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... electrical effects, subsequent rain and cold [91:94- 1 1 i]. Like Velikovsky, Donnelly claimed to have found descriptions of such events in the legends of Asia (Hindu, Chinese, Burman, Polynesian), Europe (Druid, Greek, German, Spanish, Eskimo, Scandinavian), Egypt, the Middle East (Persian, Phoenician, Babylonian, Syrian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Moslem), Africa, South America, and Central and North America. The similarities of detail are striking: "Acted upon by magnetism or electricity. . . in the tail of the comet" [91:45], the latter appeared in the sky and was ...
512. Citing the Work of Others: A Critique [Journals] [Aeon]
... L. Saunders, Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop (2004:2 ), p. 26. [2 ] T. Palmer, "Neo-Assyrians and Achaemenids- A Test of Beards," Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2004:1 ), pp. 9-14. [3 ] G. Heinsohn, "Who Were the Assyrians of the Persian Period," AEON III:2 (May 1993), pp. 67-76. [4 ] C. Whelton, "Heinsohn and the Hyksos," AEON II:1 (June 1989), pp. 103-107. [5 ] M. Sieff, "The Hyksos Were Not Assyrians," AEON I:4 ( ...
513. Paradise -- The Lost Frontier: Early Voyages to the Forbidden Isles [Journals] [Aeon]
... that Galileo had company: Simon Marius of Anspach also claimed, in his Mundus Jovialis, that he had a telescope at the same time as Galileo. Matthew Paris produced an illustration of an astronomer using a theodolite sighting tube circa 1225. This device may well have utilized lenses. Such sighting tubes and lenses were known to the Chinese, Persians, and Egyptians circa 1000 BC. Since the Church condemned such "pagan" devices, they went unreported in orthodox literature. Modern historians have mistakenly assumed that if a device wasn't mentioned, then it wasn't extant. In reality, many such technological innovations entered Europe by way of contacts with so-called heathen Moslems long before their presumed discovery ...
514. After 200 Years It's Time to Get Serious About Dynasty XVIII and Tuthmose III [Journals] [Aeon]
... allow room for the best estimate of years for each of Manetho's dynasties, the New Kingdom's Dynasties (XVIII through XXI) were deemed to commence in the sixteenth century BC. Logically, then, the Late Kingdom and its antecedents (Dynasties XXIII through XXVI) were allocated the intrinsically awkward period reaching to -525, at which point Cambyses' Persians indisputably arrived in Egypt. The resulting parameters established on this flawed data have consequently dominated all Egyptological discussion for the past century and a half (see table above). The Key Role of Shishak Jean Francois Champollion- (1790-1832)- who was the first to identify the Biblical Shishak with the Egyptian pharaoh Shoshenk. In terms of ...
515. A General Introduction to Amazon Mythology in the Greco-Roman World [Journals] [Aeon]
... war and that the only other activity they engaged in was building shrines to their gods and palaces for their queen. The clothing of the Amazons also varies greatly, not so much in the written accounts as in visual representations. These latter depict Amazons as wearing anything from animal skins to short tunics with one breast bared, to a distinctly Persian style of warrior dress. Their weapons seem to be constantly changing when one examines the written accounts. They are reported to have used swords, javelins, bows and arrows, and battle-axes. Some accounts have them as utilizing all of these weapons, but in most they only use the bow and arrows, which may explain the common ...
516. Paired Sets in the Hebrew Alphabet [Journals] [Aeon]
... g . Ayutla Mixe tuk, "one," tuktuk, "eight"). The Egyptian hat, "beginning," "front part," may be related to Egyptian hati, "local prince," "monarch," "mayor," which resembles the letter name heth, while Hebrew peha, "Babylonian or Persian governor," "prefect," "pasha," resembles the letter name with which heth is paired, i.e . pe. While many of the potential sound and meaning associations mentioned that relate to languages other than Hebrew may be interesting and not always fortuitous coincidences, they are not persuasive evidence of any natural pairing in ...
517. Quantavolution and Solaria Binaria [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... literature of Q has increased greatly. When I first entered the field, Velikovsky's work and a few other items of the period from 1927 to 1963 constituted the relevant bibliography. For the rest of one's references, one had to go to collections of ancient myths and to early Greek and Roman philosophers, to holy scriptures of the Jews, Persians, Hindus, and to rare writers of the last thousand years. The most important were Whinston, a little-read disciple of Newton; Boulanger a Frenchman of the Enlightenment a century later, whose books were called to V's attention by Livio Stecchini, an unrecognized great historian of science whose works have yet to be published, although he has ...
518. A Note on the Term "Hyksos" [Journals] [Kronos]
... Egyptian city of Shad, which had a special cult of Osiris, appears linguistically close to the words Shaus, Shauas (Shasu)- all of which refer to the nomadic Semites east of Egypt and could be original root words for the term Hyksos.(43) Cyrus the Great, founder and first king of kings of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, was also called shepherd. "[ The Lord] saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure" (Isaiah 44:28). The idea of King-Shepherd was not confined to the Near East alone. In the Iliad (II. 243 and II. 254), Agamemnon, the ...
519. The Identification of the Biblical "Queen of Sheba" with Hatshepsut, "Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia"" [Journals] [Kronos]
... in 1940. Two of them were made the objects of re-interpretation based on the more refined knowledge of today, thanks to many more finds during the last 25 years.(45) In a very detailed analysis, Joseph Naveh suggested that one ostracon seems to have been written in Phoenician script and that "Phoenicians lived in Elath in the Persian Period [5th century B.C .] or, at least, Phoenician merchants passed through this port." Naveh mentioned that similar inscriptions have been found in Egypt. The second ostracon is a fragment of an Iron II cooking pot with an inscription which Naveh judges to be Edomite of the 7th to 6th century B.C ...
520. Eastern Anatolia and Velikovsky's Chronological Revisions I [Journals] [Kronos]
... from 1837 to 1972, while the French throne was occupied by only three from 1643 to 1792- 149 years! 19. The survival of the form Matiene/Mantiane in Herodotus (3 .94) and other classical authors is doubtless due to the survival of the name Mitanni in the non-Indo-European languages of Mesopotamia and Iran in the Achaemenian Persian period and later. Note that Herodotus (I .72) mentions Matieni along the right bank of the Halys River (Kizil Irmak) in Central Anatolia which is to be expected if the Matieni were the Medes for the Halys was the limit of Median expansion in the West. The name Subartu also survived. Associated by specialists quite ...
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