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2161 results found.
217 pages of results. 331. The Celestial Whirlpool Lake [Books]
... " - The Revolving Heavens - " World Mill" and Whirlpool - Northern Stars in Pyramid Age Early Egyptian stellar myths solarised -Northern Stars in "Sun-boat " - Sirius as "Year Star " - " Great Bear" as Set ... have a local significance, lies the ancient belief in good or evil emanations from the cardinal points. In Chinese mythology the beliefs connected with wind and water are of fundamental importance. Wind is controlled by the White Tiger god of ... the rites and mysteries which were considered necessary to ensure the food supply and cure disease by renewing life. The mythical "lake or whirlpool where the whirling logs are said to be is", writes Mr. Matthews, " ...
332. The Celestial Whirlpool Lake [Books]
... " - The Revolving Heavens - " World Mill" and Whirlpool - Northern Stars in Pyramid Age Early Egyptian stellar myths solarised -Northern Stars in "Sun-boat " - Sirius as "Year Star " - " Great Bear" as Set ... have a local significance, lies the ancient belief in good or evil emanations from the cardinal points. In Chinese mythology the beliefs connected with wind and water are of fundamental importance. Wind is controlled by the White Tiger god of ... the rites and mysteries which were considered necessary to ensure the food supply and cure disease by renewing life. The mythical "lake or whirlpool where the whirling logs are said to be is", writes Mr. Matthews, " ...
333. Notes (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... is History by H. S. Bellamy CD Home | Contents Contents | Intro Cosmological Interpretation The First Cycle of Myths The Second Cycle of Myths The Third Cycle of Myths Capture Cataclysm of Luna Appendices Notes Notes Note 1. Cf ... and rise in the evening . . . ' (i .e . in the west). For further mythological references cf. Moons, Myths, and Man. Note 9. In the Apocalypse of Ezra (see Bibliography ... time when his mother was persecuted by a dragon, so was the child of the fifteenth myth, while the mythical Christ was born when a star' (` comet') portentously flamed in the sky. Apollo and the ...
334. The Misread Record by Isaac Vail [Books]
... human thought. The canopy as a watery heaven close to the earth existed for untold millions of years before a myth ever germinated. The myth as a memorial took root in the canopy's fertile seed-bed and grew in canopy soil, ... CD-Rom Home Canopy Skies of Ancient Man Celestial Records of the Orient Eden's Flaming Sword A Glance at Compartive Mythology Golden Age Canopy The Heavens and Earth of Prehistoric Man The Misread Record or The Deluge and its Cause Mythic Mountains The ... of Truth The Misread Record or The Deluge and its Cause Being an explanation of the Annular Theory of the formation of the earth, with special reference to the flood and the legends and folklore of ancient races. Isaac Newton Vail ...
335. Origins of the Red Dragon Symbol? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of a celestial object (probably a comet) as having a bearing on the origin of some dragon- related myths. In Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire', Gibbon (Pelican abridgement, Low. D.M ... generally to the year of birth of the poet Myrddyn (Merlin of Arthurian myth). Admittedly Myrddyn has more mythological importance than historical - but the co-incidence of the dates are revealing. As you know the prophecy of Myrddin is ... old Roman Empire then why not an eagle, which would have had a stronger resonance with the British than a mythical creature. Surely there must have been a stronger and more emotive link to the Dragon for it to have been ...
336. A Critical Re-appraisal of the Book of Genesis, Part Two [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... It is an amazing fact that where there are similar details in the Genesis account of Creation and in the Akkadian myths, almost without exception the Akkadian uses different words and expressions from the Hebrew. Yahuda notes that, whilst some ... these corrupted Mesopotamian myths. If we rely solely on the text of Genesis, without being biased by the Babylonian mythology, we find no trace of any contest with a living monster in the sense of the Babylonian myth of the ... of the gods. Thus there in no intrinsic ground whatever for the identification of tehom' with tiamat'. Here tehom' means nothing else but the primeval water, that ocean which filled the chaos, says Yahuda [16 ...
337. Stephen J. Gould And Immanuel Velikovsky: Essays In The Continuing Velikovsky Affair [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... episodes in the whole history of ideas, and has a great deal to teach us about the difference between the myth and the reality of science. This book is the latest update on the affair and, long as it is ... actually occurred. Dwardu Cardona considers many of Velikovsky's suggested absolute dates as dubious; but he argues that "the mythological record seems to leave no doubt that the Cytherean planet did, indeed, appear in cometary form at some time ... Dwardu Cardona, David Talbott, and Ev Cochrane expose the incompetent work of Bob Forrest's Velikovsky's Sources to show his mythic evidence does not survive the light of examination. Isaac Asimov also comes in for a scathing exposure by Ginenthal and ...
338. The Great Flood -- General Remarks [Books]
... CD Home | Contents In the Beginning: God XII The Great Flood- General Remarks The most fascinating of all myth complexes of all peoples is doubtlessly that dealing with the Great Flood. Also, of all cosmogonic myths the deluge ... myth they frequently contain statements which are apparently flatly contradictory. To quote the most ready example, drawn from biblical mythology, which has caused much head-shaking, one myth states that the waters .. . increased greatly .. . ... all the high hills were covered', while another avers, with as much authority, that there was no more sea'. And sometimes it even happens that one myth contains several elements which do not agree. From these ...
... equinox- that is, a worship identical with that of the pyramid builders who intruded into Northern Egypt. The Myths of Horus and Marduk. In my references to the myth of Horus in Chapter XIV I have shown that in ... pyramids up the river indicates that, so far as these structures go, we lack the links which astronomically and mythologically connect the Delta with Babylonia either directly or by common origin. From Prof. Sayce it is to be gathered ... the northern stars Ann and Bil and the spring sun, first Marduk and afterwards Šamaš. Had there been then myth-makers in Babylonia, the myth would have been the converse of the Egyptian one. There were myth makers, and ...
340. Compelling Insights: Concluded in Sorrow [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the historical annals of the nations - not even in the Book of Exodus where it would rightly belong. The mythological dragon-fight on which he relied for his telling of the event is nowhere dated to the time he had in mind ... like Velikovsky before him, believes that planetary catastrophism continued into the historic period, with the greater portion of the mytho-historical record being attributable to that period. Contrary to this view, Cardona holds that planetary catastrophism came to an end ... 1991 Haliburton Seminar sponsored by the CSIS, the confusion between the celestial north and the zenith can be traced to mythologists, rather than to mythology; mythology concerns itself with the north celestial, and not the zenithal, placement of ...
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