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10 pages of results. 1. The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 2 (Winter 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs Milo Kearney and Karen LeFevre-Uribe Various recent studies have suggested the presence during the millennium before Christ of Old World probes into the Western Hemisphere. Barry Fell ... . cit., p. 32. 35. Egerton Sykes, op. cit., p. 19. 36. Ramon Valdiosera, Los Misterios Sexuales de los Olmecas (Mexico, D.F ., 1975), and R. A. Jairazbhoy, op. cit., p. 28. 37. Irene Nicholson ...
2. The Mesoamerican Record [Journals] [Pensee]
... civilization is adequate to explain the similarities between a set of cultures stretching from the Mexican highlands down to Honduras. The oldest of these cultures is now accepted to be the Olmec, which established itself around the northern coast of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Inheritors of this culture lie in all directions from the Isthmus. To the southwest the earliest ... of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3: 1-24. Berkeley. Bernal, Ignacio (1969): The Olmec World. Trans. from Spanish (El Mundo Olmeca, 1968) by Doris Heyden and Fernando Horcasitas. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. Caso, Alfonso (1942): Definición y extension del ...
3. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... gods manifested themselves in the shape of various bizarre and literally wonder-full manifestations spread over an unspecified span of time. At one particular stage, the actors in this cosmic opera were lined up above Earth's north polar region, hence the term Polar Configuration. During this particular phase, the gods were three in number (a sacred numeral to both Olmec and Maya) and are known today by their English planetary names of Saturn, Venus, and Mars. These bodies were in a rough line and in that order, with Mars being the closest to Earth's north pole. During this dawn of civilization, Saturn was probably a brown dwarf star. [4 ] Being ten to fifteen ...
4. Fingerprints of the Gods: do ancient relicts point to an advanced civilisation 15,000 years ago? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... history but it was only when I considered how and why it became forgotten that I found myself dealing with catastrophic issues. I shall focus principally on the lost civilisation issue but shall return repeatedly to the issue of global catastrophes. Ancient Egypt and America Figure 1 The Great Sphinx at Giza, gazing east towards the equinoctial sunrise. Figure 2 Olmec head We start with the Great Sphinx of Egypt. I shall be dealing later with the issue of the geological weathering patterns on the body of the Sphinx but at this stage I want to touch on something rather more impressionistic, the face of the Sphinx, which is assumed by Egyptologists to be the face of Khafre, Pharaoh of ...
5. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... shedding its fur and developed under such circumstances to such a level of sophistication that it was capable of passing on oral traditions about a changed heaven. I write this in the hope that other members are asking similar questions, since in the beginning' is where the Saturn theory looks to be most vulnerable. Paul Standring, Bolton Comalcalco and Olmec Heads Bob Porter [1 ] disagrees with my findings [2 ] that the Old World markings on the Comalcalco bricks were transmitted from Southeast Asia via the Pacific and suggests that the shorter, more direct, trans-Atlantic route offers a much simpler solution to the problem. However, firstly, the simplest solution is not necessarily the correct solution ...
6. When Venus Was A Comet [Journals] [Kronos]
... World was that of the serpent-dragon. If the Mayans were as interested in comets as the above evidence suggests, we should expect to find further cometary evidence in their art, where the serpent-dragon is the single most dominant iconographical motif. Represented at every Mayan site of any importance, the dragon can be traced to the earliest stages of the Olmec Period (2000-1500 B.C .) . Peter Joralemon, who has investigated the origins of Mayan dragon iconography, with special emphasis on its Olmec precedents, has concluded that: "The iconographic ancestry of God I- the Olmec Dragon- can be traced back to the beginnings of Olmec civilization. Images of the deity have been ...
7. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . more than 1500 years earlier? Similar questions arise regarding the Americas and China, the two most important civilisations whose chronologies do not depend on Near Eastern/Biblical dating systems. Why did their civilisations, their cosmic mythologies and dragon-inspired iconographies only emerge 1500 years later than the cultures of the Near East? According to conventional chronology, the Olmec culture only began during the late second millennium, and whichever chronological scheme we may choose, the fact is that the known beginning of civilisation in China is approximately a millennium and a half later than the initial phases of Near Eastern civilisations' [23]. This aporia gives rise to a second hypothesis which must be addressed: 2 ...
8. Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock [Journals] [SIS Review]
... nearby Kalasasaya observatory, whose alignments accord with an obliquity of the ecliptic of 23 8" 48'. The present reading is 23 27". In Chichen Itza (Mexico) is the temple of Kukulka, equated with Quetzalcoatl, Orion reborn as a star, Plumed Serpent and Venus. Here human sacrifice was practised in turn by the Olmecs, Mayans, Toltecs and Aztecs in order to forestall the coming of the end of the world. To predict this, they developed sophisticated maths and an accurate calendar. Cholula, another temple of Quetzalcoatl, is 3 times more massive than the Great Pyramid of Egypt. At Tres Zapotes is an Olmec/Mayan calendrical stela dated to ...
9. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Experts are all too keen to extrapolate both forward and backward from the present, each believing his computer program to be infallible, and we seem to end up with as many theories as experts'. This book should be useful in assessing the probability of accuracy for theories about past climate changes and what caused them. Origin of the Olmec Civilization by H.M . Xu, 1996, $16 00 Xu pesents much evidence for his theory that the Olmec civilization was founded by people who fled China at the collapse of the Shang Dynasty in 1122 BC. ...
10. Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of Earth and Venus throughout its length and breadth. The contemporary archaeology of the Americas is only in its beginnings. Ecuador is the current nominee for the Mother culture, and is carried back to 5000 B.P . (Jovea) according to Donald Collier of the University of Chicago. The best-known ancient sites excavated, those of the Olmec civilization of South-Eastern Mexico, do bear the tell-tale marks of fire, ashes and abrupt cessation of activities around 1500 B.C .[ 32]. In the same area, at the Temple of Monte Negro, heavy combustion is reported for the Martian period (a 649 B.C . average date) "over which nothing ...
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