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... insecurity and frustration. Fossilized notions are offered as ultimate truths eliminating any need for further probing and thinking. Geology is taught according to uniformitarian principles laid down long before oceanographers and students of paleomagnetism discovered evidence of global violence in recent time; in astronomy, newfound knowledge of interplanetary magnetic fields, electric charges on the Sun and planets, and plasma in space is kept out of most college textbooks- or referred to only in prefaces; the high heat and retrograde rotation of Venus, gases escaping from a Moon long thought to be cold to its core- such anomalies carry no explanation in the astronomy taught in the colleges. Disquieting news arrives in an incessant stream from arctic regions ...
232. When Was the Lunar Surface Last Molten? [Journals] [Pensee]
... both argon and neon were found in lunar material. Ages of seven billion and even 20 billion years were deduced, estimates that exceed the accepted age of the universe. Then it was claimed that much of the argon-40 arrived in the solar wind, though previously only atoms of hydrogen and helium were thought to be present in the wind (plasma). It was retorted that the solar wind cannot possibly contain argon-40; and it was found that the smaller the lunar grains are, the larger is the proportion of argon (and neon) to the grain's mass- it means that much of the argon must have come from the outside- therefore its presence is proportional to the surface, ...
233. For the Record. . . [Journals] [Kronos]
... "Cataclysmic Evolution" (pp. 255-259). "Cosmic rays. . . arriving from outside the earth, are very strong per particle, averaging several billions of electron volts and sometimes carrying a potential of a hundred billion electron volts. . . it is conceivable that, where a cosmic ray or charge hits a gene of germ plasma, a biological mutation takes place, comparable to the physical transmutation of the elements. After all, the genes, like any proteins, are biochemical compounds composed of carbon, nitrogen, and a few other elements. Should a somatic chromosome be hit by a powerful charge, it might at worst cause disorganized growth and be the origin ...
234. As Worlds Collide [Journals] [Kronos]
... its long train and any attendant magnetic fields, would have passed right through intense regions of the Earth's magnetosphere .( 2a) Both planetary bodies would undergo severe tidal distortion and would suffer extensive damage. (3 ) Would either be destroyed? Not necessarily. Venus, although today believed to be non-magnetic, is still surrounded by a great plasma tail extending away from the Sun for over 100 times the Venus radius. (4 ) Each time Venus passes inferior conjunction, a period of geomagnetic minimum occurs on Earth for about seven days. On either side of this quiet period enhanced magnetic disturbances are likely to occur. (5 ) In close contact the two planets and their ...
235. Epilogue (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... findings evoked exclamations of surprise and led to some farfetched ad-hoc hypotheses. In celestial mechanics all new evidence has conjured against the concept- basic in science until very recently- that gravitation and inertia are the only forces in action in the celestial sphere. The new discoveries are the interplanetary magnetic field centered on the sun and rotating with it; the solar plasma; the terrestrial magneto-sphere; and the enormously powerful magnetic envelope around Jupiter through which the Galilean satellites plow, themselves influencing the Jovian radio signals. By 1969 Velikovsky could write: "Who is the physicist that would insist that Jupiter, traveling with its powerful magnetosphere through the interplanetary magnetic field, is not affected by it? Or that ...
236. Conference: Earth Changes 2000 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... from the point of view of the participants. Digital video and sound studios were used so that videotapes of the presentations should be available soon. Friday evening was to have been a keynote address by Doug Kenyon, followed by Frank Joseph. Frank was unable to be there so Michael Mandeville stood in at short notice. Saturday morning saw the plasma physicist John Brandenburg and journalist Monica Rix Paxson deliver a warning based on their book, Dead Mars, Dying Earth. David Talbott and Wal Thornhill were next and shared a 2 hour slot before lunch. In an almost impressionistic way they were able to convey a sense of the Saturn model and the Electric universe which received a very positive ...
237. Forums [Journals] [SIS Review]
... believed in "electrostatic repulsion" as an answer to, unsolved problems (2 ), But there is nothing static about astrophysics. Everything is dynamic. If an electric charge is transferred to a celestial body, like the Earth, this charge will be gone almost instantaneously. The electric conductance between the ionosphere of the Earth and the surrounding plasma is almost perfect, for the simple reason that there is nothing to prevent charged particles (electrons, protons, ions) from leaving the ionosphere. It is true that the lower parts of the atmosphere act as an insulating layer between the ionosphere and the ground, but it is a rather poor insulator - a charge on the Earth ...
238. The Latecoming Olduvai Gorge [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and younger dates as measurements move up. This is as expected and found. But the layering could occur in a very short time set of eruptions and evidence a series of old ages in some kind of proportions because the daughter traces will be most abundant in the lowest samples and decline progressively as the samples are taken from lower in the plasma melt. Addressing himself to that part of the African-Red Sea Rift which stands on the continent, R.B . McConnell argued a 2.7 billion year age for its beginnings and limits severely the changes of recent times [1 ], compares it with the Rhine Graben and Baikal depression. I have linked all three with the ...
239. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... from important slide presentations at Portland, Oregon in 1997. The Electric Universe by Wallace Thornhill For anyone dissatisfied with orthodox views of a gravity dominated universe, this is essential reading, its interdisciplinary research presenting a picture of an electric universe within which the catastrophic events described in myth can be explained. Thornhill covers an amazing range of phenomena from plasma physics to mythical symbols and presents convincing electrical explanations for observed astronomical phenomena which astrophysicists have ad hoc dabs at. Thornhill explains our Sun, surface scars on the Moon and Mars, evidence that Venus is a young planet and much more. He sets the scene for a plausible explanation of the Polar Configuration of mythologists Talbott et al and ...
240. Europa braided furrow [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... which runs vertically in the attached image and must be of the order of 10 km wide, is the apparent braiding of the ridges - particularly near the top of the picture. In earlier postings I have described how I thought the ridges and triplebands were formed. If you can imagine Europa as a ball inside one of those novelty shop plasma spheres, where discharges snake between the central sphere and the outer glass envelope, then imagine 3 spheres in a line inside the glass envelope with the discharges occurring between the two end spheres. The sphere in the centre would have the discharge filaments snaking across its surface. It represents Europa, which must have periodically gotten in the way ...
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