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62 pages of results. 551. Solomon, The Exodus and Abraham Related to Egyptian Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... to condense Egyptian history in this way. If the proposed chronology is to be proved correct, it will have to be matched successfully with the archaeology of the various sites in Palestine. Key questions here seem to be, (i ) do the strata need to be brought forward in time to close the archaeological void in the Babylonian and Persian periods [33]? (ii) to what extent does the Late Bronze Age overlap the adjacent periods? (iii) is Iron I a truly separate time period? (iv) what is the position of Solomon in the stratigraphy - Late Bronze or Iron, or both?, and (v ) if the entry of ...
552. Metallurgy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... the Twenty-sixth, Dynasty, the Ethiopian source of iron in Egypt was eliminated. Greeks of Daphnae, and later of Naucratis in Egypt, reduced iron ore to ingots, from which they manufactured tools. Iron tools were confined mainly to Greek settlements, a situation very characteristic of Egypt (29). Not even from later times- of the Persians, Ptolemies, or Romans- has there remained so much iron in Egypt as from these Greek settlements of the Saitic period (30). But as the hematite of Egypt is of poor quality, domestic iron could best be employed for objects that did not require fine material: fences, buckles, chains, and the like. Ramses ...
553. Ash [Journals] [Pensee]
... I.V . November 7, 1953 DEAR DR. VELIKOVSKY: Thank you for your good letter of the 4th. I was glad to receive it and to hear that the radio-carbon dating of Dr. W. F. Libby of the University of Chicago confirms some of your own new dates in Egyptian and Near Eastern history before the Persian Period. I would be delighted to confirm your conclusions by sending to Dr. Libby some organic substance from an Egyptian object (such as an Egyptian mummy case) from the New Kingdom (18th to 20th dynasty) if I could find one in the Harvard Semitic Museum. Unfortunately we have nothing belonging to that period, most of ...
554. Evolution from Space [Articles]
... have a tendency to consider Velikovsky's dates. I wouldn't say that he is correct, but I arrive grosso modo at dates which turn around before the Ethiopian Dynasty, because they can't have reigned at the same time as the Ethiopian Dynasty. So they must have reigned between the XXVth Dynasty at least for Ramses II, and before the first Persian Dynasty. If I accept the Sothic Cycle as valid from 750 till 139 AD when Censorinus thought that there was at that time coincidence between the two, if you come back from 144 by 730 years which is a half cycle, you arrive at 600 BC. Q2: Would you bring the XVIIIth Dynasty down with it? René ...
555. Discussion on Velikovsky, Victor Clube's book [Articles]
... to say against this model building that I still don't see how Velikovsky's synchronising of events from different sources will be overcome by that. I don't see any reasons why we should build models by old methods and just disregard the events that he- to my mind- described fairly well. Where are the Egyptian sources for the wars against the Persians, when you remove them to the XIXth Dynasty? Peter James: Velikovsky in "Peoples of the Sea" was very naughty, he did in fact ignore records of Nectanebef, the king who is usually thought to be Nectanebo I. And there is a black granite stela of his from- I think possibly Sais- which refers ...
556. Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... well attested parallels between her behaviour in the Homeric poems and that of Ishtar in the literature of the Babylonians and the Maiden Anat in Canaanite poetry (36). Moreover, her name seems to bear some philological relation to that of Anat, and also to "Ana-hita the Goddess of the Avesta, whom the Greeks called Anaitis and the Persians Ana-hid - the name they gave to the planet Venus". (37). At Homs in Syria Athena was identified with Seimia (a local version of Ishtar), who was represented with a star behind her head. Langdon associates Seimia, Assyrian Simti, with the "Ishtar of battle", that is Venus as the ...
557. Plato's Atlantis and Prehistoric Europe [Articles]
... Egyptians may have confused things slightly. SLIDE 20 / 21 : This is another scene of the invasion of the Sea Peoples in Egypt and on the next slide, we have Ramesses III dragging away some of these captives. Now, there isn't the faintest doubt in my mind that these Sea Peoples including the Philistines at the bottom, or Persians if you prefer Velikovsky's interpretation, didn't come from Atlantis, the Philistines came from Philistia. But going back to our Greek travellers in Egypt being told yarns like the Atlantis legend, the late philosopher Proclus claims that one Krantor said that the Atlantis story was still to be seen engraved on pillars in Egypt. If Krantor did visit Egypt ...
558. Ocean Basins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Antarctica south. Indeed, if one wishes an up-to-date definition of the continents of the world, useful for some purposes, one may say that a continent is a body of land surrounded by an oceanic cleavage. Even in the case of Europe and Asia, some believe the fracture to exist, going up from the Indian Ocean through the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea, the Ural mountains and into the Arctic complex earlier described. Contemporary geological theory has also traced the path of the Indian subcontinent from Southeast Africa to the Tibetan Plateau. "The vast Himalayan range was created when a plate of the earth's crust carrying the landmass of India collided with the plate carrying Asia some ...
559. Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... these myths reached the Greeks by way of Phoenicia, and Prof. Hans Güterbock, one of the leading investigators of this material, has concluded that the Phoenicians were not the inventors of these myths; they were merely intermediaries between the Hurrians and the Greeks'." See also: H. Güterbock: "The Hittite Version of the Persian Kumarbi Myths: Oriental Forerunners of Hesiod", AJA 52 (1948), p. 133; O R. Gurney: The Hittites (Harmondsworth, 1952), pp. 190-192: R. D. Barnett, "The Epic of Kumarbi and the Theogony of Hesiod", JHS 45 (1945), pp. 100-101 ...
560. Sinking and Rising Lands [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Further, the Dravidian roots have been traced up through the Indian sub-continent to the proto-Indian high civilizations of the Indus valley and indeed up and across the whole north of India. Computer analysis of proto-Indian and a number of other writings indicated the Dravidian affinity. Moreover, Soviet scholars contend that the proto-Indian, hence Dravidian influences, move up the Persian Gulf and into the very foundations of what were to become the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian civilizations. These have long been thought to be the rock-bottom, independently developed civilizations of the old world. This earliest pre-Sumerian culture has been termed the Ubaid. Kondratov makes clear that it is not alone a matter of trade and other intercultural relations; ...
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