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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 211. Wild Motions, Angular Momentum and Other Problems [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Univ., M.B .A . Univ. of Pennsylvania) is a chemical engineer, Senior Editor of Kronos and a leading American researcher in the Velikovskian field. The following comments are prompted primarily by Robert W. Bass' address at the Glasgow Conference, recently published in SISR VI:1-3. They cover a range of physical problems either discussed by Bass or related to his remarks. Dr Bass' presentation, "The Celestial Dynamics of Worlds in Collision", lives up to the standards for stimulating reading he set in his previous papers in Pensée and Kronos. His concern for calling attention to M. A. Cook's "obscure and little-known theory of gravity ...
212. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... instead of rejecting, the observations, we can mention the quantization of redshifts. The redshifts of quasars and galaxies tend to occur at certain preferred values of redshift. The factor by which the quasar redshifts are quantized appears to be the same factor by which the planetary masses and orbits are quantized. This perhaps points to some fundamental quantization of physics which manifests itself from the largest to the smallest scale. Perhaps at the time of the creation or recycling process. What this process is will require much more attention to the observations and their empirical correlations on all scales. Mark Baillie, Queen's University, Belfast, UK: Dendrochronological Dating, Results and Open Problems The availability of long ...
213. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Five [Books]
... of death ") and Ps. 107 (" He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death") as evidence' for part of his scenario, in the first place, though, the shadow of death also features in Ps.23:4 , where it is clearly metaphorical and not a record of an actual physical event at all: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." If Ps.23:4 is a mere metaphor, then it is entirely likely that Ps.44:19 ...
214. Return to the Paelo-Saturnian Ssystem (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... questions on what Cardona offered. One general problem I find myself burdened with is the lack of an article that concisely tells the entire Saturnian story from beginning to end, especially one that would delineate the following: What actually was perceived by our early ancestors from the age of darkness [39] onwards; What was actually- that is physically- happening in the world during this time; What astronomical and geological events were taking place to cause the phenomena described. If such an article has not yet been written, I'm sure the readers of this periodical would appreciate such a venture. In general, I have tons of questions, most of which have probably already been dealt ...
215. Actualism in Geology and in Geography [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... c . p. 37, my italics). I think it is evident from the context that HUTTON here uses actual' as a synonym of real', in accordance with modern English usage. It is not difficult to find modern English examples of actual' In the sense of present'. The Oxford Dictionary quotes A. GEIKIE'S Physical Geography as an example, where he speaks of nobody having witnessed an actual eruption of volcanoes on the Moon. And it is even easier to find instances, for example in psychological texts, of Continental languages using actuel' (aktuell, actueel), or derivatives, in the sense of real'. But this does not do ...
216. The Road to Saturn (Excerpts from an Autobiographical Essay) [Journals] [Aeon]
... to quantify. This was not much help since no problem can be solved through its own modification. The answer to a question is unacceptable if the question itself is altered. When I pointed this out, I was lectured on the scientific method and told I was being stubborn. In the end, the verdict was that my model was physically impossible. The argument that Wegener's model of shifting continents was also once thought to be impossible went unheeded. My five staunch mechanists deserted me, leaving me with a pile of impressive calculations that explained everything except what I had wanted them to explain. VII The result was somewhat different when I approached Professor Earl Milton with the same request ...
217. Small Comets Are Real [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... space physicist Louis A. Frank has published a new paper supporting his "small comet" theory that about 20 snow comets weighing 20 to 40 tons each disintegrate in the Earth's atmosphere every minute. The paper, which appears in the Jan. 1, 1999 issue of the American Geophysical Union's (AGU) Journal of Geophysical Research- Space Physics, uses an automated mathematical formula to filter out electronic instrument noise from data gathered by NASA's Polar satellite. The result, says Frank and his UI colleague John B. Sigwarth, is a "hands-off" analysis showing that "instrumental effects were not major contributors" to the images of atmospheric holes. Using the mathematical formula, the ...
... the scriptural account that manna fell in double portions on Fridays and not at all on Saturdays. But I accept the ancient testimonies about manna of the Hebrews, ambrosia of the Greeks, and honey-dew of other peoples from around the Earth, precisely because there is testimony on this from many peoples from many parts of Earth and because there are physical events (the near collisions between Earth and Venus) that could have led to such results. And I reject the report about manna falling in double portions on Fridays and not at all on Saturdays, precisely because that feature of the story does not have a plausible physical basis, is not testified to by other peoples and is therefore ...
219. One Who Read And One Who Didn't. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... planet? If the Newtonian law and astronomy and mechanics are built on a presumption that there could not have been in historical times a large perturbation, though small perturbations are observed daily, then astronomy and mechanics dictate to historians what they are allowed to discover in the past. In my opinion a historical fact cannot be denied because of a physical theory, and if such a fact is established, the physical law must suit the fact, not the fact the law. As you know, I made my effort to establish the historical facts, not upon one or two evidences, as Dr. Shapley imagines, but on many corroborative ones from all corners of the world. ...
220. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that passes through the centre line of the Earth's equatorial bulge, a condition that axis OY fails to meet. References 1. D. Salkeld: Objections Overruled - a Reappraisal of Earth Inversion Dynamics', C & C Review XI (1989), pp. 29-34 2. P. Warlow: Geomagnetic Reversals? ', Journal of Physics A (Math. & Gen.) 11 (1978), pp. 2107-2130 3. V. J. Slabinski: A dynamical objection to the inversion of the earth on its spin axis', J. Phys. A 14 (1981), pp.2503-2507 4. V. Barger and M. Olsson: Classical ...
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