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62 pages of results. 471. Venus and Sirius: Some Unexpected Similarities [Journals] [Kronos]
... (phonetically kanker, "the South"), which sounds like kan and relates to the south. We may take note, too, of Arabic qanoub, "south";(46) Turkish [cenup] kenup, (n .) "south" and [cenubi] kenubi, "southern";(47) Persian jonub, "south". These associations of different meanings - such as "dog", "red", "south", "Sirius", "Venus"- with the sound sequence approximating kan, although they constitute an extraordinary series of coincidences, are not all independent of one another. Most obviously, this is ...
... been discovered in Iraq and in Central America, the latter set in a hot, damp climate where the tropical forests almost as though they possessed arms in course of time thrust their way through great stone buildings and broke them up. Students have often been surprised at the comparative paucity of Egyptian remains. Herodotus says that when Cambyses, the Persian, invaded Egypt there were 20,000 cities, but in this he cannot be regarded seriously. Diodorus says that in the reign of Ptolemy Lagus (323-285 BC) they numbered 3,000, but if we reduce this figure to 10 per cent of surviving remains it is far beyond the mark, The very foundations of her ...
473. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a separate dynasty who had just arrived in the area'. What the Book of Sothis (pseudo-Manetho) actually says at the relevant point is this: 39. Tuthmosis, 39 years. 40. Amenophthis, 34 years. This is the king who was reputed to be Memnon and a speaking statue. Many years later Cambyses, the Persian king, cut this statue in two, deeming that there was sorcery in it, as Polyaenus of Athens relates. The Ethiopians, removing from the River Indus, settled near Egypt. 41. Orus, 48 years. 42. Achencheres, 25 years. 43. Athoris, 29 years. 44. Chencheres, 26 years. ...
474. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the enormous gap between the strata of the Old-Babylonian Martu (Mardu, Amorites, etc) and the Parthians. Since I equate Cyrus's tribe of the Mardoi (also called Mardians or Amardians and known from Herodotus I:84, 125 as well as from Ctesias) with the enigmatic Martu, the Old-Babylonians materialise to the as yet archaeologically missing Persian satrapy Babylonia which stratigraphically has to precede the Parthians or - elsewhere - the Seleucids. Since, up to now, my answer to Martin Sieff could not be published Dr Newgrosh, of course, may feel free to state about me whatever he sees fit. He may even qualify the fact that I, in addition, printed answers ...
475. Geomagnetic Effects of an Earthwide Event in 2300BC [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . For a dipole field, we would expect one region of immense flux at each pole but instead we observe two such regions near, but not at, the North Pole (one under Canada and one under Siberia), and .. . two under Antarctica. Static flux bundles are also observed under the central Pacific Ocean and the Persian Gulf .. . remained virtually stationary for more than 250 years. Static zero flux patches .. . permanent regions of very low flux are observed at the North Pole, under Easter Island, in the Northern Pacific Ocean and, in many models, near the South Pole .. . particularly surprising near the poles, which is ...
476. The Golden Age and Nova of Super Saturn [Books] [de Grazia books]
... with their implements. The god is depicted enthroned atop a serpent-like column arm-in-arm with his mate. It is tempting to suggest that this picture illustrates the situation during the Age of Saturn, with the god-star perched stop the "fiery" electric arc, which rose above the world and faded in the distance into the golden sky. The ancient Persians and others asserted that God created Saturn (whence Saturday) on his sixth and last day of labor, before resting on the seventh day (whence Sabbath = rest) (Cardona, 1978a, p34). The implication is that all things - the separation of Heaven and Earth, the other celestial objects thus revealed, the biosphere ...
477. Tiahuanaco and the Delug [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... flood in the distant past. Whether it was the biblical flood of Noah, or another one, we cannot say, but there is ample physical evidence of a universal inundation, with the world-wide deluge described in more than a hundred flood-myths. Along with Noah's flood were the Babylonian Utnapischtim of the Gilgamesh epic, the Sumerian Ziusudra, the Persian Jima, the Indian Manu, the Maya Coxcox, the Colombian Bochica, the Algonkin'S Nanabozu, the Crows' Coyote, the Greek Deukabon and Pyrrha, the Chinese Noah Kuen, and the Polynesian Tangaloa. It is evident there was a world-wide deluge 12,000 years ago. Global doomsdays are conspicuous in the Hopi Indian legends, ...
478. Egyptian Monumental Evidence [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... logical reading of Censorinus suggests the earliest date for the 365 day Egyptian calendar, and hence for a number of the pyramids, was after c.1200 BC and, quite possibly, after c.800 BC. Hence, Censorinus is entirely consistent with Herodotus. c). As developed in Discussions in Egyptology, Jewish, Chinese, Persian, Indian, and Roman literary sources support a chronology placing the rise of literate civilisation around 2000 BC, a major flood devastating that civilisation around 1700 BC, and the rise of new civilisations, including the Egyptian, some time after the Flood. All the other literary sources are consistent with one another but not with the conventional manner ...
479. Senmut and Phaeton [Journals] [SIS Review]
... sake of completeness, and to help those who are not already familiar with the many potential manifestations of Ursa major, the following account of it by Sir William Peck (11) is offered: "The Egyptians called it the hippopotamus (the bear being unknown in Egypt), but it was recognised as a bear by the Greeks, Persians, &c ., and when America was first discovered, the Northern Indians knew it as the (Polar) bear, showing that they had either independently recognised it for themselves, or had been in some way connected with the Eastern world". The present writer suggests that what the Egyptians, the North American Indians and the ...
480. Thoth Vol IV, No. 2: Jan 31, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... why the planet Saturn and its deity should be associated with cold, snow, and ice. A telling clue comes from William of Conches who tells us that Saturn is called cold not because he is inherently cold himself but because he causes cold. ' AMY: Cardona discusses this connection between Saturn and cold with respect to the Greek and Persian mytho-historical record, and then adds this story told by the Modoc Indians of southern Oregon and northern California: CARDONA: . . . the Chief of the Sky Spirits drilled a hole in the sky with a rotating stone through which he pushed snow and ice to form a mound which almost touched the sky. . . . the drilling ...
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