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10 pages of results. 71. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... around the world appear to have a far richer civilised history than they have been given credit for, since most important excavation has gone on in drier and more obvious areas such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. Buried heads Science Frontiers No. 123, May-June 99, p. 1 One of the earliest Mexican cultures was that of the east coast Olmecs, dated to 1400 BC. They are best known for the massive stone heads, up to 15' high and with negroid features, which they carved out of hard rock and then deliberately buried. A few hundred miles to the south in Costa Rica large stone spheres were also elaborately carved from rock and many of them were deliberately ...
72. Cultural Amnesia [Books]
... of Communist Russia and China, and of the US Armed Forces are emblems of Athene-Pallas. The dragon, be it Chinese, Assyrian or Mexican, or the dragon fighting with St. George or with Michael the archangel originates from the apparition first seen on the celestial screen in the days of the Passage of the Sea. All Mayan, Olmec and Toltec monuments and temples are constructed to Quetzalcohuatl, the planet Venus and other planetary bodies which superceded in their dominance one another in planetary ages. Quetzalcohuatl is omnipresent in Yucatan, a winged serpent or dragon, exhaling burning water or naphtha. War The after-effects of what took place millennia ago do not lose their grip on the human ...
73. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 23.11.99, Channel 4 TV, 14.8 .00 More and more cases surface of the universality of child sacrifice. The remains of children have been found at the Scottish recumbent stone circles (see above) and the dismembered remains of very young babies have also been found associated with the giant stone heads of the Olmecs in Mexico. The Phoenicians have long been regarded as sacrificers of children to their gods Baal and Astarte. Now an investigation at Carthage and a Phoenician site in Sicily seem to confirm this. Both sites have special burial areas called tophats with thousands of infant remains, together with animal bones. The babies do not appear to have been ...
74. Thoth Vol I, No. 20: August 3, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... else, as confirmation of the recklessness and confusion of myth, another reason not to take myth seriously. The question is not asked because the "Velikovskian" field of study lacks all credibility in the eyes of mainstream authorities. Thus the Mayan scholar Peter Joralemon explained the highly unnatural convergence of symbols on the celestial dragon- The primary concern of Olmec art is the representation of creatures that are biologically impossible. Such mythological beings exist in the mind of man, not in the world of nature. It's easy to see how one might draw this conclusion. But if the symbolism lacks any roots in "the world of nature" and is simply the result of chaotic imagination, then ...
75. Planet of the Greeks by Meres J. Weche (Book Review). C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... using Yahwism as a unifying religion. Weche favours a combination of the first two, with several Exoduses and including the Joshua conquest much earlier. He has the proto-Yahwists arriving in the 12th century and joining the locals. He quotes Ezekiel that the Israelites were descended from Amorites and Hittites. XIV Western Hemisphere This chapter concerns mainly the Aztecs, Olmec and Mayan, the idea being that people came from West Africa to Meso-America after 1187, bringing knowledge of astronomy, art and religion. XV 945-747 A surprising (to me) feature of Weche's reconstruction of Egyptian history is retaining Shoshenq I as Shishak. This seems to have something to do with his equation of Solomon and Tuthmosis III ...
76. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , igneous rock yet these stones were carved with perfectly flat surfaces; the nearest quarry was 4 miles away and the blocks were separated by very thin rock sheets, which the Incas did not normally do. In the mountains of Guatemala a long stone road has been found leading to a mountainside rich in veins of blue jadite. Both the Olmecs and the Maya favoured the stone and there is evidence of mines in the area but it is not known who built the road. In Amazonia there is now much archaeological evidence that 16th century reports of large native settlements were true. The most obvious remains are fertile plots of black earth called terra pretas' which grew crops for years ...
77. Additional Examples of Correct Prognosis [Books] [de Grazia books]
... ' reported W. F. Libby and Frederick Johnson in 1952 [35]. Later this figure was still more reduced; furthermore, it refers to the advance, not the end of the retreat of the ice cover. Possibly the most clear-cut case of vindication concerns the antiquity I assigned to the Mesoamerican civilizations (Mayas, Toltecs, Olmecs). G. Kubler of Yale University wrote (1950)[36]: The Mesoamerican cosmology to which Velikovsky repeatedly appeals for proof did not originate and could not originate until about the beginning of our era. Kubler showed a discrepancy of over 1,000 years and asserted that events I ascribed to the 8th-4th centuries before the ...
78. Thoth Vol II, No. 1: January 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... thus the essential nature of ritual combat. It is significant, therefore, that the great wars of early nations, in their ritualistic aspect, involved a deliberate repetition of earthshaking noise and havoc, endlessly blended with the motives of sacrifice. In the general mythic tradition, sacrifice and war belong to one and the same cosmic sequence. In Olmec times, according to Carrasco, "war was the place where the jaguars roar, ' where feathered war bonnets heave about like foam in the waves. '" The original reference is not to a terrestrial engagement but to the contest of the gods, in which jaguar warriors (including Quetzalcoatl's jaguar form) engaged each other on the ...
79. The Restoration of Ancient History [Articles]
... have to be deduced from the Early Dynasties whose levels nowhere provide the stratigraphic depth to reliably fill their conventional 600 years. Thus, the emergence of post- Neolithic high civilization does not come about before the turn to the 1st millennium B.C .E .. This reduction brings China, the Ganges Valley as well as Mesoamerica (Olmecs) etc., into line with the rest of the world. ...
80. Metals, Salt and Oil [Books] [de Grazia books]
... with hydrocarbon [34]. The ancient bible of Mesoamerica, the Popul Vuh, tells of the fate of the people of that age: And so they were killed; They were overwhelmed. There came a great rain of glue Down from the sky. [35] The "glue" is still found in the land of the Olmecs. William Mullen comments on the work of the pioneer excavators: radiocarbon samples are contaminated by asphalt. "Much of the Early Tres Zapotes level was sealed with volcanic ash. Coe reports that lumps of asphalt were found everywhere at the San Lorenzo excavation."[36] I consulted with an expert on the area. As expected ...
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