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62 pages of results. 581. Notes (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... theological and mythological point of view, M. R. James calls it `a late and clumsy compilation the reference to anthropophagy probably contains a genuine echo of an old, and otherwise lost, myth or tradition. Note 83. From Hebrew, `Daniel' can be explained as `God is judge'. But derivation from Old Persian danu, wise, making the name mean `the wise one', is surely much more apposite. Note 84. The `wheels', from their close position near the `throne'; were finally regarded by Jewish theologians as one of the highest orders of angels, the ophannim (Hebrew ophan = wheel). In ...
582. The Velikovsky Centenary Conference, New York, 1995 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ) to c. 800 BC. They put the Trojan War at 1200 BC but if Velikovsky was right, the Mycenaean ended just before the classical period began, with very short transition, in -850 or later. He liked -850 as it supported the Bible: many accepted -850 or -750 for the first Olympics but Greek history begins with Persian battle, -550, Olympic Games and emergence of polis followed at -500 and winner-lists were written c. -450. Homer's name is first mentioned by Theogenes ( -500) but the first standard text was -150 and earlier stuff is only legends and quotes. By retrocalculation, Homer dates to the -400s. The issue is whether the text ...
583. SIS Study Group June 1995 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , which follows the valley side and could have been constructed quickly, is the older of the two. Everybody seems to agree on that, because Hezekiah's tunnel is at a lower level and it would have left the other one dry. So I think the Siloam is Hezekiah's tunnel and someone else at a later time, perhaps in the Persian period or whenever, built the other tunnel, known as Hezekiah's. David Roth thought this sounded back to front - Bob said it would be the older of the two, if the palaeography was right. Bob replied that the palaeography says it is 700 BC, but really it is 500 or 400 BC, because the archaeology, ...
584. The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the 7 pyramids of dynasty 4 = 13, so where is the missing pyramid? 14 is the number of the Nomes of Egypt and the 14 segments of Osiris. What is the significance of 14? The constellation of Taurus the Bull, claim Bauval and Gilbert, is also associated with Orion (= the Mithraic Bull slain by the Persian hero Mithra), on the basis that the hand of Orion stretches out towards the Bull. They claim the rule of Osiris was a golden age that predated Menes. This is interesting if Menes has a link with the Cretan Bull god, Minos. It would imply the age of Kronos/Saturn was a golden age that preceded ...
... editorial consultant for the firm's journal Umschau in Wirtschaft und Technik. 2) In 1987, Christoph Marx, who had collaborated closely with University of Bremen sociologist/economist Gunnar Heinsohn in preparing perhaps the most radical of all "Velikovskian" chronological revisions- equating the third-millennium B.C . Sumerians with the first-millennium Chaldeans and identifying Hammurabi as Darius the Persian-was arrested in Switzerland for arranging to sell forbidden American computers to the Soviet Union. No trial was held, but Marx spent several days in Swiss cells and lost whatever credibility he had had. The upshot was that his Velikovskian organization in Europe disbanded to avoid being associated with him. Livio Catullus Stecchini, Velikovsky's first disciple, ...
586. Continuous Versus Discontinuous and Self-Perpetuating Versus Self-Terminating Processes [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... of low density near-surface rocks with consequent loss of buoyancy; 3.lateral spreading under a competent layer in horizontal compression. Theoretical considerations make it abundantly clear that diapirism is a continuous process -with both an accelerating and a decelerating stage. Somewhat more puzzling are the observations by Gansser (1960, p. 21) on Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf Which indicate that diapiric growth may take the form of individual spurts. A plausible theoretical explanation for such behaviour is at present lacking. Needless to say that the distinction between smooth' and irregular' growth is important for many academic and economic aspects of diapirism. The literature on salt diapirism is vast and for further reference one may ...
587. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... light of our re-examination of Philistine origins and early history. ' Regarding archaeological evidence, at Lachish the upper stratum has been conventionally dated from pottery to the Assyrian period. However, the existence of the substantial remains of a siege ramp, which the Assyrians would hardly have left in position, is compelling evidence that the last invaders were the Persians and the last occupation should be dated to the post-exilic era. Bimson noted that Finklestein, a leading archaeologist, was now supporting a lowering of Lachish IA by around a hundred years. Bimson, on the other hand, would suggest it can be down-dated by several centuries. Hence the NC can be supported by archaeological evidence [2 ...
588. Introgenesis (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... invented; the Greek history of the Mycenaean period is displaced and that of the pre-Alexander period is lacerated and Spartan and Athenian warriors, even those with well-known names, appear once more on the pages of history as archaic intruders out of the gloom of the past. (58) [W ]e cannot let Ramses III fight with the Persians and keep the hinges of world history in their former places. What a slide, what an avalanche must accompany such a disclosure: kingdoms must topple, empires must glide over centuries, descendants and ancestors must change places. And in addition to all this, how many books must become obsolete, how many scholarly pursuits must be restarted ...
... the American floe, constituting the entire western' fringe of the arch-continent; arch-Australia; and arch-Antarctica (although these two later suffered a very great displacement through the influence of satellites). By far the greatest part of the arch-continent remained together, as Asia-Europe-Africa. It was only split and rent here and there (Mediterranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf) or stretched (Baltic, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, European and North Asiatic plains). In addition, the North plus South American floe was greatly stretched, gaining, perhaps, as much as one quarter in length, chiefly in what is now ' Central' America, where the Mexican Bay and the Caribbean eventually ...
590. Some Additional Evidence from the Period from the Exodus to the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty [Journals] [SIS Review]
... alive and active, and a Chaldaean sign meaning "Great Ruler" on a coin of a Commogene king was where it could be expected. The excavations of Theresa Goell at the tomb of Antiochus I of Commogene at Nemrud Dagh demonstrated that the so-called "Hittite" art survived until the beginning of the Christian era. Colossi bearing Greek and Persian names (Hercules-Artagnes, Apollo-Mithra, Zeus-Ahuramazd) proved that "Hittite influences lasted until the time of Christ", whereas until then "scholars have believed that their culture vanished about 800 B.C ." , four hundred years after their empire was overthrown in the twelfth century BC [35]. With this imposing score of confirmations ...
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