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62 pages of results. 191. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Chronology Dear Sir, I am grateful to Gunnar Heinsohn for pointing out the anomaly in my letter, Venus Tablets and Chronology' in Workshop 1990:1 , p. 39. I inadvertently assigned to Darius I the dating of Darius II. if this has led anyone astray, please accept my apologies. In his letter, Ammisaduqa and Persian Astronomy' in Workshop 1990:2 , p. 47, Gunnar Heinsohn gives interesting information about the frequency of the name Ammisaduqa in the time of Ochus. But that does not solve the problem of why the Venus Tablet astronomical record, normally attributed to Ammisaduqa of the Hammurabi dynasty, seems with the Heinsohn chronology to date from 400 ...
192. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... the other, inside which the mystic books of Demeter were inscribed,77 and the stones were thus a parallel to the Hebrew Tables of the Law. At the annual festival the stones were turned on a pivot so as to show the writing; and when closed they were covered with a round cap bearing a mask of Demeter Kidaria (Persian tiara). The myth of Attius Navius cutting a flint, cos, with a sharp knife, novacula,78 has its fuller doublet in the Praenestine, that is Latin, myth of Numerius Suffucius cutting or splitting a silexstone in two and finding therein decrees of fate, sortes, engraved in pristine letters on oak. This again ...
193. Problems of Early Anatolian History Part I [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Hurrian and many Indo-European loan words.12 The Indo-Europeans who influenced the Mitannian language apparently did not come from Europe but from southern Russia by way of the Caucasus area, and their language was from the "Satem" or eastern wing of the Indo-European family.13 It should also be noted that these Indo-Europeans were more lndic than Mede or Persian, their names reflecting certain Indian gods, like Shiva for example. Velikovsky claims that the Mitannians were actually the early Medes, since his chronological revisions bring the two peoples together in time and also because Matiene or Mantiane was the name of a lake and a province of Media during the Classical period.14 Hewsen attempts to connect the ...
... The hiatus in the occupation of the site revealed archaeologically between the violent destruction and the rebuilding is that between the time of Abimelech and that of Jeroboam I. The assumed 400-year gap in the occupation between the Israelite period and the Hellenistic era is then largely closed. What has been called Israelite is Israelite of the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian periods. A further problem is provided a tentative solution. Scripture does not record the conquest of Shechem at the time of Joshua. The earliest remains thus far noted on the site have been dated c. 1800 B.C . (Footnote 57: See ref. 24.) The date by the revision is c. 1400 ...
195. Index of Titles
... ? Ginenthal, Charles: James Hutton: A Non-inductive, Theological Catastrophist Ginenthal, Charles: Mars in Upheaval Ginenthal, Charles: OBERG'S UNSCIENTIFIC METHOD Ginenthal, Charles: Pendulums and Sunspots Ginenthal, Charles: Proof of A Celestial Counterforce to Gravity Ginenthal, Charles: Pseudo-scientists, Cranks, Crackpots and Henry Bauer Ginenthal, Charles: Reflections Of The Persian Wars Ginenthal, Charles: Reply to Earl Milton Ginenthal, Charles: Response To Raspil Ginenthal, Charles: Scientific Dating Methods In Ruins Ginenthal, Charles: Scientists, Journalists and Editors As Suppressors Ginenthal, Charles: SCIENTISTS, JOURNALISTS AND EDITORS AS SUPPRESSORS (PART II) Ginenthal, Charles: Stars, Galaxies and Electro-Gravitic Theory Ginenthal, ...
196. A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Ginenthal goes on with: "One of the earliest attempts at producing an historical chronology of the region was written by Berossus who lived long after the historical periods delineated. Based on his knowledge and that of other historians of his time, he listed only four major civilizations previously dominating Mesopotamia- First Chaldeans, Assyrians, Second Chaldeans and Persians. There were not six or eight major empires, and no one ever recorded the history of a people called the Sumerians. ' Why did such a state of affairs exist? Were the ancients so ignorant that they knew nothing of the Sumerians (to whom modern scholars attribute virtually every ancient innovation)?" [21] And ...
197. Scarab in the Dust: Egypt in the Time of the Twenty-First Dynasty [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the conventional scheme, however, "The Twenty-first Dynasty was supposed to have taken over the reins of government without any foreign intervention." [21] In the 1100 B.C . period there are no candidates for this function. The same objection applies to James-Rohl's 800 B.C . date. And Velikovsky's own identification with the Persians is ruled out, as the Twentieth Dynasty, inextricably linked with the Twenty-first, belongs most definitely to the Late Bronze-Iron interchange period. (We should also note here Israel Isaacson's unpublished observations [22] that the Twentieth Dynasty buildings of Ramses III belong explicitly before the time of the Twenty-fifth Ethiopian Dynasty- which negates Velikovsky's 400 B. ...
... . Velikovsky proposes a solution by developing a model for Egyptian history which necessitates a lowering of the dates of the XXth Dynasty by no less than eight hundred years. He adduces a remarkable series of synchronism to demonstrate this. The mysterious foreigner Arsa, who taxed Egypt before the time of Ramesses III's father, is identified as Arsames, the Persian satrap of Egypt. Ramesses' records and reliefs at Medinet Habu of his struggles with the "Peoples of the Sea", led by the P-r-s-t, are shown as the wars of King Nectanebo I against his erstwhile overlords the Persians and their Greek mercenaries, well known from the Greek historians. The battles, protagonists and military equipment ...
199. Aster and Disaster: The Golden Age - I [Journals] [Kronos]
... terms. If anything, more of them have envisioned it spatially. The ancient Iranians, for example, pictured it as a building - "the house of Yima".(4 ) The Hebrews regarded it as a divinely cultivated plot - "the garden of Eden".(5 ) The word paradise itself comes from the Old Persian *paridaizas, "enclosure" (literally, "something roundly shaped").(6 ) The Sumerians believed paradise to be a city, known as Dilmun.(7 ) Various peoples have seen it as an island or group of islands, ranging from the Greek Elysium to the Celtic Avalon.(8 ) In many ...
... "God cannot be matter: what is not matter is God." Their research into secret matters included the production of Drui Lanach, the Druids' Lightning, and their knowledge of "Magic" was such that Pliny was of opinion that the British Druids with their practice of magic might almost seem to have taught this art to the Persians.4 It is an interesting reflection, for it appears to infer that the Persians who erected their empire with such rapidity did so by the use of magic and made themselves by this means masters of the world for a space. I believe prehistory will support this view and that the Persian kings owed their knowledge primarily to British Druids ...
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