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71 pages of results. 131. The Scientific Reception System [Books] [de Grazia books]
... be communicated. As its value becomes apparent, the truth will be used in all applied fields that are related. Those who operate in the name of this model tend to deny a sociology of science. The concept of sociology implies that men are conditioned in their behaviour by social factors lying outside of the intellect. The scope of the psychology of science is similarly reduced, creating a constant tendency to believe in absolute realities. Furthermore, since those under the rationalistic spell claim that after all there is an objective method of testing reality and any reasonable person can see the truth when it is presented to him, ' they tend to dismiss political problems as irrelevant, and to ...
132. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... co-author of An Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture (1966) and has been an associate editor of the journal Pensee to which he contributed several articles He has also served as an editor for the Greystone Press's multi-volume Encyclopedia of Art David Griffard (Ph.D ., Univ. of Pittsburgh); Dr. Griffard is Associate Professor of Psychology at Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh. He has contributed to Science, the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, and Inquiry. Prof. Griffard's work has also been reviewed in the Annual Review of Psychology. David Lorton (Ph.D ., Johns Hopkins); Dr. Lorton, an Egyptologist, is a Fellow ...
133. Heretics, Dogmatists and Science's Reception of New Ideas [Journals] [Kronos]
... seen below, other thinkers such as Ackoff, Rose and Velikovsky have commented in consonance with Pfeiffer on the nature of science. Another appealing notion about the reception of Worlds in Collision is that the hostility resided in Velikovsky's challenging the widely-held belief in the essentially eternal stability of the solar system. Not until discovering two obscure articles dealing with the psychology of scientific prejudice and the forces against creativity in science was the stability argument convincing. Before divulging the contents of these two pivotal articles, I would like to cite several sources that shed revealing light on the reception of Velikovsky's ideas. THE GROWTH OF SCIENCE IN SOCIETY In his widely cited article in Minerva on the organization of the scientific ...
134. Untitled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... mid-1950's onward, fellow analyst Heinz Kohut concentrated his theoretical energies on the development of a comprehensive metapsychology which also centered on the treatment of narcissism as the first order of analytical business. In doing so, Paul H. Ornstein (Kohut 1978:80) claimed that Kohut had pioneered "a new perception of the relationship between drive-psychology and self psychology." In many respects, however, Kohut's approach in the 1950's seems to have paralleled that of Velikovsky in the 1930's. But there is no evidence that Kohut was in any way influenced by Velikovsky, and the personal ties between the two seem tenuous at best. Kohut had been trained by August Aichhorn, one of Federn's protégés ...
135. Freud And His Heroes. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... to give my full time to research. Actually I had with me the pages of a manuscript I had begun, "Freud and His Heroes." Free from all other duties, I intended to finish and publish it in the United States. I could not forget that when I was in Paris in 1937, participating in the International Psychological Congress, I had shown an outline of an earlier work on psychology, with biological and philosophical aspects, broadly laid down, to Presses Universitaires, and it had been accepted for publication- but I had never finished it. In December of the same year, 1937, I lost my father. Seeing war approach, I realized that ...
136. The AAAS Affair: from Twenty Years After [Books]
... years? In an effort to address these and other such questions, I shall- in the pages that follow- be placing great emphasis on Velikovsky's own view that the Velikovsky Affair should be understood in terms of psychoanalytical resistance. I shall also be dealing with the notable incompetence that afflicts so many of Velikovsky's critics, and with some of the possible psychological differences between Velikovsky's supporters and Velikovsky's critics. The individuals receiving the most attention here will be Huber, Michelson, and Gingerich- Huber because I am one of those best prepared to answer him (thus he has become my special responsibility), and Michelson and Gingerich because their overall roles have never been examined before. I then conclude this ...
137. Quantavolution and Catastrophes Series [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... are discussed in the light of new discoveries about quantavolution and catastrophes as they shaped the globe. A riveting theory of the explosion of the Moon from Earth in recent times, accompanying the global fracture and rafting of the continents. Solaria Binaria: An astronomer and astro-physicist join to perfect an elegantly coherent and logical theory, backed by physical, psychological, and mythological studies, of the origins and history of the solar system with Jupiter as the remnant of the Uranian binary partner of Sol. By Alfred de Grazia and Earl R. Milton. Homo Schizo: Human and cultural hologenesis in a quantavolution caused by micro-second brain hemisphere delay, with ensuing genetic schizotypicality. Possible exoterrestrial movements, ...
138. The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part III [Journals] [Aeon]
... , and this is firstly because of three major differences. These civilizations were separated by half a world; they came into flower millennia apart; and although their forebears must have witnessed the same Saturnian events, the effect on the two civilizations could hardly have been more distinct in certain respects. This separation by distance, time, and divergent psychological impressions has resulted in one of the strangest occurrences that the Saturn model needs to explain. I first became aware of an opening of the mouth connection while researching the literature on the mythology and rites of the Maya. [1 ] In a major work by D. Freidel et al., the authors discuss the attributes of the ...
139. An Amnesia Victim: Ch.1 Of Racial Memory (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... had nursed. Another of the pathological forms to which an amnesia may lead is what is called mental scotoma. In ophthalmology, scotoma is a partial or insular blindness; a certain segment of the field of vision does not register on the retina because of some defect, like detachment of the retina or a clot of blood beneath it. Psychological scotoma is an inability to observe certain phenomena or to recognise certain situations though they are obvious to other persons. A man may not see an evident fact or not recognise an obvious situation, though his intelligence and rationality should produce an immediate realisation and proper reaction. The proverbial husband of the promiscuous wife is the only one with no ...
140. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes [Journals] [Kronos]
... , people lived exclusively in small hunting bands. In such communities, everyone knew everyone else, and social control was assured by bonds of neighborly familiarity. But then, with the advent of farming, population grew so rapidly that people no longer knew all members of their village communities. The resulting estrangement threatened to produce social disorder. The psychological defense that early peasants developed against this threat was "bi-cameralism," which literally means a two-chambered condition. The "chambers" that Jaynes is referring to here are the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex in the brain. Today, most of us rely almost exclusively on the left hemisphere for verbal and analytical activities, relegating ...
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