splicing of one of these onto another was the rule rather than the exception. The art historian made psychological concepts the backbone of his argument, while the psychiatrist focused on the art work of psychotics. The historian of science was concerned with political influences present at the foundations of modern geology, while the political scientist discussed a classical text. Both the classicist and anthropologist spent half of their time with native American cultures, turning for the other ...
143. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Pensee]
... transmitted from generation to generation by communities unable to write, by American Indians, by the people of Lapland, the Voguls of Siberia, the aborigines of tropical Africa, the Tahitians in the South Pacific? Like the early memory of a single man, so the early memory of the human race belongs into the domain of the student of psychology. Only a philosophically and historically, but also analytically trained mind can see in the mythological subjects their true content- a mind that learned in long years of exercise to understand the dreams and phantasies of his fellow man. Why is theomachy the central theme of all cosmogonical myths? Should not a thinking man pause and wonder why the ...
144. Catastrophism and Anthropology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , they assumed that the best way to prevent another cataclysmic battle from occurring was to have the sun circle in the sky' [7 ]. According to Wasserman, the Aztec flying game was a mimetic dramatisation of the Sun's movement, intended to hinder the repetition of yet another threatening disaster. The fear of a prospective cataclysm and its psychological working-off in the form of play was the proper function of this Aztec catastrophe game: "Thus the Aztec flying game, as a cultic act, transformed a myth into a mythical object which could be then realized. By doing so, the flying game succeeded in converting ontic anxiety into a tangible fear that could be courageously faced. ...
145. Collective Amnesia: A Brief History of the Concept [Journals] [Kronos]
... follows logically from Velikovsky's professional training in medicine at the University of Moscow (M .D . 1921), his studies in Vienna with Dr. Wilhelm Stekel (one of Freud's influential protegés), and his practice in Haifa and Tel-Aviv as a psychoanalyst (until 1939). Most directly, it follows his long interest in the theoretical psychologies of Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung and his own analysis of mental life grounded in the concept of celestial catastrophism. Velikovsky evidently believes that what Jung refers to as "the collective unconscious"- which is part of what Freud calls "the collective mind"- is the repository of repressed memories relating to terrifying cataclysms in mankind's ...
146. Big and Little Science [Articles]
... more it has become apparent (to our horror) that we are approaching the limit of what we can learn about what lies behind the phenomena". In the first four chapters of the book, I deal primarily with the limitations of hard science, before going on to analyze those to be found in history, philosophy, mathematics, psychology, etc. These chapters are already being quoted, taught and used as texts in graduate courses in literary theory, the history of science and philosophy, and what I will present now is a very short precis of them. I had hesitated before preparing it, but I find now that the compression makes the point even more powerful ...
147. Inherent Origins of the State (Hegel and Freud) [Journals] [Kronos]
... Strife. " Empedocles(1 ) FOREWORD This is the second in a series of three articles dealing with the general theme of the Hegelian origins of Freud's social and political philosophy. The first article "Group Mind in Development" (KRONOS IV:4 )- dealt with what I called Freud's "phylogenic and ethnogenic dialectic," the psychological growth of mankind into the form of the modern state. This second article presents an exposition of Hegel's social and political philosophy so as to find the roots and paradigm of Freud's theory. It also attempts to show in what ultimate respects and conclusions Hegel's views may or may not coincide with Freud's. The last article in the series- ...
... Home ] Recollections of a Fallen Sky: Velikovsky and Cultural Amnesia Papers presented at the University of Lethbridge May 9 and 10, 1974 Edited by E.R . Milton CONTENTS Foreword Earl R. Milton Cultural Amnesia: The Submergence of Terrifying Events in the Racial Memory and Their Later Emergence Immanuel Velikovsky Palaetiology of Fear and Memory Alfred de Grazia Psychological Aspects of the Work of Immanuel Velikovsky John MacGregor Structuring the Apocalypse: Old and New World Variations William Mullen Shakespeare and Velikovsky: Catastrophic Theory and the Springs of Art Irving Wolfe Catastrophism and Uniformity: A Probe into the Origins of the 1832 Gestalt Shift in Geology George Grinnell Living with Velikovsky: Catastrophism as a World View Patrick Doran Afterword ...
149. Schizophrenia and the Fear of World Destruction [Journals] [Kronos]
... the eyelids may be tightly closed [emphasis added] . . . In the excited state, he becomes extremely agitated and destructive. He is likely to destroy furniture, tear his clothes, assault others, or injure and mutilate himself.(3 ) It appears, then, that the shattering and prolonged trauma of cosmic catastrophe could produce psychological states which were strikingly similar to those which we classify today as catatonic schizophrenia. But the Aztecs were not the only people to remember what had happened to their ancestors during periods of cataclysm: Isaiah 9. 19 (RSV): Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is burned, and the people are like fuel ...
150. Kronos Vol. II, No. 4 Summer 1977: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II, No. 4 Summer 1977 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. II, No. 4 Summer 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Father Kugler's Falling Star Malcolm Lowery 29 Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery David Griffard 56 The Domination of Astronomy Over Other Disciplines . . . Lynn E. Rose 64 Jericho Immanuel Velikovsky 70 Peoples of the Sea: An Egyptologist's Reaction David Lorton 75 Philistines, Persians, and "Peoples of the Sea": A Problem of Ethnic Identity Roger W. Wescott 77 Peoples of the Sea: An Art Historical Perspective . . . Lewis M. Greenberg 88 "Astronomy and Chronology": An ...
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