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181 pages of results. 121. The Gravitational-Electromagnetic Effects of Ultramassive Objects on the Solar System [Journals] [Kronos]
... an object of this type travelling at high speed, in or near our solar system. We will also describe the possible effects that an interaction of this type may have upon a planet, or upon the solar system as a whole, depending on the trajectory of the object in question. THE POSSIBILITY OF PLANETARY ENCOUNTERS WITH ULTRAMASSIVE OBJECTS The physics and mathematics of objects that produce impact craters on the Moon, Earth and inner planets are thought to be fairly well understood by astronomers.(4a) These objects are debris, asteroids, and comets travelling in highly eccentric orbits. Utilizing simple collision physics, the mean free times between collisions can be calculated. This theory supposedly accounts ...
122. Symbols of an Ancient Sky: Slide Presentation & Notes by David Talbott [Journals] [Aeon]
... Slide Presentation & Notes by David Talbott (KRONIA, Beaverton, Oregon, 1997) Reviewed by Pam Hanna Never has there been a unified field theory of myth and ritual, claims comparative mythologist David Talbott- until now. In this spiral-bound, soft-cover notebook, the author presents his case in black and white illustrations, depicting aspects of the physical model he espouses together with its ancient symbolic references, each of which is accompanied by explanatory text. Basing his analysis on universal mythological themes, Talbott concludes that the Golden Age of the Gods, as well as its final destruction, corresponds to events that actually occurred and were etched in human memory like ancient software. Talbott deduces that ...
123. Thoth Vol III, No. 9: June 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... common with Astronomy. The objects in the sky are fossils, too, and their light talks about past events. But Astronomy is more appealing to the layman. Maybe he has more respect or fear for the skies than for Mother Earth!" And maybe the stars don't disagree as forcefully as stones when astronomers foist reductionist theories from mathematical physics onto them. (Until now: quantised redshifts among undeniably- connected quasars and galaxies speak an indefeasible "NO" to the Big Bang.) Astronomy would have done better to follow Geology in recognizing the fossil stars as "dynamic, mostly non-linear and chaotic systems." It should have paid more heed to the complexity of the ...
... From "Beyond Velikovsky" © 1984 by Henry H. Baue | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents References [1 ] Abell, George 0. Science Books, 12 (1976):126. [2 ] . Review of Scientists Confront Velikovsky. Physics Today, 31 (no. 8) (Aug. 1978):56- 59. [3 ] , and Barry Singer, eds. Science and the Paranormal. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1981. [4 ] Albright, William E "Retelling the Near East's Ancient History." New York Herald Tribune (20 Apr. 1952), sec. 6, p. 6. [5 ] ...
125. The Electro-gravitic Theory Of Cosmology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... world of science; it is a world of witchcraft and wild events and the whims of demons, a medieval world that science has tried to banish."64 Jastrow, while pondering this enigma, adds, "This bizarre conclusion rests on the equivalence of mass and energy which is one of the most basic and well established laws of physics. The door to the past is closed; the beginning of the world is the product of some prior event that we cannot discover. We only know it happened."65 Allan Sandage, one of the giants of modern cosmology, also admits the metaphysical nature of the origin of the universe from a black hole. "If ...
126. A Holographic World [Journals] [Kronos]
... the western Zen teacher Alan Watts. . . and Bohm, a theoretical physicist, close friend of Krishnamurti and former associate of Einstein." The chapter also discusses biofeedback, the punctuated equilibrium theory of neo-Darwinian evolution, the possible meaning of Bell's theorem for psychic phenomena research, and Ilya Prigogine's theory of dissipative structures. Prigogine, a Belgian physical chemist, won the 1977 Nobel prize in chemistry for this work explaining irreversible processes- the movement toward higher and higher orders of life. The theory provides a model for the role of stress in biochemical systems and societies in triggering transformations to higher levels of organization and complexity. Prigogine's theory has stirred interest among social scientists, cyberneticists and ...
127. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1999:2 (Feb 2000) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Physics and Chemistry Stirring results New Scientist 14.11.98, p. 4 Plants have done it for millions of years but up until now splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen at room temperature has been beyond the capability of human chemists. A Japanese team claim to have done it by simply stirring a catalyst into water, but sceptics remember the cold fusion affair. Physics is not the answer to everything New Scientist 21.11.98, pp. 34-37 Chemists are trying to formulate a philosophy of chemistry to match the quantum mechanics and natural selection philosophies of physicists ...
128. The Birth of Planets [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol IV No 1 (Autumn 1979) Home | Issue Contents The Birth of Planets Peter Warlow Copyright (c ) 1979 P. Warlow Mr Warlow gained an honours degree in Physics and Mathematics from the University College of North Staffordshire (now Keele University) and is at present a technical researcher for the photographic industry in Essex. It Venus originated by ejection from Jupiter, the core-ejection hypothesis may be extrapolated to explain the origin of the solar system. The original submission of the paper "Geomagnetic Reversals?", republished in the last S.I .S . Review from Journal of Physics: A, October 1978, contained two items that did ...
129. Recent Origin and Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol II No 2 (Dec 1977) Home | Issue Contents Recent Origin and Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field Thomas G. Barnes Dr Barnes is Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso and consultant to Globe Universal Sciences, Inc., El Paso. This article is developed from one originally written for publication in Pensée. Measurements of the earth's magnetic field since 1830 show a continuing decrease in its strength. This decay follows an exponential curve, giving implausibly large values which imply a catastrophic origin or "re-energising" in the last few thousand years. ABSTRACT The only dependable historical data on the strength and direction of the earth's main ...
130. Quantalism And Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... private life, as in his social outlook. Velikovsky consequently regarded Reich's sexual liberalism as libertinism and avoided collaboration with him, even in purely theoretical matters. Reich, on the other hand, acknowledged the likelihood that the psychological rigidity and muscular "armoring," from which historical humanity has suffered, resulted from a terrifying, though forgotten, physical calamity of global extent. He further asserted the plausibility of a worldwide Golden Age preceding that calamity and characterized not only by a relative lack of conflict (as acknowledged by Velikovsky) but by the prevalence of libidinal gratification, especially sexual gratification (a consideration avoided by Velikovsky). PROBABILITY AND "PROOF" Many prospective readers will expect ...
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