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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 181. Ralph Sansbury's Work [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... and the birth of civilization in the wake of cosmic catastrophe. To subscribe to Thoth, send an email message to with a message, "Requesting subscription to THOTH". Thoth VOL I, No. 17. June 30, 1997 Ralph Sansbury's Work Wal wrote: >> Ralph's work has enormous implications for physics and >> heralds a return to classical models of subatomic particles >> and away from the metaphysics which now underpin >> cosmology and particle physics. My humble view is that it >> is the breakthrough needed for fundamental science to >> progress once more. Questioner writes: > I look forward to it! Do you ...
182. The Geological Record And Changing Forms Of Life. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... life change almost simultaneously throughout the world." This appears baffling, because according to his theory "the process of modification must be slow, and will generally affect only a few species at the same time; for the variability of each species is independent of that of all others." Could it not have been a sudden change in physical conditions that altered the forms of life at one and the same time throughout the world? Darwin answers, No. "It is, indeed, quite futile to look to changes of currents, climate, or other physical conditions, as the cause of these great mutations in the forms of life throughout the world, under the most ...
183. Velikovsky and his Heroes [Articles]
... the Amalekites, those Bronze Age Nazis against whom even Moses had failed, and it was Saul who was cursed by Samuel, representing organised religion, a force which Velikovsky opposed in the form of the bondage of the temple ritual, and in the person of Ezra. Saul, like Ahab after him, stood for Jewish nationalism, the physical defence of the physical Jewish people, which was a very primary concern for Velikovsky in the decade of the 1940's, which was the decade when Ages in Chaos was first conceived and later written. But in contrast, Nebuchadnezzar is Velikovsky's demon figure. Just as the Amalekites dominate the beginnings of the Hebrew Commonwealth in Ages in Chaos, ...
184. Visualizing Collinear Systems [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of ancient languages and the birth of civilization in the wake of cosmic catastrophe. To subscribe to Thoth, send an email message to with a message, "Requesting subscription to THOTH". Visualizing Collinear Systems By Dave Talbott Thoth Vol II, No. 19. Nov 30, 1998 Continuing our introductory review of physical issues facing the Saturn theory. We have noted two fundamental principles: 1) the existence of collinear equilibrium positions, and 2) the role of secondary forces in stabilizing collinear equilibrium. In both instances, as we saw, the initial pronouncements we received from scientific critics proved to be either incorrect, or highly misleading. That situation ...
185. S.I.S Review Vol. V Number 3 1980/81: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ) pointing to a global catastrophe caused by an extraterrestrial body towards the end of the third millennium BC. Michael G. Reade: An Earth Inversion Model 46 A further contribution to the controversy surrounding Peter Warlow's Earth inversion theory - can experimental models help resolve the mathematical debate? Features: Focus: Dr Claude Schaeffer-Forrer, 1898-1982: An Appreciation Physics, Astronomy and Chronology Velikovsky's History and Cosmology 70 In Passing: Leakey Hypotheses , by Jill Abery 74 Bookshelf Trevor Palmer reviews The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes and the Origin of Species by Steven M. Stanley 98 Letters : from B. E. Biermann, C. Leroy Ellenberger, Alfred de Grazia and Malcolm Lowery 99 ...
186. Catastrophism and the Mammoths - I (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... own uncertainty about the agent at the Exodus [KRONOS VII: 1, p. 15], but no one ever questioned the basic Venus-Jupiter link. A Venus-Saturn link was not even hinted at by David Talbott in The Saturn Myth (New York, 1980). Regarding inversions, their possibility should be weighed in light of the immense physical difficulties they present and the knowledge that Michelson's 1974 comments about their physical ease were incorrect, as my letter in KRONOS X:3 , pp. 111-112, reveals. As a purely academic point, a tippe top reversal is more relevant than a 180 deg inversion of the Earth, Senmut's ceiling aside for the moment, because physical ...
187. Seeing Red: Book Review [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... from amateurs, students and lay people. The amateurs in particular amazed and delighted me, because it quickly became clear that they really looked at pictures, knew various objects and reasoned for themselves while maintaining a healthy skepticism toward official interpretations." At the heart of Arp's argument is the discovery that faint, high red-shift quasars seem to be physically associated with active galaxies of normal red-shift. It appears that quasars are occasionally shot from the nucleus of an active galaxy in opposite directions along the spin axis. The youngest quasars are the faintest and have the highest redshift. Older quasars are brighter, have lower redshifts, and finally become new companion galaxies with more normal redshift. The ...
188. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Swim Dear Sir, Michael Reade's comments on the possibility that the Earth's rotation rate increased appreciably within the last 3500 years (SISW 6:1 , p.39) prompt the following response. Contrary to what Mr Reade says, I do not claim such a change is "inconceivable"; rather, I regard it as unsupported by physical evidence. He asserts that "there does not seem to be any real shortage of geological records of catastrophes of this sort", yet he gives no genuine example and I, for one, am unaware of any. The "very speculative" example of Atlantis hardly qualifies since its putative location is unverified. The uniform drop in ...
189. Thoth Vol I, No. 15: June 7, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... .Michael Armstrong VELIKOVSKY AND PLANETARY CATASTROPHE.........David Talbott TETHERED SATELLITE DEBACLE.........................Wal Thornhill New URL Section- Quotes of the day: "Anyone with knowledge of college level physics should be able to work out for themselves that Velikovsky's idea is in breach of various laws of physics and hence is untenable. Nevertheless, a breed of Velikovsky disciples emerged, similar to alien-contact enthusiasts, and they proved to be the bane of astronomers, with occasional resurrections occurring even today." Astronomer Duncan Steel, Rogue Asteroids and ...
190. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... was their business. But the lameness with which they ended up explaining away what they had brought to light made me all the more ready to accept it all. Even so, I am not here about to retrace the meandering path that led me to my conclusions. [1 ] Nor am I about to attempt a validation of the physical feasibility of the model. As Talbott once said when asked whether he should suggest some physical principles which could account for his scenario, he replied with the words: "I'm not a physicist." [2 ] And neither am I. All I will do here is add a reminder to the effect that many were the things ...
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