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91 results found.
10 pages of results. 41. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... but China and the Ganges culture only moved out of the Stone Age around 1000 BC, whereas all the rest, which were linked through Egyptian dating, reached this stage at 3000 BC, even though the Indus culture was only 30 miles away from the Ganges and stratigraphically lay immediately under Buddhist strata! The earliest civilisation in Meso-America, the Olmec, were also dated to only 1200 BC and the European Bronze Age was formerly dated at only 1000 BC until a connection with Egypt was found which forced historians to make it much older. In answer to queries about the placement of the Egyptian New Kingdom, Heinsohn replied that there was stratigraphical evidence that the late New Kingdom immediately preceded ...
42. Index of Authors
... E. Brandt, The Gravitational-Electromagnetic Effects of Ultramassive Objects on the Solar System Michael Start, Book Reviews Michael Start, How Much Did They Know? Mike Rowland, Midsummer Madness Mike Rowland, The Beginning Of Religious Belief Mike Twose, Gravity and Pterodactyls: More Points to Consider Milo Kearney and Karen LeFevre-Uribe, The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs Milo Kearney, The Mark Of The Beast Milo Kearney, The Prophecy In Paleontology Milton Zysman, Jupiter in Collision: In Search of Velikovsky's Comet Moe Mandelkehr, Geomagnetic Effects of an Earthwide Event in 2300BC Moe Mandelkehr, The Causal Source for the Climatic Changes at 2300 BC Moe ...
43. Index of Titles
... Some Notes on the Revised Chronology (part one) Some observations from Jesse Lasken concerning the new chronology' Some Preliminary Remarks About Thera and Atlantis Some Preliminary Remarks About Ice Cores Some References to the Use of Iron Before the Iron Age Some Religious Themes in the Light of Velikovsky et alia Some Thoughts on Inversion Calculations Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs, The Sothic Dating of the Twelfth and Eighteenth Dynasties, The Sothic Dating Redux Sothic Dating: the Shameless Enterprise Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts Spall Ankh in eastern Wyoming Spatters And Planetary Iconography Speakers at the Conference Special Kronos Endowment Fund Offer Special Kronos Endowment Fund ...
44. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... adjust their finds to fit these preconceived dates." And I strongly suggest that all Morrison and Chapman have done so far is present untested, preconceived ideas, assumptions, suppositions, and biases as facts to reject Velikovsky's concepts. Finally, M. D. Coe claims that in the Americas, a "mighty cataclysm" destroyed the first Olmec civilization, termed the San Lorenzo culture, around 900 B.C . At that time, Coe claims "an actual period of marked cultural change" took place at most Mesoamerican sites. (200) The cause of the cultural collapse and sudden change in culture from one type to a starkly different type, as that outlined by ...
45. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... scale in historical times; the grandiosity of the events inspired awe. From the Far East to the Far West- the Japanese, Chinese and Hindu civilizations; the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics; Mayan, Toltec and Olmec art and legends- all, with no exception, were dominated by the knowledge of events and circumstances that only the most brazen attitude of science could so completely disregard. The scientific community starts its annals with Newton, paying some homage to Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo, unaware that the great ones of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries searched through ...
46. The Mixtec Tree of Origin [Journals] [Aeon]
... taken from a part of a Mixtec codex, an origin-myth." Now I have always loved myths of origin, so I had to get to the bottom of this. What else could I find out? The Mixtec (pronounced "Mishtek") lived in what is now central Mexico. They conquered and were conquered by the coastal Olmecs, highland Toltecs and, finally, the Aztecs. They manufactured paper and had mastered a form of picture writing, some of which luckily escaped the ravages of the European clergy. According to von Hagen: "They were advanced in the arts of building and in agricultural and social planning, and, despite wars of rapine and conquest ...
47. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Pensee]
... in historical times; the grandiosity of the events inspired awe. From the Far East to the Far West- the Japanese, Chinese and Hindu civilizations; the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics; Mayan, Toltec and Olmec art and legends- all, with no exception, were dominated by the knowledge of events and circumstances that only the most brazen attitude of science could so completely disregard. The scientific community starts its annals with Newton, paying some homage to Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo, unaware that the great ones of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries searched ...
48. Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art [Journals] [Aeon]
... the eight-pointed star and pentagram. (53) In most cases, of course, New World petroglyphs occur in contexts otherwise devoid of writing, and thus it is difficult to be certain which celestial body is the subject of the glyph. Such is not the case in Mesoamerica, however, which reached a high stage of civilization under the Olmec and Maya. In addition to developing a sophisticated system of writing, the Maya were also skilled astronomers, capable of calculating the period of Venus to within a fraction of its true value. Early symbols and pictographs of Mesoamerica, consequently, provide an invaluable key to unlocking the secrets of celestial imagery in prehistoric rock art. A prominent ...
49. The Coming Cosmic Debate in the Sciences and Humanities: Revolutionary Vs. Evolutionary Primevology [Articles]
... note. Why have these models been allowed to persist? Is history but an obsessed recapitulation of disastrous experiences? Is it but a shell-shocked capering? Call the role of ancient civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Crete, Cyprus, the Aegean, Greece, the Etruscans, the Romans, the Megalithic pre-historic humans of Europe, the Olmecs and Nayans, the Peruvians, the North American Indians, China, India, Iran, and so forth. Wherever one ventures equipped with the revolutionary theory, old historical evidence is reshaped and new theories emerge. Matters large and matters small become involved. How did the ball games of many cultures come to be invented and why were ...
50. Venus -- A Youthful Planet [Journals] [Kronos]
... to its settling down in its present orbit are described in manifold records, ranging all the way from sober astronomical minutes to vivid descriptions by witnesses of the events and to legends and myths. Anyone who has visited Mexico or Guatemala cannot have escaped the omnipresent vestiges of the cult of Quetzalcohuatl or Kukulcan, the Morning-Evening Star of the Mayas, Olmecs, Toltecs, and Aztecs. From about the middle of the second millennium before the present era,* we have cuneiform records of the motions of Venus (tablets of Ammizaduga) which are in complete disagreement with the presentday elements of orbital motion of the planet. These ancient minutes could not have been errors of a scribe, since ...
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