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62 pages of results. 381. A Chronology for the Eighteenth Dynasty [Journals] [SIS Review]
... immediate successors were omitted. Later sources are the 5th-century-BC Histories of Herodotus, the 3rd-century-BC Aegyptiaca of Manetho and the 1st-century-BC Library of Diodorus Siculus. Herodotus is a mine of useful information, in spite of a lavish sprinkling of colourful anecdotes, some of which have to be read to be disbelieved. His account of the period immediately preceding the Persian Conquest is generally considered to be fairly accurate, but for earlier periods he is far from reliable and often indisputably wrong. It is to Manetho that we owe the division of ancient Egyptian history into 31 dynasties. He evidently had access to sources no longer available to historians, but in one important aspect his was a propagandist work. ...
382. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... "sounds as though just possibly it might have been caused by a meteor". The reasoning behind this off-hand piece of speculation is remarkably jejune. Tacitly assuming that the Biblical story of the universal deluge represents a local Mesopotamian flood (and presumably that Noah lived in Iraq), Asimov reasons that the waters must have rushed up from the Persian Gulf - "because after all the Ark landed in Ararat, which is north-west of the region from which it started". One wonders if Asimov - author of a pretentious two-volume Asimov's Guide to the Bible - has actually read the section in Genesis describing the Deluge. It mentions torrential rains, flooding waters and perhaps submarine tectonic upheavals ...
383. Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Necho in 609 BC after Josiah's death (II Kings 23:29). Str. III-II would then belong to the Babylonian period, and a style of coffin datable to the time of Nebuchadrezzar is indeed allocated with these strata (cf. Tufnell, PEFA 6, 1953, p. 67). Str. I belongs to the Persian period. 82. J. Naveh, IEJ 12 (1962), pp. 96-7. 83. Cf. Holladay in MD, p. 281, n. 33; p. 283, n. 77. 84. For Kenyon on the problem of Samaria Periods V and VI, see S-S I, pp. 106-108 ...
384. Shoshenq and Shishak: A Case of Mistaken Identity [Journals] [SIS Review]
... few years before Champollion's discovery, he published An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology: to which is subjoined A Critical Examination of the Remains of Egyptian Chronology [55]. The latter part of this work was one of the most sophisticated and sensible treatments of Egyptian chronology to appear before the decipherment of the hieroglyphs. Already in Prichard's day the Persian conquest of Egypt was (correctly) dated to 525 BC. "From this period", wrote Prichard, "we commence our reckoning, and compute upwards towards the more obscure ages" [56]. Therefore, beginning with the 26th Dynasty which terminated with the Persian conquest, Prichard worked backwards through time, carefully assessing the ...
385. The Homeric Question [Journals] [SIS Review]
... form of the Homeric epics. In view of the detached geographical and political situation of the early city states of Iron Age Greece, there must have been many conflicting local accounts which originated from different regions of Greece. It seems conceivable that these local traditions were only collected, compiled and edited after the Greeks had survived the onslaught of the Persian Wars, i.e . when the Athenians of the 5th century BC felt that a unifying' version of Greek history' would help create a politically and militarily urgently needed sense of untiy. If this hypothesis is valid, then the actual process of writing down the Iliad in its classical form took place in Athens only in the ...
386. Planet in Crisis: the Earth's Last 12,000 Years [Journals] [SIS Review]
... activity. Superficially of great permanence, many existing environmental systems initiated by these changes have been accorded great antiquity but modern researches tend to demonstrate the opposite: with few exceptions these systems have been proved to be remarkably youthful and anything but permanent. Particularly prominent examples are the North Sea, the Saharan and Arabian deserts, the bed of the Persian Gulf, the Indonesian archipelago, North America's Great Lakes and the Amazon jungle. Indeed, in their present guises, none of these permanent' geographical features actually predates the Holocene. The North Sea, resulting from progressive subsidence of its site [40], only achieved its present configuration about 6,500BC [41]. Before ...
387. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the river at the harbour of Coptos. They [the goods and the Puntites] were sent forward downstream, arriving in festivity, bringing tribute into the royal presence'. Now as much as I disagree with Velikovsky over his Arrival' theory, I do not disagree with his placement of Ramesses III in the times immediately before the second Persian Invasion. It follows, in my opinion, that the land of Punt must be elsewhere than Palestine - because in the times of Ramesses III Palestine was in Persian hands. QED - no Egyptian trading mission is going to get much change from the enemy. Punt is not in Palestine - except in the opinion of Velikovsky and those ...
388. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... close to the channel sides dated it to the later part of Iron II'. Presumably this refers to the date of the blocking of the tunnel and would roughly correspond to the time when Hezekiah's tunnel came into use. I have previously suggested that this Siloam channel was the real Hezekiah's tunnel and that the so-called Hezekiah's tunnel' was a Persian period development (C &CW 1995:2 p. 6). The more extreme proposal by Rogerson & Davies to down-date Hezekiah's tunnel' even further, to the Maccabean period (see C&CW 1996:2 , p. 27), seems to have been killed off by the incompatibility of Maccabean palaeography with that of ...
389. Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 29a shows a Mr. Peanut' character from Hieropolis in Egypt [60]. Note how the flanking creatures seem more real' than the central character __ __ __ Fig. 29a Egyptian Lion Tamer', 1st Millennium BC Fig. 29b is from Persia [61] __ __ __ Fig. 29b Persian Animal Tamer', 1st Millennium BC Fig. 29c is from Crete [62]. Note the enhanced realism of both figures. Magnetic field lines become horse manes. The horse tamer attribute belongs to many ancient gods. __ __ __ Fig. 29 Cretan Lion Tamer', early 1st Millennium, BC Fig. ...
390. An Investigation into the Reality of the Early Medieval Dark Age [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a reference to the reign of King Yazdegird III, who is believed to have died over 300 years previously in 651 AD, after being deposed during the Muslim conquest of Persia, then this 300 year period must have been artificially added to history. However, that is a poor argument: Firdausi was writing an epic poem about the ancient Persian kings, not a history of his country. One might just as well argue that since Tennyson wrote about the exploits of the Knights of the Round Table in the Idylls of the King in 1859, then King Arthur must have been alive less than 200 years ago. Niemitz pointed out that the Shahname tells nothing about the Islamic conquest ...
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