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1810 results found.
181 pages of results. 131. Einstein In Need Of Update? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Einstein In Need Of Update? In 1905, Einstein made major changes to laws of physics when he established his theory of relativity. Now Einstein's laws might also undergo significant changes. Dimitri Nanopoulos, who holds the rank of Distinguished Professor of Physics at Texas A&M University and heads the Houston Advanced Research Center's Group for Astroparticle Physics, established, along with other physicists, that the speed of light, instead of being the constant value of 186,282 miles per second, might change. Dimitri Nanopoulos ...
132. Discussion Comments From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... ," thus implying that geologists generally impute precision to the divisions of the Geological Timescale. No such precision is ascribed by the profession. Feeling as though Strickling has broken his lance on his initial foray, I looked for improved performance further on. But in vain; he charges on at windmills. Geological time divisions "seldom represent real physical divisions," he says. This is untrue. Period boundaries usually occur with abrupt lithological changes. He claims also that "gradualist assumptions of...continuous evolutionary change [of] fossils" are the basis for the generally held conclusion that "rock layers were millions of years in the making." This is untrue. ...
133. Thoth Vol II, No. 15: Oct 1, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Cardona and Dave Talbott THE DOMES ON VENUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill LICHTENBERG FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill- GRAVITATION AS FROG by Mel Acheson Ilya Prigogine, from a young age, was concerned that accepted physical theory had a couple of glaring discrepancies from observation: determinism and time symmetry. Most observations are of contingency and irreversibility. No one has yet seen an egg "un-fry" or an old woman rise from her grave and grow young. After years of effort, Prigogine has extended the basic laws of physics to account for irreversibility by ...
134. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , and Venus, Mars, the Earth and the Moon having near-miss contacts with each other. Mainstream astronomers have repeatedly rejected these ideas and in the strongest possible terms. They have described his scenarios as wildly impossible' and have felt justified in doing so because they have found no way of reconciling his celestial billiards' with the laws of physics as currently known. Contrast this reaction to that which has greeted the evidence from which Velikovsky had adduced his catastrophe ideas. The past is catastrophic, he declared, because man's collective memory in the mythology of many nations tells us this is so. This aspect of his thesis was not particularly new, for Donnelly, Horbiger and Bellamy ...
135. Thoth [Journals] [Thoth]
... Review by David Talbott Make no mistake about it, this CD is a dramatic improvement on the first production. It is both visually interesting and much richer in content, providing some 20 video clips to supplement the main text and still photos. The CD features the work of Australian physicist Wallace Thornhill, who outlines a fundamentally new understanding of physical forces around us. From microcosmic to macrocosmic worlds, from subatomic particles to intergalactic mysteries. Thornhill looks at principles of electricity generally ignored by conventional science, What he finds is a magnificent - but often catastrophic - role of electricity in the organization of the physical world. The work also offers a mind-stretching convergence of physics with the global ...
136. Neocatastrophism in Geology and Paleontology [Articles]
... interested in just observing things, describing them and making fairly thick books of new species of plants and animals. But from the natural history approach, we have come to what is generally termed geology and on the other side of the spectrum, biology; geology the study of life of the past, which would be historical geology, and physical geology the study of processes occurring on the surface of the Earth that had helped change the surface of our planet. Then on the biological side, you have the basic division into botany and zoology. Today we have a fracturing of all of these things, we have sub-branches of all these, what we generally term specialization, and ...
137. Celestial Dynamics and "Worlds in Collision" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol VII Part A (1985) Home | Issue Contents Forums ASTROPHYSICS Celestial Dynamics and "Worlds in Collision"by Earl Milton Dr Milton, Ph. D. (Alberta) is a spectroscopist and Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Lethbridge University, Canada; he is a physics consultant for the Review. Congratulations on the release of the long-awaited Proceedings, "Ages in Chaos?". I find the volume both enjoyable and useful. I have some remarks to make about important points contained in Dr Robert Bass's contribution, "The Celestial Dynamics of Worlds in Collision'". In the past Bass and I have approached quite differently a ...
138. Reversals of the Earth? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ERIC W. CREW and PETER WARLOW C. LEROY ELLENBERGER Qualified chemical engineer and operations researcher; Contributing Editor of KRONOS. ERIC W. CREW F.I .E .E ., F.R .A .S ., contributor to several scientific journals. PETER WARLOW B.A . (Hons.) in Mathematics and Physics; currently technical researcher for the photographic industry. "I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which when you looked at it the right way did nor become still more complicated." - POUL ANDERSON, quoted by ARTHUR KOESTLER in The Ghost in the Machine In our issue for Spring 1979 (SISR III:4 ...
139. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... be difficult, if not impossible, to explain by any other model. A Fundamental Objection to the Saturn Theory The most obvious objection to the Saturn theory is its apparent incompatibility with conventional astrophysics. This is indeed a formidable objection, one deserving of serious attention and, ultimately, a valid answer, ideally in terms of offering a viable physical model for the polar configuration. While promising steps towards achieving a viable physical model have been achieved (the models of Grubaugh and Driscoll, for example), such attempts have thus far proved preliminary and only partly successful. Much work remains to be done in this area, preferably by scientists trained in the requisite fields of astronomy, ...
140. Physics, Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol V No 3 (1980/81) Home | Issue Contents Focus Physics, Astronomy and Chronology At a special meeting of the Society at the Library Association in London, on 17th October 1981, Dr Earl Milton addressed the members present on the complex problems of "Physics, Astronomy and Chronology". Dr Milton, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, was a most welcome guest, having already introduced himself to the Society as a lucid and iconoclastic speaker with a paper on "black holes" and other concepts of modern astronomy the previous year. (See E. R. Milton: "Electric Stars in a ...
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