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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 461. Gravity and Pterodactyls: More Points to Consider [Journals] [Aeon]
... tested, much less proved. The Biefield Brown effect, concerning which Jueneman claimed ignorance, [5 ] was first discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown in about 1920 and further investigated with Dr. Paul Biefield. The latter had been a classmate and a close friend of Albert Einstein in Switzerland. The effect in question is not mentioned in most physics texts for the same reasons that Immanuel Velikovsky is not included in history books. The effect discovered by Brown concerns the motion of an object that is electrically charged with a high positive and negative voltage in the direction of the positive pole. Brown constructed discs with the positive charge on the upper surface and the negative on the reverse side ...
462. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... cover-ups and compiles hundreds of references to prove his point. Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of the Modern World by David Keys (1999, $25 00) This is the book upon which two TV programs were based, details of which were given in Monitor' in C&CR 1999:2 . Open Questions in Relativistic Physics edited by F. Selleri (1998, $25 00) This book is a collection of papers from a conference on Relativistic Physics held in Athens in 1997. Many of them are very technical but they show concerns about the soundness of relativity. Path of the Pole by C.H . Hapgood (1999 reprint of 1970 2nd ...
463. Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System [Journals] [Pensee]
... System PROPOSALS FOR PARTICIPATION NOW BEING RECEIVED INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario June 17-19, 1974 This coming June McMaster University will host an international gathering of scholars to examine the recent history of the solar system in the light of Velikovsky's work. Sponsored by the Student Academic Freedom Forum (publisher of Pensee) the multidisciplinary symposium will encompass the physical sciences, archaeology, and historical and mythological interpretation. All will be brought to bear on the question, "Has the Earth suffered major catastrophes during historical times?" Date and Location The three-day symposium will convene June 17-19, 1974, on the McMaster University campus. Located about 40 miles southwest of Toronto, in Hamilton, Ontario ...
464. Letters [Journals] [Kronos]
... non-"sinners", as obedient to priest-elaborated "control-systems" or religion. During subsequent cataclysms like the Black Death, argues Myers, it then becomes very convenient to rationalize the slaughter of an out-group, e.g ., Jews, as "sinners" who "caused" the disaster. Finally, Myers discusses the modern physical science "establishment" as a case study of intolerant religious reaction to "deviance", i.e ., the data and theories of Velikovsky. But just as Velikovsky's ideas have come to be confirmed by some contemporary data- I find his counter-ideological prediction of the Venusian surface temperature particularly impressive- it is also possible to validate ...
465. On Gravitating Electrified Bodies [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the surrounding cosmic charge trying to fill the electron-deficient cavity, which is the Solar System; the two repulsions nearly cancel out, leading to the illusion that something called gravity produces a very weak attraction between the Sun and a planet or between a planet and its satellite(s ). The fact that gravitation, the Great Mother Goddess of physics, has never been found sensibly to exist has nurtured a mild scandal in science for three centuries. After manipulating logically the relevant parameters (the separation of planets from the Sun and their motions in orbit) Isaac Newton concluded that the gravitational force acted everywhere in the same way: it was a universal force (Westfall). That ...
466. Twilight of the Gods (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... and thorough. His cosmology is basically the inner earth theory as well explicated previously by Pauwels and Bergier in The Morning of the Magicians. [2 ] Baran begins by stating that his findings indicate the existence of a "powerful monotechnology based on the use of energy fields derived from subterranean gravito-magnetism." [3 ] Subatomic hyperresonance, a physical process which is not recognized by scientists because they test only on the earth's surface or in space, is the key to Baran's theories of deep-earth energy. Much exciting research in prehistory is moving toward an ancient world-wide highly developed culture, and it is no longer radical to suggest the existence of high mastery of physical forces in ancient civilizations ...
467. "We Are Shaking In Our Shoes". File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... "The Velikovsky Hypothesis" (time: thirty minutes), was to be read by Donald Menzel, professor of astrophysics at Harvard University, but it was read by Dr. Karl K. Darrow, physicist at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Menzel did not come, for he was preparing a paper for the annual meeting of the American Physical Society to be held in Washington a few days later. Professor Payne-Gaposchkin specialized in disproving Velikovsky. She had already published a number of articles, starting with the piece "Nonsense, Dr. Velikovsky!" the story of which I told previously, followed by "Retort to Velikovsky" in Science News Letter and Science Digest and a ...
468. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ) Home | Issue Contents Monitor News The second SIS Cambridge Conference Mark Bailey had a three page write up of the conference printed in the 1997 November edition of Meteorite and Benny Peiser had a short article printed in British Archaeology, December 1997, in which he argued the case for cometary impacts being responsible for catastrophes during the Bronze Age. Physics Universal patterns New Scientist 28.6 .97, p. 16, 12.7 .97, pp. 34-37 and 16.8 .97, p. 47 Scientists are now investigating the laws behind the formation of patterns in nature. It seems likely that everything, from crystal formation to the stripes on a zebra, ...
469. On The Symposium Trail [Journals] [Pensee]
... Reconstruction of Ancient History." (Duquesne History Forum). This last, held at one of the nation's most prestigious historical conferences, was an especially noteworthy achievement. Here for the first time at a scholarly gathering Velikovsky's opus magnum, Ages in Chaos, came under discussion by trained ancient historians. Referring to his "battles" with physical scientists, Velikovsky predicted to his Duquesne audience that, with historians, "the task will be even more difficult." Whether this "advance claim" proves as shrewd as some of his others remains to be seen; but, as the account below demonstrates, he received a far more friendly reception from his fellow panelists at Duquesne ...
470. The Fracture Zones In Deep Polar Ice Cores [Journals] [Aeon]
... there is still good reason for caution; we shall see that "the depth interval 800 to 1400 m" may not represent the actual boundaries of the fracture zone. Shoji and Langway, "Mechanical Properties of Fresh Ice Core from Dye 3, Greenland," LOD, page 39, introduce the fracture zone as follows: The general physical characteristics of the Dye 3 ice core and the sampling depths for this work are shown in Figure 2. Below 600 m the ice became brittle with increasing depth and was badly fractured between 800 and 1200 m. The condition of the core thereafter progressively improved and below 1400 m was of excellent quality. Their "Figure 2" is ...
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