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613 results found.
62 pages of results. 491. The Polar Sun [Books]
... (104) It does not take a great deal of imagination to see that this is, once more, the stationary pivot of the heavens. From one land to another one encounters the same connection of the great father or primeval sun with the celestial pole. To the traditions cited above, one might add the following: In the Persian Zend Avesta the sun god Mithra occupies the summit of the world axis, a fixed station "around which the many stars revolve." (105) The common identification of Mithra with the Zoroastrian Zurvan/Saturn cannot be ignored. Iranian cosmology, as reported by de Saussure, esteemed the celestial pole as the centre and summit of ...
492. The origin of the sacred 260 day calendar of the early Mesoamerican civilisations: a hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Assyrians used a year of 360 days. The Indian texts of the Veda use a year of 360 days divided into 12 months of 30 days; there are no extra days; from approximately 700 BC, the Hindus used a civil year of 365 25 days but retained a sacred year of 360 days for religious purposes. Similarly, the Persians used a year of 360 days until the 7th century BC, when they added 5 extra days. Although they assumed the sun rose through a different aperture each day, they retained the concept of 360 apertures without adding extra ones for the extra 5 days. The Egyptian Canopus decree of 238BC refers to an earlier period when 5 days ...
493. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of the first half of the 7th century BC. The stone inscription was assumed by the excavators to have been set up when the temple was completed but I suggested in C&CR that it was merely a reused piece of stone from an earlier temple. I believe that the stratum in which it was found should be redated to the Persian period - probably c. 450 BC at destruction, rather than the excavators' date of 604 BC. The new jar inscription makes my position more difficult because it tends to confirm a close link between Padi and the temple in which it was found. The Padi of the jar inscription is not stated to be a king and Padi ...
494. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... across the entire region, and has been identified by Heinsohn in his historical reconstruction, as has the next hiatus which supposedly occurred between the fall of Mitanni in the 14th century BC and the next reoccupation of the area by the Assyrians in the 8th century BC. If the original northern Mesopotamian cultures were Akkadians, followed by Medes and then Persians, these mysterious hiati would disappear. Solomon and Sheba New York Times 4.1 .00, The Sunday Times 1.10.00 Recent research at Megiddo, the scene of multiple battles, a dozen of which were recorded in biblical times, is suggesting a revised chronology as the impressive architecture deemed to show the glory of ...
495. Afterword [Books]
... the Politics of Science, 2 November 1974, Philosophy of Science Association, Notre Dame University, Indiana. 6A. See note 7 below. 7. That these four volumes have taken twenty-two years to complete is indicative of the thorough scholarship exhibited by Dr. Velikovsky. Two of the four volumes Peoples of the Sea, which covers the Persian Period ( -524) to the second Ptolemy ( -279), and Ramses II and His Time, which covers the period of the Chaldean Domination ( -611 to -524), had been typeset for printing at the time of this Symposium. The former volume is now published. The latter will be released by Doubleday and ...
496. Were the "Sumerians of the Third Millennium" in Reality the Chaldeans of the First Millennium? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... elevated to heroic status on the background of an astral course of events (Kugler, 1904). But it may also be asked whether the so-called Gutaeans, who are said to have harassed the mythical Sargon and to have lastly even "razed Akkad to the very ground" (Uhlig, 257), were nothing but part of the Persian military might against whom the Neo-Assyrians had to fight, and who in the end conquered the whole Near East. It may indeed be expected that this questioning- in many directions- will already reveal at this early point possible parallels between other- on one side- mythical, and- on the other- historical personages. Too, ...
497. Tree Symbols [Books]
... sort of capital punishment.31 Laufer, dealing with the Chinese manna problem, writes: Garcia da Orta described several kinds of manna, one brought to Ormuz from the country of the Uzbeg under the name xirquet or xircast, "which means the milk of a tree called quest, for xir (read sir) is milk in the Persian language". Paper-mulbery is referred to as Ku, as are also cereals. Laufer shows that this word "had the significance of milk" and "as the bark of this tree contained a milk-like sap", the word Ku "was transferred to the tree."32 Other trees besides the sycamore-fig were sacred in ancient Egypt ...
498. The Spiral and Birth [Books]
... maids betook themselves to the earth and took part in the first world.war on the side hostile to Odin. It is worthy of notice that the mythology has connected the fimbul-winter and the great emigration from the north with an earthquake and a damage to the world mill which makes the starry heavens revolve.31 There are traces in ancient Persian religion of a belief in a prolonged and terrible winter which caused Yima to build, on Ahura's suggestion, " the Vara . . . to shelter mankind and animals". Professor Moulton commented that "the Babylonian flood story "32 picture strongly tempts us to recognize the influence of the In Egypt the "flood myth "was connected ...
499. The Cyclic Nature of Ancient Catastrophes [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... (a ) mesozoic, and (b ) "cenozoic strata were layed down at this time. This cataclysm was the most intense of all Earth holocausts, either before or after. If there is a core of truth to the Talmudic material above (and we suspect just that), it entered the Talmud from Chaldean and/or Persian sources even more ancient. Which then were the two planets? There are only four possibilities- Mars, Mercury, Venus, and the Moon. The model itself, in the late October case, suggests Mars.36 The Moon can be eliminated as having been Earth's partner long before this catastrophe. By inductive logic Mercury and Venus ...
500. Commemoration Of The 2300bc Event [Journals] [SIS Review]
... The month of Athriyadiya ( 'worship of fire'), around November, was sacred to the Fravashis and the ceremony originally occurred then, when the families also honoured their dead. The festival was later transferred to the month of Fravardin, at the vernal equinox, also sacred to the Fravashis [93]. Olcutt states that the Persians called November Mordad, angel of death' and that it marked the date of their festival of the dead. On the midnight culmination of the Pleiades, no petition was presented in vain to their ruler [94]. Figure 1 Mean daily variation of meteor rate A - Visual observations, based on data from several sources B - ...
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