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613 results found.
62 pages of results. 251. Hereditary Monarchy in Assyria and the Assyrian Kinglist [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , can still be supported, based on cultural and linguistic continuity. This is generally true throughout Europe, a region that also shares a common culture and essentially cognate tongues. But now we pass through the extensive period of Roman rule, and cross the threshold of the modern age and enter the Hellenistic world. Our journey carries on through Persian, Babylonian. Assyrian, and back to ancient Sumerian times. This last sequence represents an entirely different cultural-linguistic continuum. The slender thread of cultural-linguistic continuity with the west has been entirely severed. Can we now be as certain of the concept of hereditary monarchy as we are in the England of 1982? What explicit evidence exists to support ...
252. C&C Review 2006 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: C&C Review 2006 Texts Home | SIS Review Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2006 Contents Articles Bias in the Writing of History, by Irving Wolfe 2 Velikovksian Catastrophism: Science of Pseudoscience, by Paul Sukys 6 The Feasts and the Crescents, by Lynn E. Rose 16 Essay-Review Can the Persian Chronology by Revised?- Part I by Carl Olof Jonsson 25 Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology by Robert M. Porter 41 Review-Report Of the Seminar on Alfred de Grazia's model of Solaria Binaria', reviewed by Professor Vladimir Damagov 43 Book Reviews 60 The Measure of Albion, by Robin Heath and John Michel, reviewed by Phillip Clapham 46 The ...
253. Illustrations (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... From "Peoples of the Sea" © 1977 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Illustrations 1 Persian guard 2 Obverse of tiles of Ramses III 3 Reverse of tiles of Ramses III 4 The Egyptians, supported by the Pereset and the Peoples of the Sea, assault the Libyans 5 The Egyptians fight, with the assistance of the Peoples of the Sea, against the soldiers of the Pereset 6 The Pereset as prisoners of the Egyptian King 7 The Egyptian fleet of Ramses III destroying the fleet of the Pereset 8 The Egyptians leading away captives of the Sea Peoples 9 Pylon of the Khonsu temple erected during the Twenty-first Dynasty 10 Pylon of the temple of Ramses III at ...
254. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... 1981 Volume III, Part 1 The End of Mitanni and Some Related Problems, Lester J. Mitcham. Pharaoh So and the Libyan Dynasty, Arie Dirkzwager. The Punctuation Marks of Geological History, Charles H. Hapgood. July 1981 Volume III, Part 2 Freud and Velikovsky, Part I, Bronson Feldman. Are the Peleset Philistines or Persians? Donovan A. Courville. Herodotus on Thutmoses III and Amenophis II, Arie Dirkzwager. January 1982 Volume IV, Part 1 Freud and Velikovsky, Part II, Bronson Feldman. Syria and Ugarit, Lester J. Mitcham. The Israelite Origins of Monotheism and the Prohibition of Killing, Gunnar Heinsohn. July 1982 Volume IV, Part ...
255. Open Forum, chaired by David Fairbairn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the way that we are really in the middle of the tunnel and not in different parts of the area. Q: Is there much being done about the Old and Middle Kingdoms? Is there anything new? Emmet Sweeney: Following the Heinsohn system it means essentially that the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom as such never existed separately. The Persians for example really were about quite recently, Cheops, or Khufu, was about some time in the 8th century BC and that's why advanced geometry and various other things could be used to construct these buildings because they don't belong to the Stone Age, they actually belong to the Pyramid Age. If you look at the origins of monotheism ...
256. C&C Review 2001:1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 53 Reviews 54 Alfred De Grazia's discography - reviewed by Brian Moore 54 Kronos by Robert de Telder - reviewed by Emmet J. Sweene 55 When The Gods Came Down by Alan F. Alford - reviewed by Alasdair Beal 56 The Tutankhamun Prophecies & The Lost Tomb of Viracocha by Maurice Cotterell - reviewed by Alasdair Beal 56 Ramessides, Medes & Persians by Emmet Sweeney - reviews by M.G . Reade & J.E . Aitchison 57 Predicting the Past by Roger Williams Wescott - reviewed by Jill Abery 58 Cattigara - Legend and History by Stan Hall - reviewed by Jill Abery 58 The Time Detectives by Brian Fagan - reviewed by Phillip Clapham 58 Society News 60 Obituries David Slade ...
257. The Velikovskian Vol. V, No. 2: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol. V, No. 2 Texts Home | Velikovskian Home The Velikovskian The Journal of Myth, History and Science Vol. V, No. 2 (2001)Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS "Ramessides, Medes and Persians" by Emmet J. Sweeney Introduction [PDF] Chapter 1: Distorting and Reconstructing the Past [PDF] Stratigraphy and Chronology; The Medes; The Chaldeans; The Lydians; The Scythians Chapter 2: Bringing Light to a Dark Age [PDF] A Problem and a Solution; Ramessides and Neo-Assyrian; The Neo-Hittites of Syria; Malatya and Karatepe; Carchemish and its Remains; The Sukhis Dynasty Chapter 3: ...
258. Hereditary Monarchy in Assyria and the Assyrian Kinglist [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , can still be supported, based on cultural and linguistic continuity. This is generally true throughout Europe, a region that also shares a common culture and essentially cognate tongues. But now we pass through the extensive period of Roman rule, and cross the threshold of the modern age and enter the Hellenistic world. Our journey carries on through Persian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and back to ancient Sumerian times. This last sequence represents an entirely different cultural-linguistic continuum. The slender thread of cultural-linguistic continuity with the west has been entirely severed. Can we now be as certain of the concept of hereditary monarchy as we are in the England of 1982? What explicit evidence exists to support ...
259. What's New from Nabu? (Advert) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XIII:2 (July 1991) Home | Issue Contents Advertisement What's New from Nabu?HISTORY and PROPHECY: A Study in the Post-Exilic Period "With this monograph Professor Storck has provided a detailed and up to date review of the history of the early Persian period and the fate of the post-exilic community in that larger context. The strength of this work is the careful attention that it pays to the Ancient Near Eastern materials, especially for the reigns of Cambyses and Darius I. For the biblical materials the author takes the unusual position that the careers of Ezra and Nehemiah should be advanced to the time of Darius I. Whether such a ...
260. Ekron and Gath - The Location of the Interior Cities of the Philistines Reconsidered [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Blaiklok and R.Harrison). Sennacherib captured Ekron in 701 BC during his suppression of the rebellion led by king Hezekiah of Judah. Padi the former pro-Assyrian ruler liberated from Hezekiah was restored to power. Territory taken from Judah was given to Ekron (ANET, pp.287-88). The history of Ekron during the Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods is not known except for prophecies pronounced against the city (Jeremiah 25:20; Amos 1:6-8 and Zephaniah 2:4 ). In 147 BC Alexander Balas gave Ekron and its territory to Jonathan Maccabeus (I Maccabees 10:89). According to Eusebius, Ekron still had a large Jewish population c.300 ...
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