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181 pages of results. 441. Radiohalos And Earth History [Journals] [Kronos]
... will be upon the verge of instability. The most stable groups will be the most numerous. A relatively small change in the total number of either electrons or protons will cause some of the elements to become unstable . . ." [emphasis added]. These words were written almost 50 years ago by Fernando Sanford, then professor of physics, emeritus, at Stanford University- a highly respected physicist who happened to stray from doctrinaire paths thanks to a penchant for letting evidence take precedence over preconception. The quoted passage is part of an inquiry as to "what phenomena should be observed on an electrified planet which would not appear on an unelectrified one"; in this passage ...
442. The Velikovskian Vol. I, No. 2: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... 7 Dark Matter Charles Ginenthal Page 18 William H. Stiebing, Jr. and Immanuel Velikovsky Charles Ginenthal Page 38 Comparing Magnetic Fields: Neptune and Uranus Charles Ginenthal Page 80 Is Space a Superconducting Medium? Charles Ginenthal Page 101 Velikovsky's "The Dark Age of Greece" Clark Whelton Page 103 CONTRIBUTORS Charles Ginenthal was a teacher of science to the physically handicapped in New York City. Now retired, he has published a critique titled Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky and has been a contributor to AEON. His book, The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology, will be published soon in the United States. Clark Whelton was a staff writer for the New York Village Voice. He ...
443. The Velikovskian Vol. I, No. 4: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... University) is a contributor to computer journals, has published short stories in Fantek Gateways and is currently studying Russian. James E. Oberg is a mission flight comptroller for McDonald-Douglas Aerospace Corporation at NASA Johnson Space Center and a columnist for OMNI who has written four books on Russian space technology and various articles in Astronomy. Charles Ginenthal taught the physically handicapped in New York City, is the author of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, a critique, and has contributed articles to AEON. George R. Talbott, a consulting physicist, wrote the Pacific States University publication, ELECTRONIC THERMODYNAMICS, and the comprehensive scientific reference, PHILOSOPHY AND UNIFIED SCIENCE (Volumes I and II). Duane ...
444. Kronos Vol. IV, No. 2 Winter 1978: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... , David Lorton, Earl R. Milton, Alan Parry, A. Mann Paterson, Raymond C. Vaughan and John D. Waskom Contributing Editors Dwardu Cardona, Vancouver, B. C.; Zvi Rix, Jerusalem, Israel STAFF Robert W. Bass (Ph.D ., Johns Hopkins), Rhodes Scholar, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah: Senior Editor. Lewis M. Greenberg (M .A ., A.B .D ., Univ. of Pennsylvania), Associate Professor of Art History and Chairman of the Dept. of Art History and Social Sciences, Moore College of Art (Philadelphia) ...
445. Back to Instantaneous Polar Shifts [Journals] [Aeon]
... be dissipated in crustal re-arrangement. Thus the initial mass of an incoming body will have to be considerably larger than calculated if the end result is to be a torque of the desired magnitude. Earth is a gyroscope in the sense that every rotating body exhibits gyroscopic behaviour in some respects, but it differs from conventional gyroscopes in not having a physical rotational axis. In conventional gyros, a shaft-mounted rotor is carried within an inner gimbal (a rigid cage) which is itself mounted within an outer gimbal (another rigid cage). Torques are necessarily applied to this double-cage assemblage, and thence via the shaft to the spinning rotor. As most of the mass lies in the rotor ...
446. The Foibles of Heretics [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , January 25, 1970 I spoke to Immanual on the telephone. He is feeling poorly and he intimates both a throat ailment and sinister external moves as the source. We are all suffering vague symptoms in the world. For months, I have felt this and the pain and scarcely know to what to attribute them? There are thirty physical and psychical causes all intermingled and the physical uneasiness is appropriately vague. So many millions in the world are, I think, similarly affected. It is as if the germs of diseases were directed by a mastermind, who says to them, "Now man has learned to be specific and special in his therapies, so you must ...
447. The Velikovskian Vol. II, No. 1: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Books by the Author: George Robert Talbott Page 102 CONTRIBUTORS Antoinette Mann Paterson (Ph. D., SUNY-Buffalo) was a professor of philosophy at SUNY-Buffalo. She wrote The Infinite Worlds of Giordano Bruno and Francis Bacon and Socialized Science. She also contributed articles to Pensée, PSA 1974, Velikovsky Reconsidered and KRONOS. Charles Ginenthal taught the physically handicapped in New York City, is the author of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, a critique, and has contributed articles to AEON. Dennis Rawlins is a professional astronomer. He has written papers on astronomy in several scientific journals. He was a co-founder of CSICOP and a contributor to The Skeptical Inquirer. Gunnar Heinsohn is a professor ...
448. The Velikovskian Vol. II, No. 2: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... 88 Books by the Author: George Robert Talbott Page 107 CONTRIBUTORS Robert Nichol is a film producer, director and entrepeneur who has worked on film and television programs of all types, from documentaries to features, with about 125 screen credits. He bas been on staff with CBS and the National Film Board of Canada. Charles Ginenthal taught the physically handicapped in New York City, is the author of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, a critique, and has contributed articles to AEON. Norman Schwarz is a lawyer, residing in Maryland, who has been following the Velikovsky debate and has his own theory, which suggests that biblical personages are alter egos of celestial bodies. Charles Raspil ...
449. Kronos Vol. III, No. 2 Winter 1977: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... , ALAN PARRY, A. MANN PATERSON, RAYMOND C. VAUGHAN AND JOHN D. WASKOM Contributing Editors DWARDU CARDONA, VANCOUVER, B.C .; ZVI RIX, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL Consulting Editor JOSEPH MAY London Correspondent PETER JAMES STAFF Robert W. Bass (Ph.D ., Johns Hopkins), Rhodes Scholar, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah: Senior Editor. H. James Birx (Ph.D ., SUNY-Buffalo), Associate Professor of Anthropology at Canisius College (Buffalo): Associate Editor. Lewis M. Greenberg (M .A ., A.B .D ., Univ. of Pennsylvania ...
450. Of the Moon and Mars, Part 1 [Journals] [Pensee]
... various lunar rocks and to investigate the possibilities of duplicating the green glass by subjecting a few Apollo 15 rock samples to dielectric breakdown. Distribution of sinuous rilles based on Lunar Orbiter 4 high-resolution photographs. (After Schubert, Lingenfelter and Peale, "The Morphology, Distribution, and Origin of Lunar Sinuous Rilles", Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 8, no. 1, February 1970, p. 207 Aristarchus Schubert, Lingenfelter, and Peale have prepared a map showing the distribution of lunar sinuous rilles (47). They remark: "The nonrandom distribution of the sinuous rilles is immediately obvious. The rilles are clearly associated with the mare material and are ...
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