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426 results found.
43 pages of results. 221. Aeon Volume VI, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Australian Wolfe Creek Crater which questions the impact origin attributed to it, concluding instead that it was formed through an enormous electrical discharge between Earth and some other cosmic body. Page 19: The Cosmic String of Pearls Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs An examination of the mythic motif of the great planetary conjunction, and how this might relate to cosmic plasma phenomena. Page 47 : Heracles as Cross-Dresser Ev Cochrane A study of the Greek strongman which explains the otherwise bizarre tales about him and his counterparts in which he is described as having donned female garb. Page 63: The Opening of the Mouth Ritual- Part I Ken Moss The first part of a detailed evaluation of the Egyptian rite ...
222. Celestial Rings [Journals] [Aeon]
... involving rings in conjunction with comets. I can't tell which of the three explanations he himself prefers. Still on page 30, Zemel refers to dark matter in rings. Clearly, this is not the same "dark matter" that uniformitarians invoke to provide gravitational cohesion to galaxies. But I can't tell whether this matter is supposed to be plasma, dispersed dust, or something else. I look forward to his response to these questions. Henry Zemel explains: It seems that my dyslexic terminology did not escape the discerning eye of an experienced linguist. Professor Wescott is correct in referring to the bodies as "ringmoons" and "ringplanets," rather than "moonrings" and ...
223. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have been developed, notably the idea of the Polar Configuration', are better known in the USA and Canada than in Europe and elsewhere, so Ev's article provides an introduction for newcomers. Wal Thornhill is writing about a complementary area of interest: the role of electricity in the cosmos. This is tantalising territory: scientists now accept that plasmas and electric and magnetic fields are everywhere around us and some of the space probe images from Earth's neighbours are strongly suggestive of electrical activity. However some of the more radical theories (such as Juergens' electric sun') have run into problems and there is still much to be done in determining whether, as many suspect, the ...
224. Mutations And New Species. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... based on genetics and Mendel's laws. Ironically, Mendel was an Augustine monk and made his basic contribution at a time when the war between science and the Church was raging, following the publication of Darwin's main work. The spontaneous variations in mutants can be followed through as hereditary factors in successive generations of offspring. The genes in the germ plasma are the carriers of the traits, and a variation (mutation) in a gene would cause a variation (mutation) in the offspring. But, generally, only single variations appear at a time; they may lead to new races, not to new species. Spontaneous mutations are far too few and insufficient in magnitude to bring ...
225. Aeon Volume VI, Number 6: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Volume VI, Number 6 ISSN 1066-5145 October 2005 IN THIS ISSUE. Front Cover: The Great Sphinx, Giza, Egypt. Photograph by Dwardu Cardona. Vox Popvli Our readers sound off. Page 5 Forum Discussions/debates between Dick Gagel, Anthony Peratt, and Dwardu Cardona. Page 6 The Ark And Tent Of Meeting by Dick Gagel Plasma Scalability by Anthony Peratt Falling Star Ev Cochrane Comparative myths, mainly from North American Indians, concerning the fall of Star Woman, her association with the Warrior Hero, and their unifying cosmic relations. Page 11: The Opening of the Mouth Ritual- Part III Ken Moss The conclusion of a definitive evaluation of the Egyptian rite in question ...
226. Are the Moon's Scars Only 3000 Years Old? [Journals] [Pensee]
... Some of the most fundamental concepts are being summoned for revision. In celestial mechanics, all new evidence has conjured against the concept- basic in science until very recently- that gravitation and inertia are the only forces in action in the celestial sphere. The new discoveries are the interplanetary magnetic fields centered on the sun and rotating with it; the solar plasma; the terrestrial magnetosphere that caused the moon to rock when entering and leaving the magnetic funnel; the enormously powerful magnetic envelope around Jupiter through which the Galilean satellites plow, themselves influencing the Jovian radio signals. Who is the physicist that would insist that Jupiter, traveling with its powerful magnetosphere through the interplanetary magnetic field, is not affected ...
227. C&C Workshop 2004, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Number 1 Society News 1 Letters 2 Article Hatshepsut, The Queen of Sheba and Velikovsky (Part II, A response to Bimbson) by Emmet J Sweeney 3 Monitor 6 News from the Internet The Velikovskian 8 The Internet Sacred Text Archive 8 Firmament and Chaos 9 Charles Berlitz Dies 9 Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture 9 Ancient recollections of interplanetary plasma? By Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs 10 Ages in Alignment 15 Book: Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes by James M. McCanney 15 To the Ends of the Earth 16 Copyright (c ) January 2004 Society for Interdisciplinary Studies a registered charity (Charities Act, 1960) - registration number 286264 PRODUCTION TEAM: Jill Abery, David ...
228. A New Introduction to Earth in Upheaval [Journals] [SIS Review]
... bi-planet system - the Moon - no more a lovable luminary to lighten our nights, but a site of an inferno, a ravished work, with no life left, millions of acres of destruction battered and molten and bubbled, a picture not new, but not realised in its meaning to Earth. Our glorious day luminary sends tongues of plasma to lick its planets that splay and harden their magnetic shields to protect themselves from such lovemaking. Radio signals are sent by planets to tell of the anguishes of their inorganic souls and radio signals come from colliding galaxies, and the placid universe is but an expanse crossed by radiation some of which is lethal, by fragments of disintegrated bodies ...
229. Aeon Volume IV, Number 6: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... the slowing down of terrestrial rotation would have on the Earth's hydrosphere. PAGE 31 The Saturn Thesis (Part 3) In continuing to stress the coherence of mythological motifs as they pertain to the unfolding Saturnian scenario, David Talbott explains the appearance of the Radiant Ve-nus, and its displacement from the primeval Saturnian center, through recently disclosed phenomena of plasma physics. PAGE 39 Samson Revealed Ev Cochrane examines the character and deeds of the Israelite strongman and compares them with those of other known Martian heroes. PAGE 67 The Shrine of Baal-Zephon Dwardu Cardona traces the route of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt and, in so doing, attempts to locate the shrine of Baal-Zephon at Pi-ha-Hiroth at which ...
230. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... New Scientist, 20.9 .03. p. 25) Global warming due to increasing carbon dioxide levels is now a dogma for climatologists and the past history of Earth's climate is often assessed by carbon dioxide levels, but some research indicates that variations in cosmic-ray activity are much more important in regard to temperature fluctuations. Radiation, magnetised plasma and energetic particles from the Sun are all key factors which need to be taken account of in models of climate change in the past. THE IMPACT OF A ROMAN LEGEND (New Scientist, 21.6 .03. p. 13) A legend of a falling star has been around in Italy since Roman times in the 4th ...
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