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... is found in that Cuna tradition described earlier: the Tapir chopped down the "Saltwater Tree," at the roots of which is God's whirlpool, and when the tree fell, saltwater gushed out to form the oceans of the world. Should the Tapir still seem to lack the appropriate dignity, some Asiatic testimonies should be added. The Persian Bundahishn calls the Galaxy the "Path of Kay-us," after the grandfather and coregent of Kai Khusrau, the Iranian Hamlet [n17 Bdh. V B 22, B. T. Anklesaria, Zand-Akasih. Iranian or Greater Bundahishn (1956), pp. 69, 71.]. Among the Altaic populations the Yakuts call the ...
602. The Cosmic Mountain [Books]
... woman's first sexual contact was with a snake, at puberty or during menstruation. The Komati tribe in the Mysore province of India uses snakes made of stone in a rite to bring about the fertility of women. Claudius Aelianus declares that the Hebrews believed that snakes mated with unmarried girls; and we also find this belief in Japan. A Persian tradition says that after the first woman had been seduced by the serpent she immediately began to menstruate. And it was said by the rabbis that menstruation was the result of Eve's relations with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. In Abyssinia it was thought that girls were in danger of being raped by snakes until they were married. ...
603. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... is seen in the Greek basileus, king, and in the names Tereus [who was turned into a hoopoe], and Katreus [the ka watcher]. The fight between a king and a fierce animal is a common theme in ancient art, especially oriental. At Persepolis, in the hall of a hundred columns', the Persian king is shown defeating monsters. A Greek equivalent would be Herakles or Theseus. Winged bulls with human heads are found at Persepolis, where Xerxes erected a gateway. The message is ambiguous: the king is the human representative of the divine bull in the sky, wings being added to indicate that the creature concerned is a celestial one ...
604. The Crescent [Books]
... of the Cosmos. A hymn of the Hindu Atharva Veda, titled "Extolling the Ox," identifies the various gods with the limbs of the cosmic bull: "Prajapati and the most exalted one are his two horns, Indra his head, Agni his forehead, Yama his neck-joint .. ." etc. (12) The Persians knew this beast as the "Primal Bull" or "the Sole-Created Ox" dwelling in Eran Vej, the "central land"; his form was "white and brilliant as the moon." The world of the first man and first woman was created from his body. (13) There is only one sense in which ...
605. Golden Age Canopy by Isaac Vail [Books]
... literature, where Varuna, the Hindu "bright shining sky" is called the "Regent of Surya" (the sun). Here, too, I recall the fact that the Avestan or Parsee Mythro, known to be the sun, was said by Rawlinson to be the farthest possible from occupying a prominent place at first in old Persian thought, and he wonders why. That ancient sun-god, the legends say had his home in a cave. But the "Mithroic cave" by this time is not difficult to explain. FLOOD LEGENDS. The one grand result of an honest and searching inquiry into the doctrine of the Deluge, as it is revealed by the fossil ...
606. The Misread Record by Isaac Vail [Books]
... to every race and tongue, "Let there be light and there was light." This upper deep was a bottomless deep and the only bottomless deep or abyss of waters that could exist; and it explains the most puzzling fact that all ancient peoples, even those who lived far from the sea, as the Egyptians, Hindus, Persians, and Babylonians, show by their persistent allusion to the same, to be most familiar with great waters, and waves and floods. One would think that all races were once ocean mariners. The ancient Greeks called this world investing deep Okeanos and said it was the "source of all fountains and streams of water". If ...
607. The Ring of Truth by Isaac Vail [Books]
... and made war upon the good. Magianism preceded Heliolatry or fire-worship, and fire-worship was the veneration of visible solar manifestations. On one side was the dark power of concealing elements, on the other the opposing force of order and good, which eventually made a visible conquest of all things, and arose triumphant over prostrate foes. The ancient Persian saw the visible contest in heaven, as a conflict between right and wrong. One was a dark force, the other a light one. The recognition of this manifestation is Zoroastrianism; nothing less, nothing more. [picture] DRAGON OF THE SHAH NAMEH EPIC POEM That magianism was serpent worship, is made plain by the fact ...
608. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... can place his analysis into that chronology. But this is now in question. How is one to explain this? The problem becomes solved if the established view of ancient historical chronology is wrong. Presently, Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn, in a series of books and papers, has made the claim that Hammurabi is the alter ego of the Persian king Darius the great. He claims that all of Mesopotamian history was created on the basis of false assumptions and is not as long as historians or Huber tell us it is. He claims that there were four or five civilizations in Mesopotamia, not eight, as the historians claim. He has challenged the historians and archaeologists to test ...
609. Part IV: Conclusions [Ragnarok] [Books]
... dwelt upon and sung of until it moved upward from the waters of the Atlantic to the distant skies, and became a spiritual heaven. And the ridges which so strangely connected it with the continents, east and west, became the bridges over which the souls of men must pass to go from earth to heaven. For instance: The Persians believe in this bridge between earth and paradise. In his prayers the penitent in his confession says to this day I am wholly without doubt in the existence of the Mazda-yacnian faith; in the coming of the resurrection of the latter body; in the stepping over the bridge Chinvat; as well as in the continuance of paradise." ...
610. From the Death of David to the Death of Ahab [Books]
... earth, and presently all the earth, as our Savior says it was upon all the earth, Luke 4:25. They who restrain these expressions to the land of Judea alone, go without sufficient authority or examples. (35) Mr. Spanheim takes notice here, that in the worship of Mithra (the god of the Persians) the priests cut themselves in the same manner as did these priests in their invocation of Baal (the god of the Phoenicians). (36) For Izar we may here read (with Hudson and Cocceius) Isachar, i.e of the tribe of Isachar, for to that tribe did Jezreel belong; and presently at ...
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