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17 pages of results. 51. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... /$10.00(airmail $17.50). Continues its work as the leading Fortean journal, and is settling down into its improved format. Issue No. 31 (Spring 1980) includes a report on China's elusive hominoid or "Wildman", by YUAN ZHENXIN and HUANG WANPO of the Institute of Palaeoanthropology and Vertebrate Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; "Gateways to Mystery" by DAVID FIDELER, which ties together Fortean phenomena, electromagnetic anomalies and legendary material; and "The Touch of Death" by MICHAEL GOSS, reviewing the evidence for quasi-paranormal martial arts skills. The issue is rounded off with a wide-ranging selection of intriguing notes on ball lightning, ...
52. A Philosophy for Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... one gets closer and closer to the truth as one paradigm succeeds another - say, when the pre-Copernican cosmology is succeeded by the Copernican, or that of Newton by that of Einstein [5 ]. If to defy a reigning paradigm is to be a crank, then VELIKOVSKY, who has defied at least three paradigms, in astronomy, palaeontology and ancient history, is triply a crank. But then, Copernicus and Galileo were cranks for exactly the same reason. It might be objected that the scientific community later came round to accepting the main contentions of Copernicus and Galileo, so therefore they were not cranks. But if this is the criterion, then we simply do not ...
53. The Erratic Descent of Man [Books]
... different sites [11]. Today, the electron-spin resonance (ESR) dating technique can be applied directly to fossil teeth [13-15], but that was not the case at the time of the investigations described in The Making of Mankind and Lucy - The Beginnings of Human- kind. Over the whole period of those investigations, while palaeontologists struggled to assess and date their fossils, they almost totally ignored information that was being made available as a result of biochemical investigations [2 ,4 , 6,13,16-18]. Vincent Sarich and Allan Wilson of the University of California, Berkeley, began in the early 1960s to study the relationship between the genes of different ...
54. Wonderful Life [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Burgess Shale and the Nature of History' this is a fascinating book for biologists, probably completely obscure for traditional historians, but with an intriguing message for catastrophists. The Burgess Shale is a small fossil-rich area high in the mountains of a national park in the Canadian Rockies. It was discovered in 1909 by Charles Doolittle Walcott, America's greatest palaeontologist and administrator. The nature of history as discussed by Gould in this book is primarily the immense span of geological time and the manner in which life evolved on Earth, and of greatest importance is his discussion of how the interpretation of this one collection of fossils has drastically altered our modern views of the evolutionary process. The book is ...
55. Prehistory and Earth Models [Books]
... as a causative factor in evolution, there is difficulty both in accounting for the early and relatively rapid phases of evolution giving rise to major groups and also for the great decline in this phenomenon in later geological time. The Darwinian view of evolution sees all changes in organic form as adaptive changes, but the students of evolutionary change, the palaeontologists, have often been very hesitant to accept such a view. Many have voiced the opinion that in certain cases evolution appears to be non-adaptational, and have generally added that it is directional, maybe leading to extinction. There is a large and familiar literature supporting such views, some in an extreme form. It is however equally clear ...
56. Surprised! [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... ,276 8% ## ## ## ## cosmologists 2,152 127 6% ## ## ## geologists 44,017 2,206 5% ## ## # scientists 1,373,978 71,813 5% ## ## # catastrophists 355 14 4% ## ## palaeontologists 828 35 4% ## ## physicists 48,259 1,679 3% ## # Average: 141,455 9,856 7%- 6% without "reporters" Source: 4 Oct 1999 Column 1: The names of some types of scientist, plus a generic " ...
57. Cataclysm Chronicles [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 1998:1 (June 1998) Home | Issue Contents Cataclysm Chronicles's forgotten past and uncertain future. The information presented here is, although startling, based as much as possible on competent scientific investigation in the fields of geology, astronomy, archaeology, palaeontology, and other relevant domains. This data base does not rely on psychic predictions, channelled information, remote viewing, alien contactees, or other speculative forms of data collection. The Cataclysm Chronicles does not wish to discredit all such speculative sources out-of-hand, but it is my intention to present information which is verifiable by a larger group. ...
58. Shattering The Myths Of Darwinism by Richard Milton (Book review) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... (if it can be so called), being arrived at by an extrapolation or series of extrapolations from items in adjacent strata. Circularity of reasoning, he adds, pervades Darwinist thinking. Not only does it vitiate the concept of natural selection (in which survival is explained by fitness and fitness proved by survival), but it typifies palaeontological synchronisms, in which rocks are dated by fossils and fossils by rocks. Consensual geochronology, the author tells us, if worked out in the consistent manner required by uniformist theory, allows for only a fraction of a millimeter of deposition each year-too little to bury a tadpole, much less a brontosaur. Fossils, he says, require ...
59. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to fit his theories. The Riddled Chain by Jeffrey McKee (Rutgers University Press, $27) Human evolution is currently believed to have been channelled by climate changes. McKee thinks it has been independent of climate and the prime agent of change is some intrinsic internal force. He points out the huge role of chance in the science of palaeontology; a group may not have become extinct simply because there are no fossils, because there may not have been the right conditions to produce a fossil-bearing sedimentation layer. The following books are obtainable from Sourcebook Project, P.O . Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057, USA. Sterling cheques to William R Corliss' at ...
60. Milankovitch's Curves and Palaeoclimatology [Books]
... true, although the similarity in conditions of deposition is only an assumption. Between the Lower Carboniferous and the Pleistocene there is an enormous span of time (about 270 million years according to present-day reckoning) for which we have no comparable information to confirm Korn's statement. This long interval of time reveals numerous climatic changes, supported by geological and palaeontological evidence. How do we know that the year was then of the same length as now or - even presumably - in Carboniferous times? It cannot be proved, and Zeuner makes it quite clear that any assumption that `cannot be proved' cannot `be regarded as satisfactory'.9 The present author has shown in Part II ...
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