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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 21. The Ring of Truth by Isaac Vail [Books]
... key that opens and shuts the avenues of philosophic geology. The Annular Theory (Annulus, a ring) claims to be such a key, and claims too that there is no philosophic question in the whole range of geologic science that it cannot solve. This may seem too sweeping for common modesty. But why? Is there any other physical science that cannot interpret its own hand-writing? Is there an astronomic phenomenon that the true key cannot solve? Is there a question in mathematics that has no solution? I say there is no question in all physical science that the true key to that science cannot solve; and the more difficult and unsolved questions a science presents, the ...
22. Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2002:2 (Dec 2002) Home | Issue Contents Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995) Prof. Hannes Alfvén The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Hannes Alfvén, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics,acknowledged as one of creative and intuitive intellect's of the 20th century, died peacefully Sunday evening, April 2, 1995 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was 86 years old. In the world of specialized science, Alfvén was an enigma. Regarded as a heretic by many physicists, Alfvén made contributions to physics that are today being applied in the development of particle ...
23. The Personal Tragedy of Albert Einstein [Journals] [Kronos]
... of nuclear Planning?? See THE BOOK CASE elsewhere in this issue for further details. Copyright © 1976 by H. C. Dudley.] Relativity is consequently now accepted as a faith. It is inadvisable to devote attention to its paradoxical aspects.- R. A. Houstoun, Treatise on Light (1938) Students of the physical sciences, and of mathematics, have for the past 30-40 years been so busy mastering the basics of their chosen field, that there has been little time or inclination to study the history of their field in order to learn how the assumptions and logic of the early workers in the field established the basic framework, now quite rigid as ...
24. Book Review/Thorne [Journals] [Aeon]
... S. Thorne (W .W . Norton: New York 1994.) Reviewed by Frederic Jueneman Outrageous seems to be a rather flagrant, if not pejorative, term. However, it describes rather well the incipient revolutionary state in which a number of the hard sciences find themselves today. Especially in the astrophysical arenas of relativity and quantum physics treating the multidimensional aspects of hyperspace, as well as almost scatologically arguing the transcendent concerns over naked singularities versus those more modestly clothed within the black, stygian drapes of an event horizon that enshroud such black holes. The Golden Age of black hole research- circa 1964-1975- was dominated by the theoretical troika: John Archibald Wheeler of Princeton ...
25. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... humanity inhabiting Venus is of a far higher order than that to which we have evolved on our Earth today, so this connection with Neptune will bestow upon our Earth a super-fineness and a delicacy of expression. This sign Sagittarius in its double aspect is both material and spiritual in its application to our humanity, indicating in this world chart that physical man will have the opportunity of yielding to his higher impulses, and of redeeming himself from the desires of his lower nature, through the crucifixion of the animal passions. This subtle Neptunian force, in its cooperation with Venus, because of its very fineness, will penetrate and inter-penetrate until it creates a world of more enduring light and ...
26. The Neutrino-Sea -- Hypothesis or Reality [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 1 (June 1977) Home | Issue Contents The Neutrino-Sea- Hypothesis or Reality Horace C. Dudley University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, USA Scientific Revolutions, Past and Present Scientific Revolutions can be defined as profound changes in our basic concepts about the workings of the physical universe. These Revolutions are triggered by the development of new and more accurate apparatus with which we extend our senses. New concepts evolve out of the attempts to correlaleand understand the new data which this new apparatus produces. Thus, new paradigms replace the old thru evolutionary processes, and enable us to understand better the workings of the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. ...
27. Velikovsky Versus Academic Lag (The Problem of Hypothesis) [Journals] [Kronos]
... and its assumptions, through the reasoned expression of the intellectual insight of all the ages. He goes on to point out that we see readily the role that wishful thinking has played in older methodologies, but we do not understand the role that wishful thinking plays in our own methodologies. The mechano-morphic period was absorbed in the mathematical nature of physical motion: they ignored the ultimate suppositions that they used in order to frame their laws and their hypotheses. Clarification is necessary and cannot proceed without the historical studies that can expose the fundamental motives and human factors in each of the characteristic analyses that have been adopted. In choosing between hypotheses of two kinds, the tertiary qualities are at ...
28. Physics, Astronomy and Chronology [Articles]
... SIS MEETING IN LONDON ON OCTOBER 17, 1981 Invitation: Physics, Astronomy and Chronology Dr Earl Milton Due to a postal strike in Canada, we have only just received news that Dr Earl Milton, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, will be in London during October and is willing to give a talk to members of the Society while he is over here. At short notice, we have luckily been able to book the Library Association premises for a meeting on the afternoon of Saturday, 17th October. The meeting will commence at 2.30 p.m . and the subject of Dr Milton's talk will be "Physics, Astronomy and ...
29. Kinetic Theory, Gravity, and Critical Fog [Journals] [Aeon]
... are said to have produced a near death experience for some who once honored the old man. Martin Gardner, competent when playing his own game, pronounced Bauer's book, Beyond Velikovsky, a fine work. Did Gardner read Bauer? Gardner is so fussy about precision and accuracy in logical matters that one would have expected him to review his physics and chemistry before giving approval to the simplistic work of a technician. Before I explode Bauer's "rigor", I want to explain the limitations of technicians in the Velikovsky debate. Being a good technician is a necessary condition to being scientifically cogent, but it is not a sufficient condition. The technician does dependable laboratory work. Such ...
... contribution in establishing the possible role of catastrophic events as an important aspect of any interpretation of the past.... we would urge the scientific community, in the best traditions of free inquiry, to pursue with open mind the challenge presented by Velikovsky." (From a statement circulated by Prof. Lynn Trainor, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto, signed by 60 of the scholarly participants in the symposium.) Commitment to the Issues As one might expect, the symposium possessed elements of the surreal. It irreverently threw together mythologists and mathematicians, astrophysicists and housewives, Velikovskians and anti-Velikovskians. Characterized by a sober, working spirit, and punctuated with rollicking humor ...
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