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43 pages of results. 301. Thoth Vol II, No. 13: Aug 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... . Images PIA01615 and 1616 show the "braided" appearance of some of the swaths of grooved terrain on Ganymede. Similar effects were seen on Europa. It would indicate that Ganymede, like Europa, has taken on the role of a secondary electrode in a powerful interplanetary discharge from Jupiter. In that case, great ropes of writhing hot plasma will preferentially snake across the surface of the moon rather than through the near vacuum of space, as the current heads for its more distant target. A good idea of what it must have looked like can be had if you have seen those plasma ball novelties with the snaking discharges contained in the glass sphere. Only in the case ...
302. Thoth Vol II, No. 12: July 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... depicting apocalyptic destruction from space show the same electrically sterile view of interactions between bodies in the solar system. .. . In fact, long before physical contact can be achieved between two sizable bodies, their electrical imbalance will need to be dealt with. The two bodies will "feel" the presence of each other as soon as their plasma sheaths touch. In the case of a comet, its plasma sheath can measure millions of kilometers across. Travelling at 20 kilometers per second, a comet will cover one million kilometers in about 14 hours. So, for something of the order of a day, there will be odd electrical effects evident in weather, geomagnetism, auroras ...
303. Enheduanna and the Goddess Inanna [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by cosmic missile impacts. Many are much better explained in terms of electric discharge effects [38]. Judging from the rather widespread nature of cratering in the Solar System, electric discharge events may not have been rare occurrences. So did Enheduanna witness not an actual collision with a cosmic missile but a near-miss involving another large body or its plasma? Both the impacting missile and the near-miss alternative would explain the references in Nin-me-sar-ra' to the noise of the goddess, her radiance, the storms and evil winds she brought, the apparition of the dragon in the skies, why fire rained' from heaven, and why she was so feared. The venom or poison deposited on ...
304. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ' polar configuration in particular retain their validity as reliable reconstructions of the mythical archetypes, that must have once displayed themselves in visible form in the night sky. I contend and concur with the Saturn theory (1 ) that all mythical archetypes were spawned by catastrophic encounters with solid bodies in the sky, (2 ) that these encounters provoked plasma configurations - somewhat like auroras on a massive scale - similar in character with the postulated polar configuration', and (3 ) that the earth was for some time in polar alignment with these cosmic bodies. During the catastrophic disruption of the configuration the ancient stargazers lost track of the solid bodies in case and noted that the gods had ...
305. Velikovsky and the Sequence of Planetary Orbits [Journals] [Pensee]
... Mars, or that it could be dissipated into space by the three planets during the time available. The Energy Problem: Alternatives Dissipation into space would normally occur by means of electromagnetic radiation. The limitations according to Stefan's law have already been discussed; however, that discussion did not consider the possibility that the radiation was emitted from an excited plasma surrounding the particular planet, rather than from the planet's surface. If this were the case, a much higher temperature would be available, resulting in a higher rate of energy emission, but this emission would seemingly consist of a greater proportion of short-wavelength (ultra-violet, x-ray) radiation- more than enough, perhaps, to produce the mutations ...
306. The Velikovsky Centenary Conference, New York, 1995 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Venus theory and his interplanetary discharge ideas. Venus's surface has a new appearance. If Venus's craters are due to impacts, the direction of all arriving objects must have been perpendicular to its surface! Venus has a cometary, not a planetary atmosphere. Earl Milton (1989) said that there are craters on comet Halley. Comets discharge and plasma discharges when its electrical environment is altered. Electrical discharge explains the River Styx on Venus, 6700km long and 2km wide. Venus is not in electrical balance: there is a great potential difference between its plasma and the sun's and their magnetic sheaths could merge. Rilles are electrically-formed channels which race across the ground, to discharge from the ...
307. Solaria Binaria [Books] [de Grazia books]
... not only because it produces heat for the Earth. If the galactic electrical sources were denied the Sun, it would collapse upon itself, as would the low density planets. Neutralized, bodies of the system would continue to orbit but purely by inertial attraction, not much different from that which we now observe but without excess radiation and interplanetary plasma. Then the solar system would be truly a fossil system. In all of these hypothetical adjustments, the Earth maintained "miraculously" smooth phasing in the transition from Solaria Binaria to the solar system (but, of course, every unpredetermined survival is a miracle). People on Earth would actually have observed all that the ancients claim ...
308. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... in Velikovsky's thesis suggests that solar and planetary charges are acquired suddenly. Furthermore, Menzel's necessary assumptions as to the dielectric properties of the sun, earth, and space were wholly gratuitous and unsupported by observational evidence. (It has been established in space probes since 1960 that interplanetary space, especially close in to the sun, is filled with plasma. Thus Menzel's assumptions are inapplicable to the situation. Furthermore, in 1960, Prof. V. A. Bailey of the University of Sydney, Australia, reported [15]: It has been found possible to account for the known orders of magnitude of five different astronomical phenomena... by the single hypothesis that a star ...
309. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... discovered a cloud of electrified gases circling Saturn in which temperatures ranged from 60 million degrees Fahrenheit to more than 1,000 million degrees, 300 times hotter than the Sun's outer regions and the hottest spot ever detected in the Solar System", reported Ian Ball, in the Daily Telegraph of 12/10/81. The doughnut-shaped gas plasma cloud orbits Saturn in the region of the planet's two icy moons Dione and Rhea. The readings were made by Voyager's low-energy, charged particle instrument on its August 26 fly-past, but it was only five weeks later that scientists analysing the data made their extraordinary discovery. Dr Louis Lanzerotti of the Bell Telephone Laboratories said the plasma was so ...
310. Thoth Vol I, No. 14: May 21, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... the space shuttle's cargo bay. Unable to head directly for Jupiter, the craft was sent on a complex course that included one swing by Venus and two Earth flybys to give it a trio of gravity-assisted boosts. The serendipitous encounter with Venus gave space physicist Donald Gurnett of the University of Iowa and his team the opportunity to use the craft's plasma wave instrument - designed to study the electric field signals generated by plasmas moving in Jupiter's intense magnetic field - to listen for radio discharges from Venusian lightning. Listening for enlightenment wasn't a brand new idea. The Soviet Venera landers of the 1970s and the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, which reached Venus in 1979, may have detected flashes, though ...
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