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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 411. Letters [Journals] [Pensee]
... will reveal that some postulated ancestors were probably neighbors. g) In light of Velikovsky's postulated collective amnesia Durkheim's collective unconscious resurfaces, as does Kroeber's superorganic (8 ). REFERENCES 1. See the article by E. W. MacKie in Pensee (Winter, 1973). 2. B. G. Campbell, "Conceptual Progress in Physical Anthropology: Fossil Man," Annual Review of Anthropology, I (1972). 3. A. Montagu, "Brains, Genes, Culture, Gestation," Culture: Man's Adaptive Dimension, A. Montagu (ed.) (London, New York: Oxford 1968); S. L. Washburn, "Tools ...
412. Solar System Studies (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... have involved all of the Americas, in view of the mid-Atlantic Ridge crack and those along the west coasts of North and South America. The hairpin reversal cracking at the Carribean Sea and that between South America and Antarctica may represent the braking which brought the great circle crustal shift to a halt. Catastrophist Issues and Models In order to bring physical evidence into a useful interface with the mythical themes emphasized in recent research, it will be necessary to grant more credibility to the underlying and universal claims of myth. Wherever the present discussion may lead over the long haul, those who believe they can "prove it never happened" will probably be in for the biggest surprise. Divest ...
413. Thoth Vol II, No. 19: Nov 30, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Wal Thornhill, and Ev Cochrane SATURNISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Harold Tresman TIDBITS Notes and comments by Dave Talbott, Dwardu Cardona, and Wal Thornhill- WHY THE SATURN THESIS? by Mel Acheson Not only critics but proponents ask: Why waste time on an idea that's physically impossible, theoretically absurd, and socially outrageous? The space program achieves ever more impressive feats of Applied Orthodox Mechanics. Established theories explain libraries of facts and appear capable, with a bit of ad hoc tweaking, of explaining everything. Scientists seriously consider they know the Mind of God, at least in general outline if not in every ...
414. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... up an electromagnetic hum in California about one month before earthquakes and lasting for a month afterwards. It is noteworthy that quartz crystals are often associated with megalithic and other ancient cultural centres in both the New World and the Old. The dowsing force New Scientist 23/30.12.95, pp. 54-55 Two professors, one of physics and one of astronomy, have both conducted detailed experiments into dowsing and have been forced to the conclusion that it is a real phenomenon. We are dealing with a real physical force, as real as gravity and magnetism. ' The fast flip New Scientist 30.3 .96, pp. 24-28 and 11.5 .96 ...
415. Quotes [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... back here on Earth. The Soviet Union, faced with the same problem, used a pencil. Electrical force is defined as something which causes motion of electrical charge; an electrical charge is something which exerts electric force.- Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), British astronomer. The physicist's greatest tool is his wastebasket.- Albert Einstein Classical physics has been superseded by quantum theory: quantum theory is verified by experiments. Experiments must be described in terms of classical physics.- C. F. von Weizsäcker (1912- ), German physicist and philosopher. Some things have to be believed to be seen.- Ralph Hodgson on ESP. Science is facts; just as ...
416. Five Years (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... 16) Then, on October 18-20, he participated in a program at the University of Toronto, where he engaged in a sharp debate with Derek York over the effectiveness of dating methods. (17) Finally, on November 11, he spoke at Moravian College. There was also a little progress being made in the professional journals. Physics Today published a comment in its September 1971 issue by physicist C. J. Ransom to the effect that the logic and support of Velikovsky's ideas become apparent when open discussion of them is allowed and that the time had come for full presentation of those ideas to be "allowed in scientific literature. We should no longer permit emotional arguments ...
... . The fact that what he says makes little sense is not important. The fact that many persons not versed in science are now hailing Dr. Velikovsky as the twentieth-century Newton' is important and should be addressed. Had I the energy I might have written a letter to Dr. Velikovsky outlining, from the point of view of the physical sciences, the errors both in fact and theory which I believe he has committed. However, such a letter would have been at least thirty pages in length, a fact which in itself explains my reasons for not writing it. It further explains why no attempt will be made in this review even to list the errors in fact ...
418. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... The fact that what he says makes little sense is not important. The fact that many persons not versed in science are now hailing Dr. Velikovsky as the twentieth-century Newton is important and should be addressed... Had I the energy I might have written a letter to Dr. Velikovsky outlining, from the point of view of the physical sciences, the errors both in fact and theory which I believe he has committed. However, such a letter would have been at least thirty pages in length, a fact which in itself explains my reasons for not writing it. It further explains why no attempt will be made in this review even to list the errors in fact ...
419. The Age of Reason: Some Insights [Journals] [Kronos]
... a Civil War (1640-1660) which was both a conflict of religious groups and of social classes. A new principle of order was found in giving supreme authority to mathematics and geometry which were identified with "reason". The first representative of this new trend was Descartes (1596- 1650). This resulted in a conception of the physical world that was essentially that of Democritus, and in a conception of man and of the world that was essentially Stoic. In politics, the new trend found its expression in the idea of an absolute monarchy based on the power of a professional standing army. This ideal was realized in France by the rule of the Sun King. ...
420. Golden Age Canopy by Isaac Vail [Books]
... environment must have been a veritable hothouse planet; and that the earliest history of the race was misunderstood because it was wrapped in the shadows of that great world cloud, such as today invests our neighbor planets Saturn and Jupiter. When that volume was published its author had already proved from the old thought fossils, that some of the greatest physical, ethnologic, and cosmogonic problems were puzzles to man because old conditions that controlled the planet when man came upon it had passed away. It was assumed that if man were today living under such a canopy of aqueous vapors as is now known to invest some of the planets he could not fail to see in such a world-builder and ...
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