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62 pages of results. 221. Discussion Comments From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... modern catastrophism and the great source of inspiration for those who seek to complete a revised chronology of the ancient world. If, as I suspect, Velikovsky follows the accepted chronology in placing the Assyrian conquest in the Iron Age, then I see little chance his revision will succeed. I believe the evidence increasingly favours the view that Chaldean and Persian layers in the Iron stratum have been mistakenly identified as Assyrian, and that the place to look for the genuine Assyrian remains is in the MB II period, as Gunnar Heinsohn has indicated. Which brings us to the Hyksos question. In an early draft of his forthcoming article, "Apophis and Ashurbanipal," Heinsohn points out that ...
222. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... in which we can study the first beginnings of our language and of everything which is embodied in all the languages under the sun." The oldest, most primitive, most simple form of Aryan Nature-worship finds expression in this wonderful hymnal, which doubtless brings before us the rituals of the ancient Aryan populations, represented also by the Medes and Persians. There was, however, another branch, represented by the Zend-Avesta, as opposed to the Vedas, among which there was a more or less- conscious opposition to the gods of Nature, to which we are about to refer, and a striving after a more spiritual deity, proclaimed by Zoroaster under the name of Ahura- ...
223. The Year Of 360 Days, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... night, is, to the Hindu, of the most prominent practical importance, since by it are regulated th e performances of many religious ceremonies, and upon it depend the chief considerations of propitious and unpropitious times, and the like."9 The double system was the imposition of a new time measure upon the old. The ancient Persian year was composed of 360 days or twelve months of thirty days each. In the seventh century five Gatha days were added to the calendar.10 In the Bundahis, a sacred book of the Persians, the 180 successive appearances of the sun from the winter solstice to the summer solstice and from the summer solstice to the next winter ...
224. Aeon Volume II, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Hindu warrior-hero Indra, finding numerous parallels with the Martian gods of other lands. PAGE49 The Methodology of Patten's Martian Scenario Dwardu Cardona offers a comprehensive critique of Donald Patten's model. The model lacks a foundation in myth and history, he argues, and many of the planetary identifications are either unsupported or incorrect. PAGE 77. Old Babylonian and Persian Tera-Cotta Reliefs Gunnar Heinsohn advances his argument for a compression of ancient chronologies, noting that perplexing anomalies in the history of terra-cotta reliefs are eliminated by his radical reconstruction. PAGE102 Discussion Dwardu Cardona, Charles Ginenthal, Ted Holden, C. Warren Hunt, Anthony Larson, Martin Sieff, George Talbott, Samuel Windsor. PAGE107 Aeon Volume II ...
225. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... A. D. Considering the comparatively large number of classical historians of this period - Livy, Thucydides, Plutarch, etc., this scarcity seems odd. Yet, there are only seven separate accounts of solar eclipses that Newton finds acceptable. Here it may be illuminating to see how a couple of accounts prove troublesome. In describing the Persian march led by Xerxes toward Sardis in Book VII of his Persian Wars, Herodotus writes, "[ The Persians observed that] the sun quit his seat in the heavens and disappeared, day turning into night. "Later in Book IX, Herodotus cites the Greeks'observation of the same event. Historians have claimed that Herodotus' narrative must ...
226. Untitled [Journals]
... Velikov Vol0103] Ginenthal, Charles: Oberg's Unscientific Method [Velikov Vol0104] Ginenthal, Charles: Origin of the Moon [Velikov Vol0203] Ginenthal, Charles: Proof of A Celestial Counterforce to Gravity [Velikov Vol0103] Ginenthal, Charles: Pseudo-scientists, Cranks, Crackpots and Henry Bauer [Velikov Vol0101] Ginenthal, Charles: Reflections of the Persian Wars [Velikov Vol0101] Ginenthal, Charles: Reply to Earl Milton [Aeon Vol0103] Ginenthal, Charles: Response to Raspil [Velikov Vol0204] Ginenthal, Charles: Scientific Dating Methods in Ruins [Velikov Vol0201] Ginenthal, Charles: Scientists, Journalists and Editors As Suppressors [Velikov Vol0201] Ginenthal, Charles: Scientists, Journalists ...
227. The Crescent II [Books]
... wings of the wind," the Hindu Vishnu is carried about on the shoulders of the eagle Garuda. The Hindu Agni, Mithra, Varuna, and Yama receive the title Suparna, meaning "strong-winged." It is said that the outstretched wings of the Suparna embrace the Cosmos. (6 ) Also presented as winged gods are the Persian Mithra and Zurvan, the Hebrew and Phoenician El, the Greek Kronos, and all of the leading deities of ancient Egypt. Anyone willing to look beneath the surface will find that the great god's wings are much more than a contrived convenience enabling him to "fly." To thoughtful observers the special role of the winged god presents ...
228. Ebla and Near East Chronology Part I [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Lot, captives, and booty, etc. Elam is presented as the primary power under one Cherdorlaomer, but only the initial element, Kudur, is intelligible in the Elamite tongue. Van Seters[21] suggests Elam is an archaic rendering for Persia of the first millennium, and the three allies can be identified with satrapies of the Persian empire, i.e . Shinar (to Babylonia), Tidal king of Nations (goyim) standing for Hatti (i .e . Syria), which at that time designated a large number of western kingdoms- hence nations (Tidal being a derivative of Hittite Tudhalyas), and Ellasar (to Assyria), i. ...
... Shah's birthday because, in the astrological sense, birth is the decisive moment. But here, and in related cases where chronology is at issue, it is the moment of death, of leaving the stage, that counts. Krishna's departure gives the scheme away. Al-Biruni, in his chapter on "The Festivals of the Months of the Persians," describing the festival Nauróz (" New Day") in the first month of spring, writes: On the 6th day of Farwardln, the day Khurdadh, is the Great Nauróz, for the Persians a feast of great importance. On this day they say God finished the creation, for it is the last of the ...
230. The Velikovskian Vol. I, No. 1: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol. I, No. 1 Texts Home | Velikovskian Home The Velikovskian The Journal of Myth, History and Science Vol. I, No. 1 Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS A Word about the Planetary Debate Irving Wolfe Page 7 Reflections of the Persian Wars Charles Ginenthal Page 16 Ancient Near Eastern Chronology Revised Gunnar Heinsohn Page 27 Calendars Revisited Lynn E. Rose Page 3 Indeterminacy: Temporary, Permanent or Indefinite? Roger W. Wescott Page 53 The Moon in Upheaval Charles Ginenthal Page 56 In the Beginning- A Review Charles Ginenthal Page 102 Pseudo-Scientists, Cranks, Crackpots and Henry Bauer Charles Ginenthal Page 107 CONTRIBUTORS Irving Wolfe (Ph. D. ...
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