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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 481. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... ; Dr. de Grazia is Professor of Social Theory and Political Psychology at N. Y. U. and was founder and editor of the American Behavioral Scientist He was also co-editor and co-author of The Velikovsky Affair. H. C. Dudley (Ph.D ., Georgetown Univ.); Dr. Dudley is Professor of Radiation Physics, Univ. of Illinois at the Medical Center (Chicago). He has contributed to numerous publications which include the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Nuovo Cimento, Physics Today, Chem. & Eng. News, and Industrial Research. Professor Dudley is also the author of several books, among them being his recently published work The Morality ...
482. The Core Ejection Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... in astronomy. Eric's example of terrestrial lightning discharge is worth further examination. Nobody, surely, doubts that massive charge separation takes place in terrestrial lightning discharges - but I must ask Eric to tell us if he thinks pressure ionisation is associated with the original charging process? Further, I should like us to take another look at the basic physics of the process known as pressure ionisation: can it or can it not produce bulk charge separation? (i ) In pressure ionisation, so I understand it, conductivity is increased. Conductivity is a measurable property, and since it is measurable it will have been measured during pressure ionisation: - so am I correctly or incorrectly informed ...
483. Astronomer Sees Red [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Red CCNet, 25 May 2000 Astronomers from Northern Arizona University and the University of Oklahoma have made a startling find on the ragged edge of the solar system that may provide an important clue to the origin and evolution of the solar system. This discovery is published in the Oct. 26 issue of Nature. Stephen Tegler, associate professor of physics and astronomy at NAU, and William Romanishin, associate professor of physics and astronomy at Oklahoma, have been using the largest telescope in the world, the Keck 10-m telescope in Hawaii to measure the surface colors of Kuiper belt objects, an ancient reservoir of giant comet-like objects at and beyond the orbits of the most distant planets, Neptune ...
484. Cosmic Catastrophism And Palaeomagnetism [Books]
... is a distance that falls well within the margin error of any modern instrument used to measure changes latitude and longitude. The available data, moreover, show that the drift (if it takes place) seems very erratic and not always in accordance with the principle that the oldest islands should lie farthest away from the oceanic ridges. In modern physics, it is known that the charged particles of atoms rotate about an axis and are thus magnetized. Molecules also spin and may be magnetized or not, depending upon the direction of rotation of the sub-particles. This gives support to Blackett's idea that planetary bodies should be magnetized merely because they rotate. `Whatever the mechanism, there seem ...
485. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Adam [Books]
... but like a man of twenty years of age.[21] The dimensions of his body were gigantic, reaching from heaven to earth, or, what amounts to the same, from east to west.[22] Among later generations of men, there were but few who in a measure resembled Adam in his extraordinary size and physical perfections. Samson possessed his strength, Saul his neck, Absalom his hair, Asahel his fleetness of foot, Uzziah his forehead, Josiah his nostrils, Zedekiah his eyes, and Zerubbabel his voice. History shows that these physical excellencies were no blessings to many of their possessors; they invited the ruin of almost all. Samson's extraordinary ...
486. Objections Overruled - A Reappraisal Of Earth Inversion Dynamics [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1989 (Vol XI) Home | Issue Contents Objections Overruled - A Reappraisal Of Earth Inversion Dynamics by David Salkeld David Salkeld holds a B.Sc. in Physics from Bristol University. Following a full career as an electrical engineering officer in the Royal Air Force, he worked for 13 years as a systems engineer with the Dynamics Division of British Aerospace before retiring in 1988. A contributor to recent issues of Workshop, he was also SIS Treasurer from 1985 to July 1989: he stood down in preparation for a post-graduate course overseas next year. 1. Introduction Peter Warlow's novel hypothesis of Earth inversion as an explanation for geomagnetic reversals and ...
487. The Critics and Stellar Energy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and not in the interior of the Sun. RAGNAR FORSHUFVUD Karlskoga, Sweden References 1. R. Juergens: "Reconciling Celestial Mechanics and Velikovskian Catastrophism", Pensée, Fall 1972, pp. 6ff. 2. H. Alfven: "Electric Current Structure of the Magnetosphere", in: Hultqvist and Stenflow (eds.): Physics of the Hot Plasma in the Magnetosphere (New York). 3. I refer the reader to C. E. R. Bruce's theory of photospheric discharges. The best introduction to Bruce's work is E. W. Crew: "Lightning in Astronomy", Nature 252 (1974), 539-542. 4. R. J ...
488. Ashton's Bedrock of Myth (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... , can be wrong. Their leading theorist remarked in 1987, at a time when he did not appreciate the difference between zenith and north pole, that "it is not possible that a simply-stated theory could predict all mythical archetypes but be false." To the contrary, systems of thought can be internally consistent yet bear no resemblance to physical reality. Coherence is no guarantor of truth. Since conventional physics preclude any such arrangement, Velikovskians have adopted the plasma theoretic "electric universe" model, propounded in the 1970s by Ralph Juergens, as a deus ex machina. Supposedly, the Sun is an electric discharge powered by an influx of electrons. Based largely on various analogies ...
489. The Velikovsky Archive [Journals] [Aeon]
... particularly Ralph Juergens. The leading section, which set the tone for the entire book was titled "On Prediction in Science." [1 ] The importance of prediction was driven home to Velikovsky in the course of his discussions with Albert Einstein, and he laid great stock in the ability of his theory to predict such phenomena as the physical features and atmospheric composition of the planets. Accordingly, each chapter was structured in a way that explained Velikovsky's reconstruction of the history of the subject matter (the ocean, Venus, the Sun), and the implications of this history for its present appearance. Unfortunately, I lack some crucial sections of this work. The parts I ...
... curve contains no features characteristic of reflection from ice crystals. Evidently the clouds consist of neither ice nor water but of dust. ' Also: The form of the monochromatic albedo curve in the 2-2.5 micron range contradicts the notion of a greenhouse effect due to water vapor. ' "G .V . Rosenberg of the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences, USSR, writes in its Doklady, vol. 148, #2 : The extreme weakness of the absorption bands of water in the vapor state and in the condensed state in the light reflected from Venus exclude a priori that clouds containing water exist on the planet. '. .. " ...
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