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... her son, who was still a general practitioner rather than a medical specialist, an intense interest in psychology, particularly: .. .in the problems of the unconscious. My own experience did not go beyond observations of behavior in several hysterical patients, but I spent time in reading and contemplating the problems of collective unconscious mind and the physical aspect of the mental processes. (12) During the winter of 1929-30, he wrote his first psychological paper, which he admitted was not based on "any special case or occurrence; yet I though to have found a new insight into the old problem" of the mind-body relationship; typically, the paper "dealt with certain ...
162. Preface (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... of two parts, preceded by a prologue. Harmony or stability in the celestial and terrestrial spheres is the point of departure of the present-day concept of the world as expressed in the celestial mechanics of Newton and the theory of evolution of Darwin. If these two men of science are sacrosanct, this book is a heresy. However, modern physics, of atoms and of the quantum theory, describes dramatic changes in the microcosm- the atom- the prototype of the solar system; a theory, then, that envisages not dissimilar events in the macrocosm- the solar system- brings the modem concepts of physics to the celestial sphere. This book is written for the instructed and ...
163. Discussion [Journals] [Aeon]
... 1960, that supposedly accompanied the instantaneous extinction of the mammoth. I also recommend Jared Diamond's discussion of the demise of the mammoth in the June 1987 Discover, pp. 82-88, in which he explains how selective killing of males could lead to extinction without ever coming close to a 100% kill rate in any local area. The best physical evidence for an inversion would be uniquely related to one, e.g ., formations on earth reminiscent of the tidally-induced bulge or some other mass concentration that enabled a torque to flip Earth or systematic worldwide oceanic and/or coastal destruction caused by accompanying tides and floods. No such evidence exists as Roger Ashton informed me in 1981 ...
164. Prelude to Creation [Journals] [Aeon]
... to 1980. [11] The speed of similar, but much smaller, knots in the plasma tail of comets is also very erratic, with their acceleration "turning on and off capriciously." Some cometary knots were seen to have "very little speed or acceleration." [12] It cannot therefore be a law of plasma physics that bodies embedded in cosmic "jets" must travel on forever. In a system as compact as the proto-Saturnian one we are discussing, it is evident that, in the end, gravity will win out. Besides the "jet" of plasma that connected Earth to proto-Saturn, the system as a whole was also encased in a ...
165. The Saturn Thesis [Journals] [Aeon]
... couple of hundred fundamental tenets I believe to be well established- and, in fact, unchallenged in terms of the historical argument. Then there is a considerable number of tentative hypotheses, which I will be happy to include in this discussion, perhaps even including a few of the wilder guesses. AEON: What about progress toward developing a physical model? Talbott: There have been three key contributors- and, interestingly, they are all Bobs: Bob Grubaugh, Bob Bass, and Bob Driscoll. Bob Grubaugh is an engineer with many years of professional experience in orbital calculations. He looked at some interesting possibilities dynamically, and has proposed ways to support the concept of polar ...
166. Thoth Vol I, No. 1: January 25, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... .......................Walter Radtke SATURN THEORY OVERVIEW.............................David Talbott PLANETS, STARS AND PLASMA PHYSICS..............Wallace Thornhill ARCTIC CLIMATE SHIFTS..............................Clark Whelton WELCOME By Michael Armstrong ( Quote ...
167. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part III) [Journals] [Kronos]
... nebular cloud of ionized dust, molecules, and ions, forming an electrical capacitor which may discharge under certain conditions). 2) comets are asteroidal bodies (not ice balls) which discharge this stellar capacitor, developing a net negative electrical charge. The comet nucleus attracts quantities of dust and ions, forming the visible comet tail. The physics of these processes and the myriad of observed cometary phenomena are explained in Part I of this paper. 3) comet nuclei are captured by the solar system at random time intervals and evolve into the planets, moons and asteroids. Comets are accumulating matter and are not melting away as suggested by the ice ball comet model (IBCM) ...
168. A Word about the Planetary Debate [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... two major kinds in this debate, cosmological and mythological. Turning first to the cosmological, I believe that there is almost certain cosmological proof for recent solar system catastrophism but that there is almost certainly no cosmological proof for any individual catastrophic theory. It simply does not exist, so no one has any right to say, "Here's the physical evidence, let's see which theory fits it best and that's the right one." This cannot be done because there is no uniquely-applicable physical evidence. How, for instance, can any theorist even begin to try to pinpoint what specific item of solar system devastation was caused by the Uranus events as opposed to the Cronus, Jupiter, ...
169. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... (1929) with a chapter titled Escape from Peril. ' He points out that fear is the spring of the search for immutable perfect entities, for the glorification of regularity and invariance at the expense of diversity and change. By rationalizing the beliefs in the heavenly bodies as gods and making them the expression of a higher realm (higher physically and morally) which is rational, regular, and unalterable, Aristotle set up the foundations of classical science. In a similar vein, Freud [7 ] asks on what foundation does man build the feeling of security with which he armours himself against the dangers both of the external world and of human environment. ' In answering he ...
170. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. V No. 1 (Fall 1979) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Thomas McCreery (B .Sc. - Hons. - Strathclyde University); After initially working in military applications of acoustics, Mr. McCreery was employed as an acoustal consultant in Europe. At present, he lectures in physics at Cardonald College, Glasgow, and is also leading a project to resurvey Scottish megalithic sites. Mr. McCreery is the newest member of KRONOS' staff and joins its ranks as a Contributing Editor. Earl R. Milton (Ph.D , Univ. of Alberta); Dr. Milton, a spectroscopist, is Associate Professor in the Dept ...
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